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Rockford IceHogs vs Henderson Silver Knights

Created - January 22, 2025 at 14:34

1 2 3 T
Rockford IceHogs 0 0 1 1
Henderson Silver Knights 1 0 1 2
1 2 3 T
Rockford IceHogs 7 14 15 36
Henderson Silver Knights 8 8 11 27

1st period
1. Henderson Silver Knights , Mason Morelli 3 (Collin Graf 5) at 11:06
Madison Bowey (VGK) for Holding (Minor) at 0:22
Jeffrey Viel (VGK) for Holding (Minor) at 3:49
Brandon Duhaime (CHI) for Roughing (Minor) at 16:35
Max Jones (VGK) for Fighting (Major) at 19:26
Brandon Duhaime (CHI) for Fighting (Major) at 19:26
2nd period
No Goal
Quinton Byfield (CHI) for Tripping (Minor) at 19:34
3rd period
2. Henderson Silver Knights , Glenn Gawdin 2 (Ethan Bear 3, Jeffrey Viel 2) at 1:43
3. Rockford IceHogs , Connor Zary 5 (Brandon Duhaime 1, Evgeny Svechnikov 1) at 10:43
Dylan Samberg (VGK) for Goalie Interference (Minor) at 13:55
Connor Zary (CHI) for Tripping (Minor) at 19:08
Goalie Stats
Jacob Markstrom (CHI), 25 saves from 27 shots - (0.926), L, 2-3-0, 60:00 minutes
Anton Forsberg (VGK), 35 saves from 36 shots - (0.972), W, 2-1-0, 60:00 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Anton Forsberg (VGK)
2 - Mason Morelli (VGK)
3 - Glenn Gawdin (VGK)
Referees : Furman South and Graham Skilliter
Linesman : Julien Fournier and Steve Barton
Game Note
Ryan Dzingel is injured at 2:35 of 1st period (Left Hand)
Max Jones and Brandon Duhaime fight to a draw at 19:26 of 1st period
Tanner Laczynski is injured at 15:51 of 2nd period (Sprained Left Finger)
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1415 (70.75%) -- Ticket Income $49,525
Level 2 -- Attendance: 762 (76.20%) -- Ticket Income $11,430
Total Attendance: 2177 (72.57%)
Total Ticket Income: $60,955
Total Income: $60,955

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Rockford IceHogs 13666511300 / 3 (0%)048%
Henderson Silver Knights 227401211200 / 3 (0%)052%

Rockford IceHogs
Alex VlasicD0000023122:293:0910:0000% 003
Brandon DuhaimeRW0110721014:240:1600:0000% 011
Cedric PaquetteC0000005016:130:0003:12038% 1601
Connor ZaryC1010224020:463:3100:20050% 2011
Emil BemstromLW0000042115:022:2603:1200% 010
Evgeny SvechnikovLW011-1032014:090:1300:3100% 010
Jacob MacDonaldD000-1031016:450:0000:0000% 001
JJ PeterkaRW0000011020:283:1800:00067% 311
Joel KellmanC000000007:390:0000:0000% 100
Jordan WealRW0000010015:221:2700:0000% 100
Kale ClagueD0000001014:350:0002:0000% 000
Nick MerkleyC0000023015:072:2601:06062% 1301
Parker WotherspoonD000-1001019:590:0002:4900% 003
Quinton ByfieldLW000-1248020:343:1820:0000% 001
Roman JosiD0000022225:403:0902:4900% 000
Ryan DzingelLW000001001:120:5600:0000% 000
TJ BrodieD0000000017:352:4802:0000% 010
Tyler MotteLW000-1032117:082:4801:1700% 000
Henderson Silver Knights
Alexander AlexeyevD0001002214:480:0002:4700% 011
Collin GrafRW0111021221:582:1012:03025% 430
Dylan SambergD0001201111:340:0000:0000% 000
Egor ZamulaD000-1000014:440:0002:4700% 021
Ethan BearD0111021015:130:0003:1000% 010
Glenn GawdinC1011012015:040:0003:42044% 910
Jacob MoverareD0001011115:423:2810:0000% 000
Jeffrey VielLW0111230015:000:0000:000100% 102
Lawson CrouseC0000023115:232:1022:03038% 800
Madison BoweyD0000221114:531:2100:0000% 020
Martin KautLW0001003018:572:1000:120100% 101
Mason MorelliC1012032117:430:0000:00054% 1300
Max JonesC000-1523117:402:3910:00060% 1500
Nico SturmLW000-1012020:002:3900:120100% 100
Sean WalkerD0000002214:411:2100:0000% 000
Spencer StastneyD000-1001018:433:2813:1000% 000
Tanner LaczynskiRW000000008:420:0000:0000% 001
Vitali KravtsovRW000-1012023:142:3913:42050% 230

Rockford IceHogs

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Quinton ByfieldConnor ZaryJJ Peterka0143634%16:38
2Ryan DzingelCedric PaquetteEvgeny Svechnikov0323028%13:28
3Tyler MotteNick MerkleyJordan Weal1222423%11:10
4Emil BemstromJoel KellmanBrandon Duhaime1221016%7:39
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Alex VlasicRoman Josi1224040%19:42
2Jacob MacDonaldParker Wotherspoon1223534%16:48
3TJ BrodieKale Clague0412021%10:13
4TJ BrodieKale Clague05054%2:12
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Quinton ByfieldConnor ZaryJJ Peterka0056055%3:18
2Emil BemstromNick MerkleyRyan Dzingel0054045%2:39
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Alex VlasicRoman Josi0146053%3:09
2TJ BrodieTyler Motte0144047%2:48
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Cedric PaquetteEmil Bemstrom1226077%3:43
2Nick MerkleyTyler Motte1224023%1:06
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Parker WotherspoonRoman Josi1226058%2:49
2Kale ClagueTJ Brodie1224042%2:00
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Cedric Paquette122600%0:00 Roman JosiTJ Brodie122600%0:00
2Nick Merkley122400%0:00 Parker WotherspoonAlex Vlasic122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Connor ZaryJJ Peterka122600%0:00
2Ryan DzingelQuinton Byfield122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Alex VlasicParker Wotherspoon122600%0:00
2Roman JosiTJ Brodie122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Quinton ByfieldConnor ZaryJJ PeterkaAlex VlasicTJ Brodie
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Tyler MotteQuinton ByfieldRyan DzingelAlex VlasicRoman Josi
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:190:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime, Jordan WealNick Merkley, Emil BemstromTyler Motte
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
TJ Brodie, Kale Clague, Parker WotherspoonParker Wotherspoon, Alex VlasicTJ Brodie
Penalty Shots
Connor Zary, JJ Peterka, Quinton Byfield, Jordan Weal, Ryan Dzingel
Jacob Markstrom, Jonathan Quick
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Connor Zary, JJ Peterka, Quinton Byfield, Ryan Dzingel, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal, Nick Merkley, Cedric Paquette, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi, Parker Wotherspoon, TJ Brodie, Kale Clague
Joel Kiviranta (Healthy), Sonny Milano (Healthy), Max Lajoie (Healthy), Arttu Ruotsalainen (Healthy), Jonas Rondbjerg (Healthy) Michael Carcone (Healthy), Victor Soderstrom (Healthy), Spencer Martin (Healthy)

Henderson Silver Knights

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nico SturmMax JonesVitali Kravtsov1313535%17:12
2Martin KautMason MorelliCollin Graf0413531%15:06
3Jeffrey VielGlenn GawdinTanner Laczynski0502023%11:18
4Jeffrey VielLawson CrouseTanner Laczynski2301011%5:18
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sean WalkerMadison Bowey1222727%13:06
2Alexander AlexeyevJacob Moverare0412626%12:30
3Egor ZamulaSpencer Stastney1402424%11:50
4Dylan SambergEthan Bear0502323%11:28
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nico SturmMax JonesVitali Kravtsov0056055%2:39
2Martin KautLawson CrouseCollin Graf0054045%2:10
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jacob MoverareSpencer Stastney0056072%3:28
2Madison BoweySean Walker0054028%1:21
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Glenn GawdinVitali Kravtsov0506066%3:54
2Lawson CrouseCollin Graf0504034%2:03
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Spencer StastneyEthan Bear0506053%3:10
2Egor ZamulaAlexander Alexeyev0504047%2:47
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mason Morelli050600%0:00 Egor ZamulaSpencer Stastney050600%0:00
2Glenn Gawdin050400%0:00 Alexander AlexeyevJacob Moverare050400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Lawson CrouseVitali Kravtsov014600%0:00
2Max JonesCollin Graf032400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Madison BoweySean Walker041600%0:00
2Alexander AlexeyevSpencer Stastney041400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Martin KautMax JonesCollin GrafAlexander AlexeyevMadison Bowey
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Martin KautMax JonesCollin GrafSpencer StastneyJacob Moverare
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:20
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Lawson Crouse, Mason Morelli, Collin GrafMax Jones, Mason MorelliMartin Kaut
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Spencer Stastney, Jacob Moverare, Egor ZamulaAlexander Alexeyev, Madison BoweyDylan Samberg
Penalty Shots
Max Jones, Mason Morelli, Collin Graf, Vitali Kravtsov, Martin Kaut
Anton Forsberg, Maxime Lagace
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Collin Graf, Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli, Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Tanner Laczynski, Vitali Kravtsov
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Alexander Alexeyev, Egor Zamula, Jacob Moverare, Madison Bowey, Spencer Stastney
Patrick Sieloff (Healthy), Karson Kuhlman (Healthy), Luke Johnson (Healthy), Bokondji Imama (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in neutral zone.
0:22 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Madison Bowey for Holding.
0:23 of 1st period - Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
1:15 of 1st period - Off-side.
1:16 of 1st period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone.
1:43 of 1st period - Alexander Alexeyev is hit by Ryan Dzingel.
1:47 of 1st period - Collin Graf is hit by Roman Josi and loses puck.
2:22 of 1st period - Penalty to Madison Bowey is over, Madison Bowey is back on ice.
2:34 of 1st period - Ryan Dzingel is hit by Mason Morelli and loses puck.
2:35 of 1st period - Ryan Dzingel from Rockford IceHogs is injured at 2:35 of 1st period (Left Hand).
2:36 of 1st period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Rockford IceHogs zone.
2:41 of 1st period - Snap shot by Alexander Alexeyev.
2:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
2:43 of 1st period - Snap shot by Collin Graf.
2:43 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:45 of 1st period - Slapshot by Martin Kaut.
2:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
2:47 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Collin Graf.
2:47 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Tyler Motte.
3:00 of 1st period - Icing by Martin Kaut.
3:01 of 1st period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
3:13 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Connor Zary.
3:13 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
3:15 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield.
3:15 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
3:17 of 1st period - Snap shot by Quinton Byfield.
3:17 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
3:28 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Alexander Alexeyev.
3:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
3:29 of 1st period - Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone.
3:32 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Glenn Gawdin.
3:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
3:33 of 1st period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in Rockford IceHogs zone.
3:49 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Jeffrey Viel for Holding.
3:50 of 1st period - Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
3:54 of 1st period - Alex Vlasic is hit by Ethan Bear and loses puck.
4:58 of 1st period - Egor Zamula is hit by Quinton Byfield.
5:49 of 1st period - Penalty to Jeffrey Viel is over, Jeffrey Viel is back on ice.
6:52 of 1st period - Roman Josi is hit by Ethan Bear and loses puck.
7:23 of 1st period - Nick Merkley is hit by Lawson Crouse and loses puck.
8:36 of 1st period - Evgeny Svechnikov is hit by Max Jones.
10:35 of 1st period - Icing by Lawson Crouse.
10:36 of 1st period - Jeffrey Viel wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
10:49 of 1st period - Sean Walker is hit by Quinton Byfield and loses puck.
11:06 of 1st period - Snap shot by Mason Morelli.
11:06 of 1st period - Goal by Mason Morelli - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Henderson Silver Knights : 1.
11:07 of 1st period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
11:14 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jordan Weal.
11:14 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:16 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jordan Weal.
11:16 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Alexander Alexeyev.
12:36 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Max Jones.
12:36 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
13:08 of 1st period - Slapshot by Nick Merkley.
13:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
13:16 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
13:16 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Sean Walker.
13:18 of 1st period - Slapshot by Tyler Motte.
13:18 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Collin Graf.
13:55 of 1st period - Icing by Connor Zary.
13:56 of 1st period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Rockford IceHogs zone.
14:25 of 1st period - Slapshot by Connor Zary.
14:25 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
14:27 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Kale Clague.
14:27 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
14:28 of 1st period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
14:35 of 1st period - Snap shot by Tyler Motte.
14:35 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:37 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
14:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
14:38 of 1st period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Max Jones in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
14:49 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jordan Weal.
14:49 of 1st period - Deflect By Nick Merkley.
14:49 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:49 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
14:50 of 1st period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
14:53 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Quinton Byfield.
14:53 of 1st period - Deflect By JJ Peterka.
14:53 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:53 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
14:54 of 1st period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
14:59 of 1st period - Quinton Byfield is hit by Collin Graf and loses puck.
15:06 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mason Morelli.
15:06 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
15:07 of 1st period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone.
15:24 of 1st period - Slapshot by Sean Walker.
15:24 of 1st period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
16:00 of 1st period - Jordan Weal is hit by Collin Graf and loses puck.
16:07 of 1st period - Dylan Samberg is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck.
16:35 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Brandon Duhaime for Roughing.
16:36 of 1st period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone.
16:52 of 1st period - Kale Clague is hit by Vitali Kravtsov and loses puck.
17:19 of 1st period - Snap shot by Lawson Crouse.
17:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:35 of 1st period - Cedric Paquette is hit by Max Jones and loses puck.
17:48 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
17:48 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:13 of 1st period - Icing by Spencer Stastney.
18:14 of 1st period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
18:19 of 1st period - Snap shot by Connor Zary.
18:19 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jacob Moverare.
18:35 of 1st period - Penalty to Brandon Duhaime is over, Brandon Duhaime is back on ice.
18:57 of 1st period - Snap shot by Tyler Motte.
18:57 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Madison Bowey.
18:59 of 1st period - Slapshot by Parker Wotherspoon.
18:59 of 1st period - Deflect By Tyler Motte.
18:59 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Sean Walker.
18:59 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
19:00 of 1st period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus JJ Peterka in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
19:26 of 1st period - Max Jones and Brandon Duhaime fight to a draw.
19:26 of 1st period - Penalty to Max Jones for Fighting.
19:26 of 1st period - Penalty to Brandon Duhaime for Fighting.
19:27 of 1st period - Lawson Crouse wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
19:34 of 1st period - Quinton Byfield is hit by Lawson Crouse and loses puck.
19:59 of 1st period - Slapshot by Cedric Paquette.
19:59 of 1st period - Deflect By Mason Morelli.
19:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:59 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
Goals for this period are 0 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Henderson Silver Knights.
Shots for this period are 7 for Rockford IceHogs vs 8 for Henderson Silver Knights.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in neutral zone.
0:04 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Roman Josi.
0:04 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:06 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Roman Josi.
0:06 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
0:08 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Alex Vlasic.
0:08 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
0:09 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Vitali Kravtsov in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
0:10 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jordan Weal.
0:10 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nick Merkley.
0:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
0:28 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
0:28 of 2nd period - Deflect By Tyler Motte.
0:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
0:29 of 2nd period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
0:42 of 2nd period - Madison Bowey is hit by JJ Peterka.
1:17 of 2nd period - Glenn Gawdin is hit by Jordan Weal and loses puck.
1:34 of 2nd period - Joel Kellman is hit by Mason Morelli and loses puck.
1:47 of 2nd period - Jacob Moverare is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck.
2:13 of 2nd period - Collin Graf is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck.
2:43 of 2nd period - Dylan Samberg is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck.
4:50 of 2nd period - Egor Zamula is hit by Alex Vlasic and loses puck.
6:20 of 2nd period - Max Jones is hit by Tyler Motte and loses puck.
8:04 of 2nd period - Icing by Martin Kaut.
8:05 of 2nd period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
8:12 of 2nd period - Alex Vlasic is hit by Glenn Gawdin and loses puck.
9:16 of 2nd period - Mason Morelli is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck.
10:17 of 2nd period - Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Quinton Byfield.
11:01 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck.
11:21 of 2nd period - Icing by Brandon Duhaime.
11:22 of 2nd period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone.
11:34 of 2nd period - Alexander Alexeyev is hit by Quinton Byfield and loses puck.
11:49 of 2nd period - Alex Vlasic is hit by Mason Morelli and loses puck.
12:00 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Cedric Paquette.
12:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
13:05 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
13:05 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
13:19 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Quinton Byfield.
13:19 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
13:21 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Roman Josi.
13:21 of 2nd period - Deflect By Quinton Byfield.
13:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
13:22 of 2nd period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
13:39 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Cedric Paquette.
13:39 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
13:49 of 2nd period - Spencer Stastney is hit by Tyler Motte and loses puck.
14:44 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Cedric Paquette.
14:44 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Collin Graf.
14:46 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Cedric Paquette.
14:46 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
15:14 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Jeffrey Viel.
15:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:50 of 2nd period - Tanner Laczynski is hit by Tyler Motte and loses puck.
15:51 of 2nd period - Tanner Laczynski from Henderson Silver Knights is injured at 15:51 of 2nd period (Sprained Left Finger).
15:52 of 2nd period - Martin Kaut wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
16:23 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Sean Walker.
16:23 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nico Sturm.
16:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
16:25 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Max Jones.
16:25 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Alex Vlasic.
16:27 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
16:27 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Roman Josi.
16:29 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Nico Sturm.
16:29 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Roman Josi.
16:31 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Max Jones.
16:31 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
16:52 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Tyler Motte.
16:52 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
17:09 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Quinton Byfield.
17:09 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Dylan Samberg.
17:28 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Emil Bemstrom.
17:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
17:29 of 2nd period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Joel Kellman in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
17:40 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Sean Walker.
17:40 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
17:50 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Sean Walker.
17:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
18:14 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Madison Bowey.
18:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
18:24 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Parker Wotherspoon.
18:24 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:26 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Parker Wotherspoon.
18:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
18:56 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Emil Bemstrom.
18:56 of 2nd period - Deflect By Brandon Duhaime.
18:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
18:57 of 2nd period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
19:10 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Connor Zary.
19:10 of 2nd period - Deflect By JJ Peterka.
19:10 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:10 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
19:11 of 2nd period - JJ Peterka wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
19:12 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Connor Zary.
19:12 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mason Morelli.
19:14 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Roman Josi.
19:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
19:16 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield.
19:16 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:18 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Quinton Byfield.
19:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:20 of 2nd period - Slapshot by JJ Peterka.
19:20 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:22 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Quinton Byfield.
19:22 of 2nd period - Deflect By JJ Peterka.
19:22 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
19:23 of 2nd period - Collin Graf wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
19:32 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Martin Kaut.
19:32 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
19:34 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Quinton Byfield for Tripping.
19:35 of 2nd period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Rockford IceHogs zone.
19:46 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Martin Kaut.
19:46 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
19:48 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Collin Graf.
19:48 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
19:50 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Lawson Crouse.
19:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
Goals for this period are 0 for Rockford IceHogs vs 0 for Henderson Silver Knights.
Shots for this period are 14 for Rockford IceHogs vs 8 for Henderson Silver Knights.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Jacob Moverare.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Spencer Stastney.
0:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
0:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Max Jones.
0:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
0:09 of 3rd period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone.
0:15 of 3rd period - Off-side.
0:16 of 3rd period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in neutral zone.
0:31 of 3rd period - Max Jones is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck.
1:00 of 3rd period - Tyler Motte is hit by Jacob Moverare and loses puck.
1:34 of 3rd period - Penalty to Quinton Byfield is over, Quinton Byfield is back on ice.
1:43 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Glenn Gawdin.
1:43 of 3rd period - Goal by Glenn Gawdin - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Henderson Silver Knights : 2.
1:44 of 3rd period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in neutral zone.
2:00 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
2:00 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:56 of 3rd period - Glenn Gawdin is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck.
3:01 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Cedric Paquette.
3:01 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:18 of 3rd period - Ethan Bear is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck.
4:50 of 3rd period - Off-side.
4:51 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone.
4:54 of 3rd period - TJ Brodie is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck.
5:15 of 3rd period - Kale Clague is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck.
5:26 of 3rd period - Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck.
5:35 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
5:35 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
5:36 of 3rd period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
5:49 of 3rd period - Spencer Stastney is hit by Roman Josi and loses puck.
6:40 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nico Sturm.
6:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
6:54 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Sean Walker.
6:54 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:18 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyler Motte.
7:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
7:45 of 3rd period - Spencer Stastney is hit by Alex Vlasic and loses puck.
8:08 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Emil Bemstrom.
8:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
8:30 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Jordan Weal.
8:30 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alexander Alexeyev.
9:04 of 3rd period - Dylan Samberg is hit by Connor Zary.
9:45 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Cedric Paquette.
9:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
9:46 of 3rd period - Nico Sturm wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
10:04 of 3rd period - Jacob Moverare is hit by Jacob MacDonald and loses puck.
10:13 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield.
10:13 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
10:14 of 3rd period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
10:17 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Cedric Paquette.
10:17 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
10:18 of 3rd period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
10:23 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Martin Kaut.
10:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
10:43 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Connor Zary.
10:43 of 3rd period - Goal by Connor Zary - Rockford IceHogs : 1 - Henderson Silver Knights : 2.
10:44 of 3rd period - Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Connor Zary in neutral zone.
11:09 of 3rd period - Roman Josi is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck.
11:16 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Alex Vlasic.
11:16 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
11:34 of 3rd period - Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Jacob MacDonald and loses puck.
11:41 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyler Motte.
11:41 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Max Jones.
11:43 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
11:43 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:22 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
12:22 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
13:10 of 3rd period - Ethan Bear is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck.
13:23 of 3rd period - Spencer Stastney is hit by Jacob MacDonald and loses puck.
13:38 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield.
13:38 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:55 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Dylan Samberg for Goalie Interference.
13:56 of 3rd period - JJ Peterka wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
13:59 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Quinton Byfield.
13:59 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
14:23 of 3rd period - Glenn Gawdin is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck.
15:01 of 3rd period - Icing by Emil Bemstrom.
15:02 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Rockford IceHogs zone.
15:15 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Quinton Byfield.
15:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
15:17 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Connor Zary.
15:17 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Lawson Crouse.
15:19 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Alex Vlasic.
15:19 of 3rd period - Deflect By Ethan Bear.
15:19 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
15:20 of 3rd period - Vitali Kravtsov wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
15:55 of 3rd period - Penalty to Dylan Samberg is over, Dylan Samberg is back on ice.
16:01 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Quinton Byfield.
16:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound.
16:02 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
16:05 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyler Motte.
16:05 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:08 of 3rd period - Icing by Dylan Samberg.
16:09 of 3rd period - Lawson Crouse wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
16:16 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Lawson Crouse.
16:16 of 3rd period - Deflect By Jeffrey Viel.
16:16 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:16 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
16:17 of 3rd period - Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone.
16:18 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dylan Samberg.
16:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
16:44 of 3rd period - Quinton Byfield is hit by Nico Sturm and loses puck.
16:53 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Connor Zary.
16:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
16:55 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jacob MacDonald.
16:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.
17:02 of 3rd period - Icing by Max Jones.
17:03 of 3rd period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone.
17:55 of 3rd period - Jordan Weal is hit by Jeffrey Viel.
17:59 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Lawson Crouse.
17:59 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
18:00 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in Rockford IceHogs zone.
18:55 of 3rd period - Collin Graf is hit by Connor Zary.
19:05 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Ethan Bear.
19:05 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
19:06 of 3rd period - call a timeout for Rockford IceHogs.
19:06 of 3rd period - Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone.
19:08 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Connor Zary for Tripping.
19:09 of 3rd period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone.
19:09 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
19:09 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound.
19:49 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Jacob Moverare.
19:49 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
19:50 of 3rd period - Lawson Crouse wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone.
19:53 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Lawson Crouse.
19:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.
19:54 of 3rd period - Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone.
19:55 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Madison Bowey.
19:55 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Emil Bemstrom.
Goals for this period are 1 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Henderson Silver Knights.
Shots for this period are 15 for Rockford IceHogs vs 11 for Henderson Silver Knights.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in neutral zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Sean Walker. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by JJ Peterka. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Quinton Byfield moves puck in neutral zone. Quinton Byfield moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Ryan Dzingel, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Minor Penalty to Madison Bowey for Holding. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Quinton Byfield moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Ryan Dzingel are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to Ryan Dzingel in neutral zone. Pass by Ryan Dzingel intercepted by Lawson Crouse. Pass to Collin Graf in Rockford IceHogs zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass to Collin Graf. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Egor Zamula, Alexander Alexeyev are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary. Connor Zary moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - TJ Brodie, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Quinton Byfield in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to JJ Peterka. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Ryan Dzingel are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Glenn Gawdin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Alexander Alexeyev is hit by Ryan Dzingel. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Nick Merkley in neutral zone. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Collin Graf is hit by Roman Josi and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - TJ Brodie, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Egor Zamula. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom.

Time : 2. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to JJ Peterka. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Ryan Dzingel are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ryan Dzingel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Ryan Dzingel. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass to Collin Graf in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Ryan Dzingel are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Ryan Dzingel. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Penalty to Madison Bowey is over, Madison Bowey is back on ice. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Ryan Dzingel, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Glenn Gawdin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Collin Graf. Cedric Paquette stole the puck from Collin Graf. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Martin Kaut. Puck retreived by Ryan Dzingel. Ryan Dzingel is hit by Mason Morelli and loses puck. Ryan Dzingel from Rockford IceHogs is injured at 2:35 of 1st period (Left Hand). Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass by Tyler Motte intercepted by Collin Graf in neutral zone. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Alexander Alexeyev. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Collin Graf for Henderson Silver Knights. Snap shot by Collin Graf. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Kaut for Henderson Silver Knights. Slapshot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Collin Graf for Henderson Silver Knights. Wrist shot by Collin Graf. Shot Blocked by Tyler Motte. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Collin Graf in neutral zone. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights.

Time : 3. Icing by Martin Kaut. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Max Jones wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. Puck retreived by Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. JJ Peterka moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Wrist shot by Connor Zary. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Nico Sturm in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nico Sturm moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Nico Sturm loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Alexeyev for Henderson Silver Knights. Backhand shot by Alexander Alexeyev. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Wrist shot by Glenn Gawdin. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Tanner Laczynski. Minor Penalty to Jeffrey Viel for Holding. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Puck retreived by Alex Vlasic. Alex Vlasic is hit by Ethan Bear and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Glenn Gawdin.

Time : 4. Pass by Glenn Gawdin intercepted by Alex Vlasic. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. JJ Peterka moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Glenn Gawdin. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Egor Zamula, Alexander Alexeyev are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - TJ Brodie, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass by Lawson Crouse intercepted by Tyler Motte in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Puck retreived by Egor Zamula. Egor Zamula is hit by Quinton Byfield. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Connor Zary in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Alexander Alexeyev. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Puck retreived by Lawson Crouse. Pass by Lawson Crouse intercepted by Tyler Motte. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Pass by Glenn Gawdin intercepted by Roman Josi in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Connor Zary, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - TJ Brodie, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Egor Zamula, Alexander Alexeyev are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Lawson Crouse in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty to Jeffrey Viel is over, Jeffrey Viel is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Lawson Crouse. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass to Collin Graf in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights.

Time : 6. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Collin Graf moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Parker Wotherspoon stole the puck from Collin Graf. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Tanner Laczynski. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Tanner Laczynski intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Quinton Byfield, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Mason Morelli. Pass by Mason Morelli intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Quinton Byfield, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Sean Walker intercepted by Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Max Jones in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Puck retreived by Roman Josi. Roman Josi is hit by Ethan Bear and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Samberg for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi.

Time : 7. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Martin Kaut in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Spencer Stastney moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Nico Sturm. Pass to Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley is hit by Lawson Crouse and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Mason Morelli in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Mason Morelli. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Quinton Byfield, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Nico Sturm. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Tyler Motte, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom.

Time : 8. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Cedric Paquette moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Quinton Byfield, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Ethan Bear. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Evgeny Svechnikov, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Pass by Dylan Samberg intercepted by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Evgeny Svechnikov, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Puck retreived by Evgeny Svechnikov. Evgeny Svechnikov is hit by Max Jones. Pass to Connor Zary. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Max Jones intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom.

Time : 9. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Max Jones in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Quinton Byfield, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Quinton Byfield, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Max Jones. Pass to Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Max Jones. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear.

Time : 10. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Mason Morelli. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Icing by Lawson Crouse. Lawson Crouse is ejected from face-off, Jeffrey Viel takes his place. Jeffrey Viel wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Tanner Laczynski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Tanner Laczynski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Connor Zary. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Puck retreived by Sean Walker. Sean Walker is hit by Quinton Byfield and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Sean Walker. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom.

Time : 11. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Collin Graf. Pass to Mason Morelli. Snap shot by Mason Morelli. Goal by Mason Morelli - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Henderson Silver Knights : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass to Jordan Weal. Jordan Weal moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Snap shot by Jordan Weal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Jordan Weal. Shot Blocked by Alexander Alexeyev. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Max Jones. Max Jones moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Nico Sturm. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Pass to Jeffrey Viel.

Time : 12. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Brandon Duhaime moves puck in neutral zone. Egor Zamula stole the puck from Brandon Duhaime. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Collin Graf in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Alex Vlasic in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Alex Vlasic intercepted by Egor Zamula in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Mason Morelli. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Mason Morelli. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Nico Sturm. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Max Jones. Wrist shot by Max Jones. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Samberg for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Alex Vlasic. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Tanner Laczynski. Pass by Tanner Laczynski intercepted by Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Jeffrey Viel stole the puck from Emil Bemstrom. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Brandon Duhaime. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Dylan Samberg. Pass to Ethan Bear. Ethan Bear moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Slapshot by Nick Merkley. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Nick Merkley. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Blocked by Sean Walker. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Motte for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Tyler Motte. Shot Blocked by Collin Graf. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Motte for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Sean Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Puck retreived by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Puck retreived by Kale Clague. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Spencer Stastney. Pass by Spencer Stastney intercepted by Connor Zary. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Glenn Gawdin. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Connor Zary. Icing by Connor Zary. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by TJ Brodie.

Time : 14. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by TJ Brodie in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Quinton Byfield moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. JJ Peterka moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Alexander Alexeyev. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by TJ Brodie. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Quinton Byfield. Pass to Connor Zary. Slapshot by Connor Zary. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Kale Clague. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nick Merkley is ejected from face-off, Jordan Weal takes his place. Max Jones wins face-off versus Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Ethan Bear. Ethan Bear moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Merkley stole the puck from Ethan Bear. Pass to Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Tyler Motte. Snap shot by Tyler Motte. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Max Jones in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Jordan Weal. Snap shot by Jordan Weal. Deflect By Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Mason Morelli is ejected from face-off, Collin Graf takes his place. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Backhand shot by Quinton Byfield. Deflect By JJ Peterka. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass to Mason Morelli in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Mason Morelli. Puck retreived by Quinton Byfield. Quinton Byfield is hit by Collin Graf and loses puck.

Time : 15. Free Puck Retrieved by Mason Morelli for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Mason Morelli. Slapshot by Mason Morelli. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Sean Walker. Slapshot by Sean Walker. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nico Sturm for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Brandon Duhaime moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Glenn Gawdin in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Madison Bowey moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon. Pass by Parker Wotherspoon intercepted by Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Nick Merkley moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Collin Graf. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear.

Time : 16. Puck retreived by Jordan Weal. Jordan Weal is hit by Collin Graf and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Dylan Samberg is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Dylan Samberg intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Connor Zary moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Alex Vlasic stole the puck from Vitali Kravtsov. Minor Penalty to Brandon Duhaime for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Kale Clague, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jacob Moverare, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Nico Sturm. Pass by Nico Sturm intercepted by TJ Brodie. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Puck retreived by Kale Clague. Kale Clague is hit by Vitali Kravtsov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Max Jones.

Time : 17. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Martin Kaut. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Sean Walker are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Snap shot by Lawson Crouse. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Walker for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Kale Clague. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Sean Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Collin Graf in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Puck retreived by Cedric Paquette. Cedric Paquette is hit by Max Jones and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jacob Moverare, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Nick Merkley moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Spencer Stastney for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Parker Wotherspoon, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 18. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Spencer Stastney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Icing by Spencer Stastney. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Connor Zary. Snap shot by Connor Zary. Shot Blocked by Jacob Moverare. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Sean Walker are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Penalty to Brandon Duhaime is over, Brandon Duhaime is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass by Tyler Motte intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Motte in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Tyler Motte. Snap shot by Tyler Motte. Shot Blocked by Madison Bowey. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Parker Wotherspoon. Deflect By Tyler Motte. Shot Blocked by Sean Walker. Puck is out of play.

Time : 19. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary is ejected from face-off, JJ Peterka takes his place. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus JJ Peterka in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Dylan Samberg moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Dylan Samberg loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Mason Morelli. Pass by Mason Morelli intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Connor Zary. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Egor Zamula. Egor Zamula moves puck in neutral zone. Connor Zary stole the puck from Egor Zamula. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones and Brandon Duhaime fight to a draw. Penalty to Max Jones for Fighting. Penalty to Brandon Duhaime for Fighting. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Lawson Crouse wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Parker Wotherspoon stole the puck from Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Parker Wotherspoon intercepted by Spencer Stastney. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Puck retreived by Quinton Byfield. Quinton Byfield is hit by Lawson Crouse and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Parker Wotherspoon intercepted by Lawson Crouse. Pass by Lawson Crouse intercepted by Quinton Byfield. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Quinton Byfield moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Slapshot by Cedric Paquette. Deflect By Mason Morelli. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Henderson Silver Knights. Shots for this period are 7 for Rockford IceHogs vs 8 for Henderson Silver Knights.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in neutral zone. Pass to Roman Josi. Roman Josi moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Slapshot by Roman Josi. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Roman Josi. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Alex Vlasic. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Lawson Crouse is ejected from face-off, Vitali Kravtsov takes his place. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Vitali Kravtsov in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Wrist shot by Jordan Weal. Deflect By Nick Merkley. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass by Tyler Motte intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Roman Josi in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Motte in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Nick Merkley. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Deflect By Tyler Motte. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Mason Morelli is ejected from face-off, Collin Graf takes his place. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by JJ Peterka. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Sean Walker. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Puck retreived by Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey is hit by JJ Peterka. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon in neutral zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Nico Sturm in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Nico Sturm in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Nico Sturm. Puck retreived by Quinton Byfield. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Connor Zary moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone.

Time : 1. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Lawson Crouse. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Glenn Gawdin. Glenn Gawdin is hit by Jordan Weal and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Alex Vlasic intercepted by Egor Zamula. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Pass to Mason Morelli in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Mason Morelli. Puck retreived by Joel Kellman. Joel Kellman is hit by Mason Morelli and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Kaut for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Collin Graf. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Jacob Moverare is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Alexander Alexeyev.

Time : 2. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Collin Graf is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon. Pass to Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Puck retreived by Nico Sturm. Pass by Nico Sturm intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Dylan Samberg is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Dylan Samberg intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear.

Time : 3. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Mason Morelli, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Joel Kellman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Alex Vlasic. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Collin Graf, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Sean Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Nico Sturm in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Connor Zary are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Joel Kellman. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Glenn Gawdin intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Evgeny Svechnikov, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Alexander Alexeyev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Mason Morelli in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Mason Morelli. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Pass to Tanner Laczynski in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Tanner Laczynski. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Egor Zamula. Egor Zamula is hit by Alex Vlasic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Pass to Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights.

Time : 5. Egor Zamula moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Max Jones. Pass by Max Jones intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Max Jones. Pass by Max Jones intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Sean Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Emil Bemstrom. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Pass to Lawson Crouse in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Lawson Crouse. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Tanner Laczynski.

Time : 6. Pass to Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Pass to Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Max Jones. Max Jones is hit by Tyler Motte and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Puck retreived by Alex Vlasic. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Alex Vlasic. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to JJ Peterka. JJ Peterka moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Mason Morelli. Pass to Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Martin Kaut.

Time : 7. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Sean Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Lawson Crouse, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Puck retreived by Nico Sturm. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Lawson Crouse, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Joel Kellman in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to TJ Brodie.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Martin Kaut. Icing by Martin Kaut. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Egor Zamula moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Puck retreived by Alex Vlasic. Alex Vlasic is hit by Glenn Gawdin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Sean Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Puck retreived by Cedric Paquette. Pass to Alex Vlasic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Alex Vlasic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob MacDonald stole the puck from Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Tanner Laczynski stole the puck from Connor Zary. Pass by Tanner Laczynski intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Max Jones. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Jacob Moverare in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Tanner Laczynski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Tanner Laczynski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Puck retreived by Mason Morelli. Mason Morelli is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Alexeyev for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Collin Graf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Joel Kellman intercepted by Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Pass to Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Tyler Motte.

Time : 10. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Alex Vlasic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Alex Vlasic. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Quinton Byfield. Pass to Egor Zamula. JJ Peterka stole the puck from Egor Zamula. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Spencer Stastney. Pass to Egor Zamula. Egor Zamula moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Tanner Laczynski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Tanner Laczynski. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Egor Zamula in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Collin Graf. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Lawson Crouse. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Glenn Gawdin for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Kale Clague. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Sean Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Icing by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Nico Sturm in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. Puck retreived by Quinton Byfield. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Alexander Alexeyev is hit by Quinton Byfield and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Nico Sturm. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. Puck retreived by Alex Vlasic. Alex Vlasic is hit by Mason Morelli and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone. Jacob MacDonald moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette.

Time : 12. Wrist shot by Cedric Paquette. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev in neutral zone. Alexander Alexeyev moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. Puck retreived by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Lawson Crouse in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Lawson Crouse. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Quinton Byfield.

Time : 13. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Sean Walker. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Wrist shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to JJ Peterka in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Snap shot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Roman Josi. Deflect By Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Spencer Stastney moves puck in neutral zone. Spencer Stastney moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Spencer Stastney intercepted by Kale Clague. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. TJ Brodie moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Snap shot by Cedric Paquette. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Spencer Stastney is hit by Tyler Motte and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Motte for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Nick Merkley.

Time : 14. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Connor Zary. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Snap shot by Cedric Paquette. Shot Blocked by Collin Graf. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Cedric Paquette. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Spencer Stastney moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Dylan Samberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Jeffrey Viel moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Jeffrey Viel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Tanner Laczynski. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Dylan Samberg intercepted by Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by TJ Brodie. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Tanner Laczynski are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Tanner Laczynski. Tanner Laczynski is hit by Tyler Motte and loses puck. Tanner Laczynski from Henderson Silver Knights is injured at 15:51 of 2nd period (Sprained Left Finger). Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Mason Morelli is ejected from face-off, Martin Kaut takes his place. Martin Kaut wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass to Collin Graf in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Madison Bowey.

Time : 16. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Quinton Byfield. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. JJ Peterka moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to JJ Peterka. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Mason Morelli. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Sean Walker. Sean Walker moves puck in neutral zone. Sean Walker moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Sean Walker. Deflect By Nico Sturm. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Jones for Henderson Silver Knights. Snap shot by Max Jones. Shot Blocked by Alex Vlasic. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Henderson Silver Knights. Wrist shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Shot Blocked by Roman Josi. Free Puck Retrieved by Nico Sturm for Henderson Silver Knights. Wrist shot by Nico Sturm. Shot Blocked by Roman Josi. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Jones for Henderson Silver Knights. Slapshot by Max Jones. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Jones for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Roman Josi. Roman Josi moves puck in neutral zone. Roman Josi loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Alex Vlasic moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Tyler Motte. Wrist shot by Tyler Motte. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Motte for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Puck retreived by Quinton Byfield. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Backhand shot by Quinton Byfield. Shot Blocked by Dylan Samberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Puck retreived by JJ Peterka. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Snap shot by Emil Bemstrom. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones wins face-off versus Joel Kellman in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Brandon Duhaime stole the puck from Madison Bowey. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Madison Bowey in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Sean Walker in neutral zone. Sean Walker moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Sean Walker. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Max Jones in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Max Jones. Pass to Sean Walker. Slapshot by Sean Walker. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon in neutral zone. Parker Wotherspoon moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Parker Wotherspoon intercepted by Max Jones. Pass by Max Jones intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Pass to Joel Kellman in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass to Joel Kellman. Pass by Joel Kellman intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Madison Bowey moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Madison Bowey. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon. Parker Wotherspoon moves puck in neutral zone. Parker Wotherspoon moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Wrist shot by Parker Wotherspoon. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Parker Wotherspoon. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass by Emil Bemstrom intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Sean Walker in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Joel Kellman in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Joel Kellman intercepted by Nico Sturm in neutral zone. Pass by Nico Sturm intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Brandon Duhaime moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Snap shot by Emil Bemstrom. Deflect By Brandon Duhaime. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to JJ Peterka.

Time : 19. Pass to Connor Zary. Wrist shot by Connor Zary. Deflect By JJ Peterka. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Connor Zary is ejected from face-off, JJ Peterka takes his place. JJ Peterka wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Snap shot by Connor Zary. Shot Blocked by Mason Morelli. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Backhand shot by Roman Josi. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Quinton Byfield. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by JJ Peterka. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Quinton Byfield for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Quinton Byfield. Deflect By JJ Peterka. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Mason Morelli is ejected from face-off, Collin Graf takes his place. Collin Graf wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Jacob Moverare moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob Moverare moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Wrist shot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary for Rockford IceHogs. Minor Penalty to Quinton Byfield for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Parker Wotherspoon, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jacob Moverare, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Roman Josi. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Pass to Lawson Crouse in neutral zone. Lawson Crouse moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Snap shot by Martin Kaut. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Collin Graf for Henderson Silver Knights. Snap shot by Collin Graf. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Lawson Crouse for Henderson Silver Knights. Slapshot by Lawson Crouse. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Spencer Stastney for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Lawson Crouse. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Rockford IceHogs vs 0 for Henderson Silver Knights. Shots for this period are 14 for Rockford IceHogs vs 8 for Henderson Silver Knights.

3rd period

Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Parker Wotherspoon, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jacob Moverare, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Jacob Moverare moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Jacob Moverare. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Spencer Stastney for Henderson Silver Knights. Slapshot by Spencer Stastney. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Jones for Henderson Silver Knights. Snap shot by Max Jones. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Off-side. Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Parker Wotherspoon stole the puck from Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Max Jones. Max Jones is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Henderson Silver Knights. Jacob Moverare moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Jacob Moverare moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Martin Kaut.

Time : 1. Puck retreived by Tyler Motte. Tyler Motte is hit by Jacob Moverare and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Spencer Stastney for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Sean Walker are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon. Pass to Tyler Motte. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Kale Clague, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Kale Clague in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Kale Clague. Puck retreived by Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Cedric Paquette. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyler Motte, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Max Jones. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Lawson Crouse in neutral zone. Penalty to Quinton Byfield is over, Quinton Byfield is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Lawson Crouse. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Slapshot by Glenn Gawdin. Goal by Glenn Gawdin - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Henderson Silver Knights : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in neutral zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Martin Kaut stole the puck from Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Martin Kaut. Puck retreived by Cedric Paquette. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Roman Josi moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov.

Time : 2. Slapshot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Alexeyev for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Alexander Alexeyev. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Jacob Moverare moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Jacob Moverare loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Martin Kaut. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Roman Josi. Roman Josi moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Alexander Alexeyev moves puck in neutral zone. Quinton Byfield stole the puck from Alexander Alexeyev. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Glenn Gawdin is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 3. Pass to Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Slapshot by Cedric Paquette. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Kale Clague in neutral zone. Kale Clague moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Max Jones. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. TJ Brodie moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Max Jones. Pass by Max Jones intercepted by Alex Vlasic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Quinton Byfield in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Martin Kaut, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Mason Morelli, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Roman Josi loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Ethan Bear is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Mason Morelli, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Max Jones. Pass by Max Jones intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Kale Clague in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Pass to TJ Brodie. Jeffrey Viel stole the puck from TJ Brodie. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jeffrey Viel. Puck retreived by TJ Brodie. TJ Brodie is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Madison Bowey in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Kale Clague. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. TJ Brodie moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Madison Bowey. Puck retreived by Kale Clague. Kale Clague is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lawson Crouse for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Lawson Crouse. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Wrist shot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Egor Zamula. Pass to Collin Graf in neutral zone. Collin Graf moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Alex Vlasic stole the puck from Collin Graf. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Spencer Stastney is hit by Roman Josi and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass by Egor Zamula intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Ethan Bear moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Ethan Bear loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Alex Vlasic. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Roman Josi moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Puck retreived by Cedric Paquette. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Kale Clague in neutral zone. Kale Clague loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nico Sturm in Rockford IceHogs zone. Wrist shot by Nico Sturm. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Jones for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Kale Clague. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Sean Walker in neutral zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Sean Walker. Slapshot by Sean Walker. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Kale Clague in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Kale Clague.

Time : 7. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Sean Walker intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Glenn Gawdin. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Tyler Motte moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Snap shot by Tyler Motte. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Madison Bowey loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Jones for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Spencer Stastney is hit by Alex Vlasic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Lawson Crouse. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Egor Zamula in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Roman Josi moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Wrist shot by Emil Bemstrom. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Egor Zamula for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Roman Josi. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Roman Josi in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Roman Josi moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Wrist shot by Jordan Weal. Shot Blocked by Alexander Alexeyev. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Alexeyev for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Alexander Alexeyev. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Alex Vlasic. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Alex Vlasic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Nico Sturm, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Cedric Paquette moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Madison Bowey.

Time : 9. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Dylan Samberg is hit by Connor Zary. Pass by Dylan Samberg intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Quinton Byfield in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Glenn Gawdin. Pass by Glenn Gawdin intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Martin Kaut, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Glenn Gawdin in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Glenn Gawdin intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Egor Zamula. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Sean Walker. Sean Walker moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Kale Clague. Pass to Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Tyler Motte moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Wrist shot by Cedric Paquette. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones is ejected from face-off, Nico Sturm takes his place. Nico Sturm wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Pass to Nico Sturm in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Nico Sturm. Puck retreived by Jacob MacDonald. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Alexander Alexeyev. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Alexander Alexeyev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Jacob Moverare is hit by Jacob MacDonald and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Connor Zary. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Mason Morelli is ejected from face-off, Collin Graf takes his place. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Snap shot by Cedric Paquette. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Collin Graf. Collin Graf moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut in Rockford IceHogs zone. Wrist shot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Collin Graf. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass to Collin Graf. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Brandon Duhaime moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Slapshot by Connor Zary. Goal by Connor Zary - Rockford IceHogs : 1 - Henderson Silver Knights : 2. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sean Walker, Madison Bowey are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Mason Morelli wins face-off versus Connor Zary in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Mason Morelli. Pass to Collin Graf in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Pass to Sean Walker. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass by Quinton Byfield intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Puck retreived by Roman Josi. Roman Josi is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Alex Vlasic moves puck in neutral zone. Alex Vlasic moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Slapshot by Alex Vlasic. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Sean Walker. Pass by Sean Walker intercepted by Brandon Duhaime. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Sean Walker. Pass by Sean Walker intercepted by Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Parker Wotherspoon. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Parker Wotherspoon. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Jacob MacDonald and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Snap shot by Tyler Motte. Shot Blocked by Max Jones. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Kale Clague are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Nico Sturm. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Nico Sturm intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by JJ Peterka. Pass by JJ Peterka intercepted by Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by JJ Peterka in neutral zone.

Time : 12. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Mason Morelli. Pass to Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Sean Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Sean Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to TJ Brodie. TJ Brodie moves puck in neutral zone. TJ Brodie moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Slapshot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Alex Vlasic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Jordan Weal, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Pass by Lawson Crouse intercepted by Alex Vlasic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Alex Vlasic intercepted by Collin Graf in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Alex Vlasic in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Tyler Motte. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Mason Morelli. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jacob Moverare.

Time : 13. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Connor Zary. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Joel Kellman, Emil Bemstrom, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Brandon Duhaime. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Ethan Bear is hit by Emil Bemstrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Egor Zamula in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kellman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Cedric Paquette. Puck retreived by Spencer Stastney. Spencer Stastney is hit by Jacob MacDonald and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Emil Bemstrom for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Pass by Spencer Stastney intercepted by Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to JJ Peterka in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Wrist shot by Quinton Byfield. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Collin Graf for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Roman Josi. Pass by Roman Josi intercepted by Mason Morelli. Pass to Egor Zamula in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Alex Vlasic. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Puck retreived by Dylan Samberg. Minor Penalty to Dylan Samberg for Goalie Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Connor Zary is ejected from face-off, JJ Peterka takes his place. JJ Peterka wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Snap shot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound.

Time : 14. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Spencer Stastney. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. JJ Peterka moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by JJ Peterka. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Roman Josi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Glenn Gawdin. Glenn Gawdin is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - TJ Brodie, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Spencer Stastney. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Spencer Stastney. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Egor Zamula, Alexander Alexeyev are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Tyler Motte. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Martin Kaut, Nico Sturm are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Collin Graf. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to TJ Brodie. TJ Brodie moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Emil Bemstrom, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Martin Kaut. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom.

Time : 15. Pass to Emil Bemstrom. Icing by Emil Bemstrom. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Spencer Stastney, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Connor Zary. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Snap shot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Zary for Rockford IceHogs. Backhand shot by Connor Zary. Shot Blocked by Lawson Crouse. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Alex Vlasic. Deflect By Ethan Bear. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Glenn Gawdin, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Egor Zamula, Alexander Alexeyev are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Glenn Gawdin is ejected from face-off, Vitali Kravtsov takes his place. Vitali Kravtsov wins face-off versus Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Alexander Alexeyev. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Alexander Alexeyev. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass by Connor Zary intercepted by Alexander Alexeyev. Pass by Alexander Alexeyev intercepted by Alex Vlasic. Pass to Connor Zary in neutral zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - TJ Brodie, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Alexander Alexeyev stole the puck from JJ Peterka. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Alexander Alexeyev. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Markstrom. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Penalty to Dylan Samberg is over, Dylan Samberg is back on ice. Pass to JJ Peterka.

Time : 16. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Slapshot by Quinton Byfield. Stopped by Anton Forsberg without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Lawson Crouse, Jeffrey Viel, Mason Morelli are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dylan Samberg, Ethan Bear are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Lawson Crouse in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Snap shot by Tyler Motte. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Samberg for Henderson Silver Knights. Icing by Dylan Samberg. Lawson Crouse wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Ethan Bear moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Snap shot by Lawson Crouse. Deflect By Jeffrey Viel. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Glenn Gawdin wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Slapshot by Dylan Samberg. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Lawson Crouse. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Alex Vlasic stole the puck from Glenn Gawdin. Pass to Tyler Motte in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Tyler Motte. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Dylan Samberg. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ethan Bear. Puck retreived by Quinton Byfield. Quinton Byfield is hit by Nico Sturm and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Vlasic for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to JJ Peterka. JJ Peterka moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Zary in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Snap shot by Connor Zary. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Jacob MacDonald. Stopped by Anton Forsberg with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 17. Puck retreived by Max Jones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Icing by Max Jones. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Mason Morelli in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Dylan Samberg. Pass by Dylan Samberg intercepted by Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexander Alexeyev, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass by Collin Graf intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Pass to Connor Zary. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Vlasic, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alexander Alexeyev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Glenn Gawdin, Jeffrey Viel, Lawson Crouse are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Glenn Gawdin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Glenn Gawdin. Puck retreived by Jordan Weal. Jordan Weal is hit by Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Egor Zamula, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Lawson Crouse in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Lawson Crouse. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound.

Time : 18. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Glenn Gawdin in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Alex Vlasic. Alex Vlasic moves puck in neutral zone. Alex Vlasic moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass by Alex Vlasic intercepted by Spencer Stastney. Pass to Egor Zamula in neutral zone. Egor Zamula moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Glenn Gawdin. Pass by Glenn Gawdin intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Pass to Tyler Motte in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Tyler Motte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Nico Sturm. Pass by Nico Sturm intercepted by Connor Zary. Pass to Roman Josi. Pass to JJ Peterka in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mason Morelli, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. JJ Peterka moves puck in Henderson Silver Knights zone. Pass to Quinton Byfield. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cedric Paquette, Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob MacDonald, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Egor Zamula. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Egor Zamula in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Egor Zamula. Last Minute Defensive Line - Max Jones, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Ethan Bear, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Last Minute Offensive Line - Connor Zary, Quinton Byfield, JJ Peterka are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Quinton Byfield in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Quinton Byfield. Puck retreived by Collin Graf. Collin Graf is hit by Connor Zary. Pass to Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Ethan Bear moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone.

Time : 19. Pass to Max Jones. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Ethan Bear. Slapshot by Ethan Bear. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. call a timeout for Rockford IceHogs. Alex Vlasic, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Connor Zary wins face-off versus Max Jones in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to JJ Peterka. Minor Penalty to Connor Zary for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Parker Wotherspoon, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jacob Moverare, Spencer Stastney are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Snap shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Roman Josi for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Roman Josi. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Spencer Stastney in neutral zone. Spencer Stastney moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Max Jones. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Emil Bemstrom. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Puck retreived by Anton Forsberg. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Max Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Max Jones. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Lawson Crouse, Martin Kaut, Collin Graf are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Kale Clague, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Emil Bemstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Henderson Silver Knights zone by Emil Bemstrom. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Tyler Motte are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Pass to Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Jacob Moverare moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Jacob Moverare. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Parker Wotherspoon, Roman Josi are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Sean Walker are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Lawson Crouse wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Collin Graf. Pass to Lawson Crouse. Snap shot by Lawson Crouse. Stopped by Jacob Markstrom without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cedric Paquette, Emil Bemstrom are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Jones, Nico Sturm, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Henderson Silver Knights. Max Jones wins face-off versus Cedric Paquette in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Slapshot by Madison Bowey. Shot Blocked by Emil Bemstrom. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Cedric Paquette in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Henderson Silver Knights. Shots for this period are 15 for Rockford IceHogs vs 11 for Henderson Silver Knights.