Goals | Penalties |
1. Bridgeport Islanders , Yegor Chinakhov 4 (Nick Robertson 11, Pavel Mintyukov 22) at 10:49
Claude Giroux (TOR) for Tripping (Minor) at 0:21 Ivan Barbashev (TOR) for Diving (Minor) at 5:54 Ivan Barbashev (TOR) for Roughing (Minor) at 11:51 Cale Fleury (TOR) for Hooking (Minor) at 17:09
2. Savannah Ghost Pirates , Ivan Barbashev 6 (Devon Toews 2) at 5:42
3. Bridgeport Islanders , Dmytro Timashov 3 (Josh Jooris 5, Justin Barron 11) at 10:17 (SH)
Pavel Mintyukov (NYI) for Delaying the game (Minor) at 9:40
4. Savannah Ghost Pirates , Cam Atkinson 6 (Claude Giroux 10, Kevin Labanc 3) at 7:36
Brett Ritchie (NYI) for Interference (Minor) at 13:34
No Goal
Savannah Ghost Pirates, David Perron - Goal!
Bridgeport Islanders, Nick Robertson - Goal!
Savannah Ghost Pirates, Cole Caufield - Stopped by Nico Daws
Bridgeport Islanders, Trevor Lewis - Goal!
Savannah Ghost Pirates, Colin White - Stopped by Nico Daws
HUNTER SHEPARD (TOR), 40 saves from 42 shots - (0.952), OTL, 1-1-1, 65:00 minutes
Nico Daws (NYI), 35 saves from 37 shots - (0.946), W, 7-4-0, 65:00 minutes
2 - Nico Daws (NYI)
3 - Dmytro Timashov (NYI)
Referees : Dan Kelly and Trevor Hanson
Linesman : Kory Nagy and Shandor Alphonso
Mark Giordano is injured at 5:08 of 1st period (Left Foot)
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1636 (72.71%) -- Ticket Income $57,260
Level 2 -- Attendance: 925 (74.00%) -- Ticket Income $14,800
Total Attendance: 2561 (73.17%)
Total Ticket Income: $72,060
Total Income: $72,060
Savannah Ghost Pirates
5 vs 5 Forward |
Line # | Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Alexander Barabanov | David Kampf | Ivan Barbashev | 1 | 2 | 2 | 40 | 36% | 17:33
2 | Kevin Labanc | Claude Giroux | Cam Atkinson | 1 | 2 | 2 | 35 | 29% | 14:07
3 | Mikey Eyssimont | Colin White | Cole Caufield | 1 | 2 | 2 | 20 | 21% | 10:07
4 | Nicholas Abruzzese | Chandler Stephenson | David Perron | 1 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 13% | 6:19
5 vs 5 Defense |
Line # | Defense | Defense | | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | David Savard | Joel Edmundson | | 1 | 2 | 2 | 40 | 40% | 19:16
2 | Devon Toews | Cale Fleury | | 1 | 2 | 2 | 40 | 38% | 18:25
3 | Josh Manson | David Rundblad | | 1 | 2 | 2 | 20 | 22% | 10:25
4 | Josh Manson | David Rundblad | | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0% | 0:00
Power Play Forward |
Line # | Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Kevin Labanc | David Kampf | Cole Caufield | 0 | 0 | 5 | 50 | 47% | 1:52
2 | Colin White | Claude Giroux | Cam Atkinson | 0 | 0 | 5 | 50 | 53% | 2:06
Power Play Defense |
Line # | Defense | Defense | | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | David Savard | Devon Toews | | 0 | 0 | 5 | 50 | 60% | 2:22
2 | Cale Fleury | David Rundblad | | 0 | 0 | 5 | 50 | 40% | 1:36
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward |
Line # | Center | Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | David Kampf | Mikey Eyssimont | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 48% | 3:47
2 | Colin White | Ivan Barbashev | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 52% | 4:09
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense |
Line # | Defense | Defense | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | David Savard | Josh Manson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 44% | 3:29
2 | Cale Fleury | Joel Edmundson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 56% | 4:27
Penalty Kill 3 Players |
Line # | Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play | Defense | Defense | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | David Kampf | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 0% | 0:00
| David Savard | Josh Manson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 0% | 0:00
2 | Colin White | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 0% | 0:00
| Cale Fleury | Joel Edmundson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 50 | 0% | 0:00
4 vs 4 Forward |
Line # | Center | Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | David Kampf | Cole Caufield | 1 | 2 | 2 | 60 | 0% | 0:00
2 | Claude Giroux | Mikey Eyssimont | 1 | 2 | 2 | 40 | 0% | 0:00
4 vs 4 Defense |
Line # | Defense | | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Joel Edmundson | Josh Manson | 1 | 2 | 2 | 60 | 0% | 0:00
2 | Cale Fleury | David Savard | 1 | 2 | 2 | 40 | 0% | 0:00
Last Minutes Offensive |
Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | Defense | Defense |
Kevin Labanc | David Kampf | Cole Caufield | David Savard | Josh Manson |
Last Minutes Defensive |
Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | Defense | Defense |
Mikey Eyssimont | Colin White | Ivan Barbashev | David Savard | Josh Manson |
Time |
Total Forward | Total Defense | Last Minutes Offensive | Last Minutes Defensive |
60:00 |
60:00 |
0:00 | 0:00 |
Extra Forwards |
Normal | PowerPlay | Penalty Kill |
Cam Atkinson, Claude Giroux, Cole Caufield | Cole Caufield, Cam Atkinson | Cole Caufield |
Extra Defensemen |
Normal | PowerPlay | Penalty Kill |
David Rundblad, Cale Fleury, Josh Manson | David Rundblad, David Savard | Cale Fleury |
Penalty Shots |
David Perron, Cole Caufield, Colin White, Kevin Labanc, Claude Giroux |
Goalie |
Custom OT Lines Forwards |
David Kampf, Cole Caufield, Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Colin White, Cam Atkinson, , , , |
Custom OT Lines Defensemen |
David Savard, Josh Manson, Devon Toews, Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson |
Scratches |
Alex Nylander (Healthy), Hardy Haman Aktell (Healthy), Alec Martinez (Healthy), Ben Thomas (Healthy), Jake Livingstone (Healthy)
Magnus Chrona (Healthy) |
Bridgeport Islanders
5 vs 5 Forward |
Line # | Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Nick Robertson | Nick Paul | Yegor Chinakhov | 0 | 2 | 3 | 33 | 30% | 14:28
2 | Jake Neighbours | Trevor Lewis | Nikolay Kulemin | 0 | 2 | 3 | 30 | 29% | 13:43
3 | Dryden Hunt | Josh Jooris | Joey Anderson | 0 | 2 | 3 | 20 | 20% | 9:46
4 | Dmytro Timashov | Cole Guttman | Brett Ritchie | 1 | 2 | 2 | 17 | 21% | 10:09
5 vs 5 Defense |
Line # | Defense | Defense | | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Pavel Mintyukov | Justin Barron | | 0 | 4 | 1 | 32 | 29% | 14:05
2 | Victor Mete | Erik Gustafsson | | 0 | 5 | 0 | 30 | 31% | 14:44
3 | Mark Giordano | Akito Hirose | | 0 | 5 | 0 | 30 | 40% | 19:17
4 | Pavel Mintyukov | Victor Mete | | 0 | 5 | 0 | 8 | 0% | 0:00
Power Play Forward |
Line # | Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Nick Robertson | Nick Paul | Yegor Chinakhov | 0 | 0 | 5 | 60 | 58% | 4:36
2 | Dryden Hunt | Trevor Lewis | Joey Anderson | 0 | 0 | 5 | 40 | 42% | 3:20
Power Play Defense |
Line # | Defense | Defense | | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Pavel Mintyukov | Justin Barron | | 0 | 0 | 5 | 60 | 56% | 4:25
2 | Victor Mete | Erik Gustafsson | | 0 | 0 | 5 | 40 | 44% | 3:31
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward |
Line # | Center | Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Josh Jooris | Yegor Chinakhov | 0 | 5 | 0 | 60 | 79% | 3:09
2 | Cole Guttman | Joey Anderson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 40 | 21% | 0:49
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense |
Line # | Defense | Defense | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Victor Mete | Erik Gustafsson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 60 | 50% | 2:00
2 | Justin Barron | Pavel Mintyukov | 0 | 5 | 0 | 40 | 50% | 1:58
Penalty Kill 3 Players |
Line # | Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play | Defense | Defense | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Cole Guttman | 0 | 5 | 0 | 60 | 0% | 0:00
| Justin Barron | Pavel Mintyukov | 0 | 5 | 0 | 60 | 0% | 0:00
2 | Joey Anderson | 0 | 5 | 0 | 40 | 0% | 0:00
| Victor Mete | Akito Hirose | 0 | 5 | 0 | 40 | 0% | 0:00
4 vs 4 Forward |
Line # | Center | Wing | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Nick Paul | Nick Robertson | 0 | 2 | 3 | 60 | 0% | 0:00
2 | Cole Guttman | Nikolay Kulemin | 0 | 2 | 3 | 40 | 0% | 0:00
4 vs 4 Defense |
Line # | Defense | | PHY | DF | OF | Wanted % | Time % | Time Play |
1 | Pavel Mintyukov | Justin Barron | 0 | 5 | 0 | 60 | 0% | 0:00
2 | Mark Giordano | Akito Hirose | 0 | 5 | 0 | 40 | 0% | 0:00
Last Minutes Offensive |
Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | Defense | Defense |
Nick Robertson | Trevor Lewis | Yegor Chinakhov | Pavel Mintyukov | Erik Gustafsson |
Last Minutes Defensive |
Left Wing | Center | Right Wing | Defense | Defense |
Nick Robertson | Nick Paul | Nikolay Kulemin | Pavel Mintyukov | Justin Barron |
Time |
Total Forward | Total Defense | Last Minutes Offensive | Last Minutes Defensive |
60:00 |
60:00 |
0:00 | 0:00 |
Extra Forwards |
Normal | PowerPlay | Penalty Kill |
Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Paul | Josh Jooris, Cole Guttman | Joey Anderson |
Extra Defensemen |
Normal | PowerPlay | Penalty Kill |
Pavel Mintyukov, Mark Giordano, Erik Gustafsson | Justin Barron, Mark Giordano | Victor Mete |
Penalty Shots |
Nick Robertson, Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Nikolay Kulemin, Cole Guttman |
Goalie |
Nico Daws, Lukas Dostal |
Custom OT Lines Forwards |
Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson, Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Nikolay Kulemin, Nick Paul, Cole Guttman, , , |
Custom OT Lines Defensemen |
Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron, Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson, Mark Giordano |
Scratches |
Justin Schultz (Healthy), Christoffer Ehn (Healthy), Martin Marincin (Healthy), Mike Reilly (Healthy), Matt Luff (Healthy)
Simon Holmstrom (Healthy), Ivan Prosvetov (Healthy) |
1st period
0:01 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone.
0:10 of 1st period - Snap shot by David Kampf.
0:10 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
0:11 of 1st period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
0:21 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Claude Giroux for Tripping.
0:22 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
2:21 of 1st period - Penalty to Claude Giroux is over, Claude Giroux is back on ice.
2:41 of 1st period - Devon Toews is hit by Cole Guttman and loses puck.
2:54 of 1st period - Icing by Claude Giroux.
2:55 of 1st period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
3:14 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Claude Giroux.
3:14 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:16 of 1st period - Wrist shot by David Rundblad.
3:16 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
3:18 of 1st period - Snap shot by Kevin Labanc.
3:18 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:20 of 1st period - Wrist shot by David Rundblad.
3:20 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:22 of 1st period - Snap shot by Claude Giroux.
3:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
3:24 of 1st period - Snap shot by David Rundblad.
3:24 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
3:25 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
3:38 of 1st period - Yegor Chinakhov is hit by Ivan Barbashev and loses puck.
3:51 of 1st period - Josh Jooris is hit by Colin White and loses puck.
4:02 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Cole Caufield.
4:02 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
4:04 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mikey Eyssimont.
4:04 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Justin Barron.
4:35 of 1st period - Josh Manson is hit by Nick Robertson and loses puck.
4:56 of 1st period - Slapshot by Josh Manson.
4:56 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:08 of 1st period - Slapshot by David Kampf.
5:08 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Mark Giordano.
5:08 of 1st period - Mark Giordano from Bridgeport Islanders is injured at 5:08 of 1st period (Left Foot).
5:09 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
5:22 of 1st period - Joel Edmundson is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck.
5:35 of 1st period - Alexander Barabanov is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
5:54 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ivan Barbashev for Diving.
5:55 of 1st period - Colin White wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
6:22 of 1st period - Dryden Hunt is hit by Colin White and loses puck.
6:31 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Justin Barron.
6:31 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
6:33 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Victor Mete.
6:33 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:01 of 1st period - Icing by Dryden Hunt.
7:02 of 1st period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
7:36 of 1st period - Icing by Dryden Hunt.
7:37 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
7:54 of 1st period - Penalty to Ivan Barbashev is over, Ivan Barbashev is back on ice.
7:58 of 1st period - Slapshot by Yegor Chinakhov.
7:58 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
7:59 of 1st period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
8:02 of 1st period - Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
8:02 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:04 of 1st period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
8:04 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Devon Toews.
8:06 of 1st period - Slapshot by Yegor Chinakhov.
8:06 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
8:08 of 1st period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
8:08 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
8:09 of 1st period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Nick Robertson in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
8:09 of 1st period - Claude Giroux is hit by Pavel Mintyukov.
8:19 of 1st period - Snap shot by Claude Giroux.
8:19 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
8:20 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
8:21 of 1st period - Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev.
8:21 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:23 of 1st period - Slapshot by Ivan Barbashev.
8:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
8:24 of 1st period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
8:31 of 1st period - Icing by David Kampf.
8:32 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
8:57 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Ivan Barbashev.
8:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:39 of 1st period - Slapshot by David Savard.
9:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
9:57 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jake Neighbours.
9:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:59 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jake Neighbours.
9:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:28 of 1st period - Josh Jooris is hit by Colin White and loses puck.
10:47 of 1st period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
10:47 of 1st period - Deflect By Nick Robertson.
10:47 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
10:49 of 1st period - Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
10:49 of 1st period - Deflect By Kevin Labanc.
10:49 of 1st period - Goal by Yegor Chinakhov - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 0 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
10:50 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone.
10:55 of 1st period - Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev.
10:55 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
10:56 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
11:11 of 1st period - Snap shot by David Kampf.
11:11 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:27 of 1st period - Snap shot by Trevor Lewis.
11:27 of 1st period - Deflect By Nikolay Kulemin.
11:27 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:27 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
11:28 of 1st period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
11:51 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ivan Barbashev for Roughing.
11:52 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
11:52 of 1st period - David Kampf is hit by Nick Paul.
12:18 of 1st period - Mikey Eyssimont is hit by Trevor Lewis and loses puck.
13:51 of 1st period - Penalty to Ivan Barbashev is over, Ivan Barbashev is back on ice.
14:05 of 1st period - Cale Fleury is hit by Brett Ritchie and loses puck.
14:36 of 1st period - Slapshot by Cale Fleury.
14:36 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
14:37 of 1st period - Nikolay Kulemin wins face-off versus Alexander Barabanov in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
14:55 of 1st period - Ivan Barbashev is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
15:16 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Claude Giroux.
15:16 of 1st period - Deflect By Cam Atkinson.
15:16 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Pavel Mintyukov.
15:16 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
15:17 of 1st period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
15:22 of 1st period - Josh Manson is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck.
15:50 of 1st period - Colin White is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck.
16:57 of 1st period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
16:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:59 of 1st period - Slapshot by Akito Hirose.
16:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:09 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Cale Fleury for Hooking.
17:10 of 1st period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
17:38 of 1st period - Snap shot by Trevor Lewis.
17:38 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
17:40 of 1st period - Slapshot by Victor Mete.
17:40 of 1st period - Deflect By Joey Anderson.
17:40 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
17:41 of 1st period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus Ivan Barbashev in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
18:34 of 1st period - Colin White is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck.
18:43 of 1st period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
18:43 of 1st period - Deflect By Nick Paul.
18:43 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
18:45 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nick Paul.
18:45 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:47 of 1st period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
18:47 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
18:49 of 1st period - Slapshot by Justin Barron.
18:49 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
18:50 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
18:50 of 1st period - David Kampf is hit by Joey Anderson.
19:09 of 1st period - Penalty to Cale Fleury is over, Cale Fleury is back on ice.
19:19 of 1st period - Snap shot by Colin White.
19:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:35 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Colin White.
19:35 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:37 of 1st period - Slapshot by Joel Edmundson.
19:37 of 1st period - Deflect By Colin White.
19:37 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Brett Ritchie.
19:37 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
19:38 of 1st period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
19:55 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Jake Neighbours.
19:55 of 1st period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
19:56 of 1st period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 10 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 12 for Bridgeport Islanders.
2nd period
0:01 of 2nd period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone.
0:12 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
0:12 of 2nd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
0:13 of 2nd period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
0:30 of 2nd period - David Savard is hit by Nick Robertson and loses puck.
1:28 of 2nd period - Icing by Erik Gustafsson.
1:29 of 2nd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
1:50 of 2nd period - Victor Mete is hit by Claude Giroux and loses puck.
2:13 of 2nd period - Cale Fleury is hit by Brett Ritchie and loses puck.
2:37 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Claude Giroux.
2:37 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:39 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Devon Toews.
2:39 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Victor Mete.
2:41 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cale Fleury.
2:41 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Erik Gustafsson.
2:43 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Atkinson.
2:43 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
2:45 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Kevin Labanc.
2:45 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:49 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Claude Giroux.
2:49 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Erik Gustafsson.
2:51 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Cam Atkinson.
2:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
2:53 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Cale Fleury.
2:53 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Victor Mete.
2:55 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Cale Fleury.
2:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:57 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Devon Toews.
2:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
2:59 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cale Fleury.
2:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
3:03 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Claude Giroux.
3:03 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:13 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Atkinson.
3:13 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:15 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Atkinson.
3:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
3:16 of 2nd period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
4:10 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Mikey Eyssimont.
4:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
4:11 of 2nd period - Colin White wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
5:12 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Josh Manson.
5:12 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
5:42 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Ivan Barbashev.
5:42 of 2nd period - Goal by Ivan Barbashev - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 1 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
5:43 of 2nd period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone.
6:33 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Akito Hirose.
6:33 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mikey Eyssimont.
7:09 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Colin White.
7:09 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
7:10 of 2nd period - Ivan Barbashev wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
7:29 of 2nd period - Alexander Barabanov is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck.
7:52 of 2nd period - Joel Edmundson is hit by Nick Paul.
8:47 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev.
8:47 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
8:49 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Devon Toews.
8:49 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
9:01 of 2nd period - Snap shot by David Kampf.
9:01 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
9:03 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Alexander Barabanov.
9:03 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
9:05 of 2nd period - Snap shot by David Kampf.
9:05 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:07 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev.
9:07 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Yegor Chinakhov.
9:09 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Ivan Barbashev.
9:09 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:19 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev.
9:19 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
9:20 of 2nd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Jake Neighbours in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
9:23 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Claude Giroux.
9:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
9:40 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Pavel Mintyukov for Delaying the game.
9:41 of 2nd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
10:17 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Josh Jooris.
10:17 of 2nd period - Deflect By Dmytro Timashov.
10:17 of 2nd period - Goal by Dmytro Timashov - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 1 - Bridgeport Islanders : 2.
10:18 of 2nd period - Josh Jooris wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in neutral zone.
11:40 of 2nd period - Penalty to Pavel Mintyukov is over, Pavel Mintyukov is back on ice.
11:52 of 2nd period - Cale Fleury is hit by Trevor Lewis and loses puck.
11:57 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
11:57 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Cale Fleury.
11:59 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nikolay Kulemin.
11:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
12:31 of 2nd period - Joel Edmundson is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
12:49 of 2nd period - Nick Robertson is hit by Alexander Barabanov and loses puck.
13:14 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Josh Jooris.
13:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:35 of 2nd period - Off-side.
13:36 of 2nd period - Cole Guttman wins face-off versus Chandler Stephenson in neutral zone.
13:38 of 2nd period - Off-side.
13:39 of 2nd period - Chandler Stephenson wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in neutral zone.
13:42 of 2nd period - Snap shot by David Savard.
13:42 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:06 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Joel Edmundson.
14:06 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
14:08 of 2nd period - Slapshot by David Savard.
14:08 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
14:10 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Kevin Labanc.
14:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
14:11 of 2nd period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
15:11 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Dryden Hunt.
15:11 of 2nd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
15:12 of 2nd period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
15:51 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Claude Giroux.
15:51 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:04 of 2nd period - Off-side.
16:05 of 2nd period - Josh Jooris wins face-off versus Colin White in neutral zone.
16:58 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
16:58 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:00 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
17:00 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nick Paul.
17:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
17:02 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Pavel Mintyukov.
17:02 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Cale Fleury.
17:40 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cole Caufield.
17:40 of 2nd period - Deflect By Colin White.
17:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:40 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
17:41 of 2nd period - Colin White wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
18:39 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Erik Gustafsson.
18:39 of 2nd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
18:56 of 2nd period - Off-side.
18:57 of 2nd period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone.
18:59 of 2nd period - Off-side.
19:00 of 2nd period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone.
19:03 of 2nd period - David Savard is hit by Justin Barron and loses puck.
19:26 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nick Robertson.
19:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
19:27 of 2nd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
19:52 of 2nd period - Nick Paul is hit by Claude Giroux and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 1 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 18 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 7 for Bridgeport Islanders.
3rd period
0:01 of 3rd period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone.
0:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Pavel Mintyukov.
0:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
0:09 of 3rd period - Ivan Barbashev wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
0:24 of 3rd period - Joel Edmundson is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
0:29 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Trevor Lewis.
0:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
0:33 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
0:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
0:34 of 3rd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
0:41 of 3rd period - Nick Paul is hit by Kevin Labanc and loses puck.
1:05 of 3rd period - Pavel Mintyukov is hit by Mikey Eyssimont and loses puck.
1:26 of 3rd period - David Perron is hit by Trevor Lewis and loses puck.
1:34 of 3rd period - Icing by Akito Hirose.
1:35 of 3rd period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
2:23 of 3rd period - Icing by Jake Neighbours.
2:24 of 3rd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
2:29 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Claude Giroux.
2:29 of 3rd period - Deflect By Kevin Labanc.
2:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
2:30 of 3rd period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
3:20 of 3rd period - Justin Barron is hit by David Kampf and loses puck.
3:39 of 3rd period - Nick Robertson is hit by Josh Manson and loses puck.
4:24 of 3rd period - Devon Toews is hit by Josh Jooris and loses puck.
4:29 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
4:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
4:31 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
4:31 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
4:32 of 3rd period - Ivan Barbashev wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
5:21 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Cam Atkinson.
5:21 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
5:33 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Kevin Labanc.
5:33 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:35 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Cam Atkinson.
5:35 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Joey Anderson.
5:45 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Akito Hirose.
5:45 of 3rd period - Deflect By Joel Edmundson.
5:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
5:47 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Dmytro Timashov.
5:47 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
5:48 of 3rd period - Alexander Barabanov wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
6:01 of 3rd period - Justin Barron is hit by Ivan Barbashev.
6:09 of 3rd period - Alexander Barabanov is hit by Dmytro Timashov and loses puck.
6:26 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev.
6:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
6:27 of 3rd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
6:54 of 3rd period - Devon Toews is hit by Josh Jooris and loses puck.
7:07 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Akito Hirose.
7:07 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
7:19 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Trevor Lewis.
7:19 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
7:21 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Akito Hirose.
7:21 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Josh Manson.
7:23 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Akito Hirose.
7:23 of 3rd period - Deflect By Trevor Lewis.
7:23 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by David Rundblad.
7:23 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
7:24 of 3rd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
7:24 of 3rd period - Claude Giroux is hit by Jake Neighbours.
7:30 of 3rd period - Jake Neighbours is hit by Claude Giroux.
7:34 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Claude Giroux.
7:34 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
7:36 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Cam Atkinson.
7:36 of 3rd period - Goal by Cam Atkinson - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 2 - Bridgeport Islanders : 2.
7:37 of 3rd period - Alexander Barabanov wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone.
7:46 of 3rd period - Ivan Barbashev is hit by Pavel Mintyukov and loses puck.
8:11 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Kevin Labanc.
8:11 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Erik Gustafsson.
8:55 of 3rd period - Cole Caufield is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck.
9:30 of 3rd period - David Rundblad is hit by Nick Paul.
9:34 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
9:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
9:35 of 3rd period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
9:48 of 3rd period - Akito Hirose is hit by Cam Atkinson and loses puck.
10:11 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
10:11 of 3rd period - Deflect By Joel Edmundson.
10:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
10:13 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jake Neighbours.
10:13 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:37 of 3rd period - Ivan Barbashev is hit by Dmytro Timashov and loses puck.
11:11 of 3rd period - Cole Caufield is hit by Victor Mete and loses puck.
11:32 of 3rd period - Trevor Lewis is hit by Devon Toews and loses puck.
11:41 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Nicholas Abruzzese.
11:41 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
11:59 of 3rd period - Dmytro Timashov is hit by Claude Giroux and loses puck.
12:04 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Cam Atkinson.
12:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:16 of 3rd period - Josh Jooris is hit by Josh Manson and loses puck.
12:28 of 3rd period - Dryden Hunt is hit by Mikey Eyssimont and loses puck.
12:41 of 3rd period - Yegor Chinakhov is hit by Josh Manson.
12:45 of 3rd period - Pavel Mintyukov is hit by Alexander Barabanov and loses puck.
12:56 of 3rd period - Jake Neighbours is hit by Kevin Labanc and loses puck.
13:03 of 3rd period - Jake Neighbours is hit by Josh Manson.
13:07 of 3rd period - Cam Atkinson is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
13:22 of 3rd period - Snap shot by David Perron.
13:22 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
13:34 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brett Ritchie for Interference.
13:35 of 3rd period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
14:11 of 3rd period - Icing by David Savard.
14:12 of 3rd period - Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
14:29 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Colin White.
14:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
15:11 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Cole Guttman.
15:11 of 3rd period - Deflect By Joey Anderson.
15:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
15:13 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Joey Anderson.
15:13 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by David Rundblad.
15:34 of 3rd period - Penalty to Brett Ritchie is over, Brett Ritchie is back on ice.
15:55 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Dmytro Timashov.
15:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
15:56 of 3rd period - David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
16:13 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Lewis.
16:13 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
16:14 of 3rd period - Cole Guttman wins face-off versus Cole Caufield in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
16:29 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
16:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
16:39 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
16:39 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:41 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Victor Mete.
16:41 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
16:43 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nick Paul.
16:43 of 3rd period - Deflect By Yegor Chinakhov.
16:43 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:43 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
16:44 of 3rd period - Nick Paul wins face-off versus Alexander Barabanov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
17:37 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Cole Caufield.
17:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
18:04 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Trevor Lewis.
18:04 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by David Savard.
18:06 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nikolay Kulemin.
18:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
18:21 of 3rd period - David Savard is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck.
18:35 of 3rd period - Off-side.
18:36 of 3rd period - Josh Jooris wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in neutral zone.
19:12 of 3rd period - Akito Hirose is hit by Josh Manson and loses puck.
19:19 of 3rd period - Pavel Mintyukov is hit by David Kampf and loses puck.
19:49 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov.
19:49 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
19:51 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Brett Ritchie.
19:51 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
19:52 of 3rd period - Dryden Hunt wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
19:57 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Josh Jooris.
19:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
19:59 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Joey Anderson.
19:59 of 3rd period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
Goals for this period are 1 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 0 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 8 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 21 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Overtime #1
0:01 of 1st overtime period - Nick Robertson wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in neutral zone.
0:12 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
0:12 of 1st overtime period - Deflect By Nick Robertson.
0:12 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:12 of 1st overtime period - Puck is out of play.
0:13 of 1st overtime period - Nick Robertson wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
0:16 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov.
0:16 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
0:17 of 1st overtime period - Nick Robertson wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
1:50 of 1st overtime period - Slapshot by Cam Atkinson.
1:50 of 1st overtime period - Shot Hit the Post.
1:52 of 1st overtime period - Slapshot by Josh Manson.
1:52 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
2:18 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Dryden Hunt.
2:18 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
2:19 of 1st overtime period - Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus Colin White in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
2:44 of 1st overtime period - David Savard is hit by Yegor Chinakhov and loses puck.
3:22 of 1st overtime period - Pavel Mintyukov is hit by Cam Atkinson and loses puck.
3:29 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Colin White.
3:29 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:43 of 1st overtime period - Backhand shot by Cole Caufield.
3:43 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:27 of 1st overtime period - Nick Paul is hit by Cole Caufield and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 0 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 1 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 2 for Bridgeport Islanders.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Round #1.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Savannah Ghost Pirates, David Perron.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Wrist shot by David Perron.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Goal by David Perron.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Bridgeport Islanders, Nick Robertson.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Deke by Nick Robertson.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Goal by Nick Robertson.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Round #2.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Savannah Ghost Pirates, Cole Caufield.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Cole Caufield.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Nico Daws.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Bridgeport Islanders, Trevor Lewis.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Trevor Lewis.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Goal by Trevor Lewis.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Round #3.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Savannah Ghost Pirates, Colin White.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Backhand shot by Colin White.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Nico Daws.
Full Play-by-Play
1st period
Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone. Pass to David Savard. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Snap shot by David Kampf. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Kevin Labanc. Minor Penalty to Claude Giroux for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to David Savard. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Puck retreived by Joey Anderson. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Dryden Hunt moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Trevor Lewis.
Time : 1. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Josh Manson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Colin White. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by David Kampf. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Kampf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Joey Anderson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by Cale Fleury in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cale Fleury. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nick Paul. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cale Fleury. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Kampf. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to Colin White in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Caufield, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty to Claude Giroux is over, Claude Giroux is back on ice. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Victor Mete in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Savard. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Puck retreived by Devon Toews. Devon Toews is hit by Cole Guttman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Mete for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Mark Giordano, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Akito Hirose. Puck retreived by Claude Giroux. Icing by Claude Giroux. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Devon Toews. Pass to Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Pass to Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
Time : 3. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Wrist shot by Claude Giroux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by David Rundblad. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Kevin Labanc. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by David Rundblad. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Claude Giroux. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by David Rundblad. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Paul in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Paul intercepted by David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Puck retreived by Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov is hit by Ivan Barbashev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Paul for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Paul. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Puck retreived by Josh Jooris. Josh Jooris is hit by Colin White and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Cole Caufield.
Time : 4. Wrist shot by Cole Caufield. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Eyssimont for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Mikey Eyssimont. Shot Blocked by Justin Barron. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Eyssimont for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Joey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Guttman. Cole Guttman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dmytro Timashov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dmytro Timashov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Puck retreived by Josh Manson. Josh Manson is hit by Nick Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Paul for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin in neutral zone. Pass by Nikolay Kulemin intercepted by Nicholas Abruzzese in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Josh Manson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Josh Manson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Gustafsson for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone.
Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Mark Giordano, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by David Kampf. Shot Blocked by Mark Giordano. Mark Giordano from Bridgeport Islanders is injured at 5:08 of 1st period (Left Foot). Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Joel Edmundson is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Chinakhov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Puck retreived by Alexander Barabanov. Alexander Barabanov is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Minor Penalty to Ivan Barbashev for Diving. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Colin White wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Caufield. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws.
Time : 6. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Kampf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt is hit by Colin White and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Justin Barron moves puck in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Wrist shot by Justin Barron. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Mete for Bridgeport Islanders. Backhand shot by Victor Mete. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Lewis for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Puck retreived by Chandler Stephenson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Chandler Stephenson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws.
Time : 7. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Icing by Dryden Hunt. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Kampf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Kampf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Nick Paul. Nick Paul moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Josh Manson. Pass to Colin White. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Icing by Dryden Hunt. David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Penalty to Ivan Barbashev is over, Ivan Barbashev is back on ice. Pass to Nick Paul. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Slapshot by Yegor Chinakhov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov.
Time : 8. Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Shot Blocked by Devon Toews. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Chinakhov for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Yegor Chinakhov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Nick Paul is ejected from face-off, Nick Robertson takes his place. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Nick Robertson in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cale Fleury. Claude Giroux is hit by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Devon Toews in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Pass to Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Claude Giroux. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ivan Barbashev for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Ivan Barbashev. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Nick Paul wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by David Kampf. Icing by David Kampf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by Ivan Barbashev in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by David Savard in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. David Kampf moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Dryden Hunt. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Ivan Barbashev moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Wrist shot by Ivan Barbashev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Eyssimont for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Time : 9. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Jake Neighbours moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Nick Robertson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by David Savard. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Gustafsson for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Victor Mete moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Guttman. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Cole Guttman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Slapshot by Jake Neighbours. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Jake Neighbours. Shot Misses the Net.
Time : 10. Free Puck Retrieved by Akito Hirose for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Akito Hirose. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Puck retreived by Mikey Eyssimont. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Puck retreived by Josh Jooris. Josh Jooris is hit by Colin White and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Josh Jooris. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Deflect By Nick Robertson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Chinakhov for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Deflect By Kevin Labanc. Goal by Yegor Chinakhov - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 0 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone. Pass to Cale Fleury. Cale Fleury moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf.
Time : 11. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Pass to David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Pass to David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by David Kampf. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ivan Barbashev for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Trevor Lewis moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Snap shot by Trevor Lewis. Deflect By Nikolay Kulemin. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Minor Penalty to Ivan Barbashev for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. David Kampf is hit by Nick Paul. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Cole Caufield moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Justin Barron.
Time : 12. Pass to Nick Paul. Cole Caufield stole the puck from Nick Paul. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Puck retreived by Mikey Eyssimont. Mikey Eyssimont is hit by Trevor Lewis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by David Savard. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Joey Anderson. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Caufield. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Colin White.
Time : 13. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Pass to David Kampf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Kampf. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Eyssimont. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - David Kampf, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to David Savard. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Manson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Penalty to Ivan Barbashev is over, Ivan Barbashev is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Dmytro Timashov in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
Time : 14. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Puck retreived by Cale Fleury. Cale Fleury is hit by Brett Ritchie and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Cale Fleury in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cale Fleury. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese. Pass to Cale Fleury. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Cale Fleury moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Josh Jooris, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Cale Fleury moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Cale Fleury. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Josh Jooris is ejected from face-off, Nikolay Kulemin takes his place. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Alexander Barabanov takes his place. Nikolay Kulemin wins face-off versus Alexander Barabanov in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Nikolay Kulemin in neutral zone. Pass by Nikolay Kulemin intercepted by David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by David Kampf. Pass to David Savard. David Savard moves puck in neutral zone. David Savard loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Ivan Barbashev. Ivan Barbashev is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours.
Time : 15. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Wrist shot by Claude Giroux. Deflect By Cam Atkinson. Shot Blocked by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Puck retreived by Josh Manson. Josh Manson is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Robertson for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Rundblad. Pass to Claude Giroux. Claude Giroux moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Robertson stole the puck from Claude Giroux. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Kevin Labanc. Puck retreived by Erik Gustafsson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Josh Manson in neutral zone. Pass by Josh Manson intercepted by Akito Hirose. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Akito Hirose. Puck retreived by Colin White. Colin White is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Caufield for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Mikey Eyssimont moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Puck retreived by Joey Anderson.
Time : 16. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by Cale Fleury in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cale Fleury. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by Alexander Barabanov. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Ivan Barbashev moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Akito Hirose. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Nicholas Abruzzese stole the puck from Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Joel Edmundson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Akito Hirose moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Akito Hirose for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Akito Hirose. Shot Misses the Net.
Time : 17. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Minor Penalty to Cale Fleury for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Chinakhov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Kampf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Mete, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Snap shot by Trevor Lewis. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Mete for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Victor Mete. Deflect By Joey Anderson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Colin White is ejected from face-off, Ivan Barbashev takes his place. Nick Paul wins face-off versus Ivan Barbashev in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson.
Time : 18. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Savard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Puck retreived by Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Nick Robertson. Nick Robertson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Rundblad, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nick Paul. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Puck retreived by Colin White. Colin White is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Mete for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Deflect By Nick Paul. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Paul for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Nick Paul. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Justin Barron. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Mikey Eyssimont are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. David Kampf is hit by Joey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by David Savard.
Time : 19. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Colin White, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Penalty to Cale Fleury is over, Cale Fleury is back on ice. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. Puck retreived by Colin White. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Colin White. Snap shot by Colin White. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Cole Guttman. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Justin Barron in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to Colin White. Wrist shot by Colin White. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Joel Edmundson. Deflect By Colin White. Shot Blocked by Brett Ritchie. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Victor Mete. Victor Mete moves puck in neutral zone. David Rundblad stole the puck from Victor Mete. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Victor Mete in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Trevor Lewis moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Backhand shot by Jake Neighbours. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev.
Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 10 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 12 for Bridgeport Islanders.
2nd period
Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. David Kampf moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Ivan Barbashev in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by David Savard. David Savard is hit by Nick Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Barabanov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Time : 1. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Nikolay Kulemin stole the puck from Cole Caufield. Pass by Nikolay Kulemin intercepted by David Savard. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Trevor Lewis. Pass by Trevor Lewis intercepted by Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Pass to Colin White in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Icing by Erik Gustafsson. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Victor Mete stole the puck from Kevin Labanc. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in neutral zone. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass to Claude Giroux. Claude Giroux moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Claude Giroux. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Victor Mete is hit by Claude Giroux and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone.
Time : 2. Cale Fleury stole the puck from Victor Mete. Pass to Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Dmytro Timashov. Pass by Dmytro Timashov intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Puck retreived by Cale Fleury. Cale Fleury is hit by Brett Ritchie and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Kevin Labanc. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass to Kevin Labanc in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Claude Giroux. Snap shot by Claude Giroux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Devon Toews. Shot Blocked by Victor Mete. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Cale Fleury. Shot Blocked by Erik Gustafsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Cam Atkinson. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by Kevin Labanc. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Claude Giroux. Wrist shot by Claude Giroux. Shot Blocked by Erik Gustafsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Cam Atkinson. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Cale Fleury. Shot Blocked by Victor Mete. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Backhand shot by Cale Fleury. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Devon Toews. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Cale Fleury. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
Time : 3. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Claude Giroux. Wrist shot by Claude Giroux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Cole Guttman. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Pass to Cam Atkinson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Cam Atkinson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Cam Atkinson. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Nick Robertson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by David Savard in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Puck retreived by Trevor Lewis. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Trevor Lewis intercepted by David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by David Perron in neutral zone. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Nicholas Abruzzese intercepted by Akito Hirose. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours.
Time : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Cole Caufield moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Snap shot by Mikey Eyssimont. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Colin White wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Nick Paul. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Joel Edmundson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Barabanov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Victor Mete in neutral zone.
Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Puck retreived by David Savard. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. Puck retreived by Chandler Stephenson. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Josh Manson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Josh Manson. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dryden Hunt for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Nicholas Abruzzese in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Nicholas Abruzzese. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Joey Anderson. Pass to Josh Jooris. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Josh Jooris moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Justin Barron, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Ivan Barbashev moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Ivan Barbashev. Goal by Ivan Barbashev - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 1 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone. Pass to David Savard. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov.
Time : 6. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Nick Paul in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Paul. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Devon Toews. Pass to Cale Fleury. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Justin Barron in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Colin White. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Akito Hirose. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Akito Hirose. Snap shot by Akito Hirose. Shot Blocked by Mikey Eyssimont. Free Puck Retrieved by Akito Hirose for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Ritchie intercepted by David Rundblad in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Dmytro Timashov in neutral zone. Pass by Dmytro Timashov intercepted by Josh Manson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Akito Hirose. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by Josh Manson in neutral zone. Pass by Josh Manson intercepted by Josh Jooris. Pass to Akito Hirose. Akito Hirose moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
Time : 7. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Cole Caufield moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Colin White. Wrist shot by Colin White. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Ivan Barbashev takes his place. Ivan Barbashev wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Nick Robertson. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by Alexander Barabanov. Alexander Barabanov is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Joel Edmundson is hit by Nick Paul. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone.
Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Puck retreived by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Pass to Cale Fleury in neutral zone. Cale Fleury moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Victor Mete stole the puck from Cale Fleury. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Devon Toews in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Puck retreived by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Alexander Barabanov. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Devon Toews. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Backhand shot by Devon Toews. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Time : 9. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by David Kampf. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Barabanov for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by Alexander Barabanov. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by David Kampf for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by David Kampf. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ivan Barbashev for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev. Shot Blocked by Yegor Chinakhov. Free Puck Retrieved by Ivan Barbashev for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by Ivan Barbashev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Barabanov for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis is ejected from face-off, Jake Neighbours takes his place. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Jake Neighbours in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Snap shot by Claude Giroux. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Jake Neighbours stole the puck from Cam Atkinson. Minor Penalty to Pavel Mintyukov for Delaying the game. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Devon Toews are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Guttman, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Barron, Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Colin White. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Joey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Cam Atkinson in neutral zone.
Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Devon Toews. Pass by Devon Toews intercepted by Joey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Colin White, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass to Josh Jooris in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Slapshot by Josh Jooris. Deflect By Dmytro Timashov. Goal by Dmytro Timashov - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 1 - Bridgeport Islanders : 2. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Josh Jooris wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Puck retreived by Cale Fleury. Pass to Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Claude Giroux moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Cale Fleury in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cale Fleury. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Joey Anderson. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to Cole Caufield. Cole Caufield moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Devon Toews are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Joey Anderson, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Claude Giroux. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Joey Anderson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.
Time : 11. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Barron, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Savard. Pass to Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Colin White, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Joey Anderson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Justin Barron. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Chandler Stephenson, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Akito Hirose. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Lewis, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Chandler Stephenson. Pass to David Rundblad. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty to Pavel Mintyukov is over, Pavel Mintyukov is back on ice. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by Cale Fleury. Cale Fleury is hit by Trevor Lewis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Shot Blocked by Cale Fleury. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolay Kulemin for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Nikolay Kulemin. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound.
Time : 12. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Colin White, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Guttman. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Cole Guttman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cale Fleury. Pass to David Rundblad in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. David Rundblad moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Akito Hirose. Pass to Josh Jooris in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Josh Jooris. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Joel Edmundson is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Puck retreived by Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Nick Robertson is hit by Alexander Barabanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Barabanov for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Alexander Barabanov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by David Savard in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Kevin Labanc in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
Time : 13. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Cole Guttman. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by David Savard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Victor Mete moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Josh Jooris. Snap shot by Josh Jooris. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Eyssimont for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Devon Toews in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dmytro Timashov in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Cole Guttman wins face-off versus Chandler Stephenson in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Off-side. Chandler Stephenson wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in neutral zone. Pass to David Savard. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by David Savard. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Guttman in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Brett Ritchie in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Time : 14. Pass to Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Joel Edmundson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Joel Edmundson. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by David Savard. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by Kevin Labanc. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Cale Fleury stole the puck from Jake Neighbours. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Pass to Devon Toews. Devon Toews moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Devon Toews in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Pass to Devon Toews. Devon Toews moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Kevin Labanc. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.
Time : 15. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt moves puck in neutral zone. David Savard stole the puck from Dryden Hunt. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Joey Anderson. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Snap shot by Dryden Hunt. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor Lewis intercepted by David Savard in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Pass to David Savard. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nikolay Kulemin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. David Kampf moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Pass to Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Claude Giroux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Paul for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Savard.
Time : 16. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Kevin Labanc moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Josh Jooris wins face-off versus Colin White in neutral zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Akito Hirose. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Devon Toews. Pass to Cole Caufield. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Akito Hirose. Pass to Joey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Erik Gustafsson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Jake Neighbours moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin. Pass by Nikolay Kulemin intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass by Devon Toews intercepted by Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Wrist shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders.
Time : 17. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Deflect By Nick Paul. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Backhand shot by Pavel Mintyukov. Shot Blocked by Cale Fleury. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass by Devon Toews intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Devon Toews in neutral zone. Devon Toews moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese. Pass to David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Dmytro Timashov. Pass to Cole Guttman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Cole Guttman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Cole Caufield moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Cole Caufield. Deflect By Colin White. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Colin White wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Joey Anderson. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by Cole Caufield. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Victor Mete.
Time : 18. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Cole Caufield. Pass to Colin White. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by David Rundblad in neutral zone. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Josh Jooris in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Josh Jooris intercepted by Josh Manson in neutral zone. Pass by Josh Manson intercepted by Dryden Hunt in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont in neutral zone. Pass to Colin White. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Pass to Josh Jooris in neutral zone. Josh Jooris moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Wrist shot by Erik Gustafsson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Manson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by Josh Manson. Pass by Josh Manson intercepted by Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Off-side.
Time : 19. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by David Savard. David Savard is hit by Justin Barron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Lewis for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Snap shot by Nick Robertson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul is ejected from face-off, Yegor Chinakhov takes his place. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Devon Toews. Devon Toews moves puck in neutral zone. Devon Toews loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Akito Hirose. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Claude Giroux. Puck retreived by Nick Paul. Nick Paul is hit by Claude Giroux and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Labanc for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Cam Atkinson in neutral zone.
Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 18 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 7 for Bridgeport Islanders.
3rd period
Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Snap shot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Ivan Barbashev takes his place. Ivan Barbashev wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Alexander Barabanov. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. David Kampf moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Jake Neighbours moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Joel Edmundson. Joel Edmundson is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Wrist shot by Trevor Lewis. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Lewis for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Devon Toews. Devon Toews moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Puck retreived by Nick Paul. Nick Paul is hit by Kevin Labanc and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Kevin Labanc. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Kevin Labanc. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Akito Hirose. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov.
Time : 1. Puck retreived by Mikey Eyssimont. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Joel Edmundson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Joel Edmundson. Puck retreived by Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov is hit by Mikey Eyssimont and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Akito Hirose. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by Alexander Barabanov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin. Pass by Nikolay Kulemin intercepted by Joel Edmundson in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Akito Hirose. Puck retreived by David Perron. David Perron is hit by Trevor Lewis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Akito Hirose in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Icing by Akito Hirose. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nikolay Kulemin. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis.
Time : 2. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Alexander Barabanov. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Jake Neighbours in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Icing by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Wrist shot by Claude Giroux. Deflect By Kevin Labanc. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Joey Anderson. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Mete, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Joey Anderson intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Victor Mete in neutral zone.
Time : 3. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Cole Caufield. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Mikey Eyssimont moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Victor Mete stole the puck from Mikey Eyssimont. Pass to Josh Jooris in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Josh Jooris. Puck retreived by Mikey Eyssimont. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Joey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Justin Barron is hit by David Kampf and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Guttman for Bridgeport Islanders. Cole Guttman moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Dmytro Timashov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Justin Barron. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Nick Robertson is hit by Josh Manson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicholas Abruzzese for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Nicholas Abruzzese intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cale Fleury. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. David Perron moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. David Perron loses puck.
Time : 4. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass by Erik Gustafsson intercepted by Cale Fleury in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cale Fleury. Puck retreived by Akito Hirose. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Devon Toews. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. Puck retreived by Devon Toews. Devon Toews is hit by Josh Jooris and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Jooris for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Ivan Barbashev takes his place. Ivan Barbashev wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to David Kampf. David Kampf moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by David Kampf. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Josh Manson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Josh Manson intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Alexander Barabanov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Alexander Barabanov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to David Rundblad. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad.
Time : 5. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nikolay Kulemin. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Josh Manson. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Cam Atkinson. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Snap shot by Kevin Labanc. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Snap shot by Cam Atkinson. Shot Blocked by Joey Anderson. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Claude Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Erik Gustafsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Akito Hirose moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Slapshot by Akito Hirose. Deflect By Joel Edmundson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dmytro Timashov for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Dmytro Timashov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Alexander Barabanov takes his place. Alexander Barabanov wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to David Savard. David Savard moves puck in neutral zone. David Savard moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Brett Ritchie. Pass by Brett Ritchie intercepted by David Savard in neutral zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev.
Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Justin Barron is hit by Ivan Barbashev. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Ivan Barbashev. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by Alexander Barabanov. Alexander Barabanov is hit by Dmytro Timashov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dmytro Timashov for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Pass by Dmytro Timashov intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass to David Savard. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Ivan Barbashev. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Nick Paul in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux. Nick Robertson stole the puck from Claude Giroux. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Kevin Labanc. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Nikolay Kulemin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nikolay Kulemin. Puck retreived by Devon Toews. Devon Toews is hit by Josh Jooris and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cale Fleury for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone.
Time : 7. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Akito Hirose moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Slapshot by Akito Hirose. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mikey Eyssimont. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Joey Anderson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Wrist shot by Trevor Lewis. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Akito Hirose for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Akito Hirose. Shot Blocked by Josh Manson. Free Puck Retrieved by Akito Hirose for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Akito Hirose. Deflect By Trevor Lewis. Shot Blocked by David Rundblad. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Claude Giroux is hit by Jake Neighbours. Cam Atkinson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. Puck retreived by Jake Neighbours. Jake Neighbours is hit by Claude Giroux. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Pass to Claude Giroux in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Claude Giroux. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Wrist shot by Cam Atkinson. Goal by Cam Atkinson - Savannah Ghost Pirates : 2 - Bridgeport Islanders : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Alexander Barabanov takes his place. Alexander Barabanov wins face-off versus Nick Paul in neutral zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Nick Robertson. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by Ivan Barbashev. Ivan Barbashev is hit by Pavel Mintyukov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Paul for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Savard. Pass to Alexander Barabanov. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone.
Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nick Paul. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass by Trevor Lewis intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Snap shot by Kevin Labanc. Shot Blocked by Erik Gustafsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Mikey Eyssimont. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Chandler Stephenson. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Chandler Stephenson. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Devon Toews. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Nicholas Abruzzese. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Dryden Hunt moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Devon Toews. Pass by Devon Toews intercepted by Josh Jooris in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Josh Jooris. Puck retreived by Cole Caufield. Cole Caufield is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Jooris for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt.
Time : 9. Pass to Josh Jooris. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Josh Jooris. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Eyssimont. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Devon Toews. Devon Toews moves puck in neutral zone. Devon Toews moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Ivan Barbashev. Pass to David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Alexander Barabanov. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Alexander Barabanov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Brett Ritchie. Puck retreived by David Rundblad. David Rundblad is hit by Nick Paul. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Nick Paul in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Nick Paul wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by David Savard. Pass to Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Claude Giroux. Puck retreived by Akito Hirose. Akito Hirose is hit by Cam Atkinson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Atkinson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Kevin Labanc. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Jake Neighbours.
Time : 10. Jake Neighbours moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by David Kampf. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Akito Hirose. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Deflect By Joel Edmundson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Jake Neighbours. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Alexander Barabanov. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Joey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Joel Edmundson stole the puck from Dmytro Timashov. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Ritchie intercepted by Ivan Barbashev in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Brett Ritchie. Puck retreived by Ivan Barbashev. Ivan Barbashev is hit by Dmytro Timashov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Ritchie for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Brett Ritchie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Alexander Barabanov. Pass to Joel Edmundson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Joel Edmundson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Jooris for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Mete, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Kevin Labanc. Pass to Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Cam Atkinson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Cam Atkinson intercepted by Dryden Hunt.
Time : 11. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Claude Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Claude Giroux intercepted by Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Puck retreived by Cole Caufield. Cole Caufield is hit by Victor Mete and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Robertson for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by Colin White. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Cole Caufield moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Akito Hirose stole the puck from Cole Caufield. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by Devon Toews in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Akito Hirose. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by David Perron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Perron. Puck retreived by Trevor Lewis. Trevor Lewis is hit by Devon Toews and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicholas Abruzzese for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese. Slapshot by Nicholas Abruzzese. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Akito Hirose. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Perron. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Kevin Labanc moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Kevin Labanc. Puck retreived by Dmytro Timashov. Dmytro Timashov is hit by Claude Giroux and loses puck.
Time : 12. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Wrist shot by Cam Atkinson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Puck retreived by Josh Jooris. Josh Jooris is hit by Josh Manson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. Puck retreived by Josh Manson. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Colin White in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt is hit by Mikey Eyssimont and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Gustafsson for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Kampf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Kampf. Puck retreived by Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov is hit by Josh Manson. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Rundblad in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Puck retreived by Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov is hit by Alexander Barabanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by David Rundblad in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Puck retreived by Jake Neighbours. Jake Neighbours is hit by Kevin Labanc and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolay Kulemin for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.
Time : 13. Pass by Nikolay Kulemin intercepted by David Rundblad in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Puck retreived by Jake Neighbours. Jake Neighbours is hit by Josh Manson. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Puck retreived by Cam Atkinson. Cam Atkinson is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Justin Barron, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to David Perron. Snap shot by David Perron. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Manson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Nicholas Abruzzese. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Nicholas Abruzzese. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nick Robertson. Minor Penalty to Brett Ritchie for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Devon Toews are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Josh Jooris in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Erik Gustafsson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Pass to Kevin Labanc.
Time : 14. Kevin Labanc moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Labanc intercepted by Victor Mete. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Guttman, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Barron, Pavel Mintyukov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Icing by David Savard. Claude Giroux wins face-off versus Cole Guttman in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Devon Toews in neutral zone. Devon Toews moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Colin White. Pass to Claude Giroux. Pass to Colin White. Snap shot by Colin White. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Cale Fleury, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by David Rundblad in neutral zone. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by Cale Fleury in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Caufield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Claude Giroux. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux.
Time : 15. Pass to Colin White in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Guttman, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Erik Gustafsson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Guttman. Wrist shot by Cole Guttman. Deflect By Joey Anderson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joey Anderson for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Joey Anderson. Shot Blocked by David Rundblad. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Mete for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cale Fleury. Pass to Kevin Labanc. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Devon Toews are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Erik Gustafsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Jooris, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Victor Mete. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Joey Anderson, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Kevin Labanc, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Penalty to Brett Ritchie is over, Brett Ritchie is back on ice. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Dmytro Timashov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chandler Stephenson, Nicholas Abruzzese, David Perron are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Erik Gustafsson in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Pass to Joey Anderson. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Joey Anderson. Pass to Erik Gustafsson. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Snap shot by Dmytro Timashov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. David Kampf wins face-off versus Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to David Kampf.
Time : 16. David Kampf moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by David Kampf intercepted by Jake Neighbours. Pass to Trevor Lewis in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Snap shot by Trevor Lewis. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Colin White is ejected from face-off, Cole Caufield takes his place. Cole Guttman wins face-off versus Cole Caufield in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Cole Guttman. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Dmytro Timashov. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Guttman for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Cole Guttman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Mikey Eyssimont. Pass by Mikey Eyssimont intercepted by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Mete for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Victor Mete. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Paul for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Nick Paul. Deflect By Yegor Chinakhov. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. David Kampf is ejected from face-off, Alexander Barabanov takes his place. Nick Paul wins face-off versus Alexander Barabanov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Nick Robertson.
Time : 17. Pass by Nick Robertson intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass to Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Josh Jooris. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Josh Jooris. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Cale Fleury. Pass by Cale Fleury intercepted by Erik Gustafsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Erik Gustafsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Pavel Mintyukov, Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cale Fleury. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin White, Mikey Eyssimont, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Kevin Labanc moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Wrist shot by Cole Caufield. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Cole Guttman. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Cole Guttman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Trevor Lewis, Jake Neighbours, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Devon Toews. Pass by Devon Toews intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Colin White. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Colin White intercepted by Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone.
Time : 18. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Wrist shot by Trevor Lewis. Shot Blocked by David Savard. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolay Kulemin for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Nikolay Kulemin. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Paul, Nick Robertson, Yegor Chinakhov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Savard intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by Ivan Barbashev. Pass by Ivan Barbashev intercepted by Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Puck retreived by David Savard. David Savard is hit by Nick Paul and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Erik Gustafsson, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Edmundson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Kevin Labanc in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Josh Manson, David Rundblad are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Josh Jooris wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Mete. Victor Mete moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Josh Manson. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to Josh Manson. Josh Manson moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Josh Manson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - David Kampf, Alexander Barabanov, Ivan Barbashev are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Cole Guttman.
Time : 19. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by Josh Manson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Pavel Mintyukov, Akito Hirose are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Ritchie intercepted by David Rundblad. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Puck retreived by Akito Hirose. Akito Hirose is hit by Josh Manson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dmytro Timashov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Dmytro Timashov intercepted by Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Ivan Barbashev. Puck retreived by Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov is hit by David Kampf and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Guttman for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by David Rundblad. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - David Savard, Joel Edmundson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Cole Guttman. Pass by Cole Guttman intercepted by Joel Edmundson. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Akito Hirose in neutral zone. Pass by Akito Hirose intercepted by Joel Edmundson in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Joel Edmundson intercepted by Dmytro Timashov. Pass by Dmytro Timashov intercepted by David Kampf. Pass to Alexander Barabanov in neutral zone. Pass by Alexander Barabanov intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Cole Guttman in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Slapshot by Pavel Mintyukov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Ritchie for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Brett Ritchie. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cam Atkinson, Claude Giroux, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Devon Toews, Cale Fleury are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Josh Jooris, Dryden Hunt, Joey Anderson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Mete, Erik Gustafsson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Josh Jooris is ejected from face-off, Dryden Hunt takes his place. Cam Atkinson is ejected from face-off, Claude Giroux takes his place. Dryden Hunt wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Josh Jooris. Snap shot by Josh Jooris. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joey Anderson for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Joey Anderson. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound.
Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 0 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 8 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 21 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Overtime #1
Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Claude Giroux are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - David Savard are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Pavel Mintyukov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Nick Robertson wins face-off versus Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Deflect By Nick Robertson. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Nick Robertson wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Snap shot by Yegor Chinakhov. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Nick Robertson wins face-off versus David Kampf in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass by Pavel Mintyukov intercepted by David Kampf. Pass to Cole Caufield. Pass by Cole Caufield intercepted by Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass by Yegor Chinakhov intercepted by David Kampf. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis.
Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Trevor Lewis. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Nikolay Kulemin, Nick Paul are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to David Kampf. Pass to Cole Caufield. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nikolay Kulemin. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Justin Barron moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Justin Barron. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Colin White in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Dryden Hunt moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Nikolay Kulemin, Nick Paul are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin White. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Cam Atkinson. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Manson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Slapshot by Josh Manson. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Manson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Josh Manson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Devon Toews are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by David Kampf in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Time : 2. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Devon Toews. Devon Toews moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Nick Robertson moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Snap shot by Dryden Hunt. Stopped by HUNTER SHEPARD without a rebound. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - David Savard are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Pavel Mintyukov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Trevor Lewis wins face-off versus Colin White in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pass to Trevor Lewis. David Savard stole the puck from Trevor Lewis. Pass to Cam Atkinson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Trevor Lewis. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Puck retreived by David Savard. David Savard is hit by Yegor Chinakhov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov. Yegor Chinakhov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield. Cole Caufield moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cole Caufield. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.
Time : 3. Pass to Trevor Lewis in neutral zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Trevor Lewis. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Pavel Mintyukov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Nikolay Kulemin, Nick Paul are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Claude Giroux in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Colin White. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Colin White. Puck retreived by Pavel Mintyukov. Pavel Mintyukov is hit by Cam Atkinson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Manson for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Devon Toews are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Colin White. Snap shot by Colin White. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Nick Paul. Pass to Pavel Mintyukov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Pavel Mintyukov. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nick Robertson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Colin White in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cole Caufield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Backhand shot by Cole Caufield. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Mintyukov for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Nick Robertson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Trevor Lewis, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Justin Barron are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Devon Toews. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass by Devon Toews intercepted by Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt.
Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Dryden Hunt. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Yegor Chinakhov, Nikolay Kulemin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Kevin Labanc. Pass to Devon Toews. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Devon Toews moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Devon Toews. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Cam Atkinson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - David Savard are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Nikolay Kulemin. Pass to Yegor Chinakhov in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Nick Robertson, Trevor Lewis are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Colin White, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Yegor Chinakhov moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Yegor Chinakhov. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Dryden Hunt, Nick Paul are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by HUNTER SHEPARD. Pass to Colin White. Pass to David Savard in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Puck retreived by Nick Paul. Nick Paul is hit by Cole Caufield and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Savard for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Josh Manson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Savard. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Claude Giroux, Kevin Labanc are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Victor Mete in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Nick Robertson, Trevor Lewis are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Victor Mete moves puck in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone. Pass to Nick Robertson. Puck is dumped in Savannah Ghost Pirates zone by Nick Robertson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Nikolay Kulemin, Nick Paul are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Claude Giroux. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Cam Atkinson, Chandler Stephenson are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Josh Manson in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Cole Guttman, Dmytro Timashov are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Josh Manson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Chandler Stephenson. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - David Savard are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Pass to Chandler Stephenson. Pass to Cam Atkinson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Cam Atkinson.
Time : 5. End of Overtime Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 0 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 1 for Savannah Ghost Pirates vs 2 for Bridgeport Islanders. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - David Kampf, Cole Caufield are on ice for Savannah Ghost Pirates.
Round #1. Savannah Ghost Pirates, David Perron. Wrist shot by David Perron. Goal by David Perron. Bridgeport Islanders, Nick Robertson. Deke by Nick Robertson. Goal by Nick Robertson. Round #2. Savannah Ghost Pirates, Cole Caufield. Snap shot by Cole Caufield. Stopped by Nico Daws. Bridgeport Islanders, Trevor Lewis. Snap shot by Trevor Lewis. Goal by Trevor Lewis. Round #3. Savannah Ghost Pirates, Colin White. Backhand shot by Colin White. Stopped by Nico Daws.