2024-Jul-5 |
Maxim Mamin from Anaheim Mighty Ducks is injured from Exhaustion. |
Curtis Lazar from Anaheim Mighty Ducks is injured from Exhaustion. |
Remi Elie from Amarillo Gorillas is injured from Exhaustion. |
Malcolm Subban from Utica Comets injured (Exhaustion) |
Saku Maenalanen from Greenville Swamp Rabbits is injured from Exhaustion. |
Game 930 - Joey Anderson from Norfolk Admirals is injured (Torn Left MCL) and is out for 2 weeks. |
Robert Bortuzzo from Norfolk Admirals completes suspension |
Cam Talbot from Norfolk Admirals injured (Exhaustion) |
Boo Nieves from Iowa Heartlanders is injured from Exhaustion. |
Kyle Connor from St Louis Blues is injured from Exhaustion. |
Phil Di Giuseppe from St Louis Blues is injured from Exhaustion. |
Nicklas Backstrom from Springfield Thunderbirds is injured from Exhaustion. |
Game 934 - Rasmus Asplund from Pittsburgh Penguins is injured (Abdomen/Ribs) and is out for 2 weeks. |
Game 934 - Andrei Loktionov from Rochester Americans is injured (Strained Left Knee) and is out for 1 week. |
Game 934 - Kevin Bahl from Rochester Americans is injured (Back Surgery) and is out for 1 month. |
Game 936 - Johan Larsson from Toronto Maple Leafs is injured (Strained Right Knee) and is out for 2 weeks. |
Game 936 - Haydn Fleury from Philadelphia Flyers is injured (Sprained Right Knee) and is out for 1 week. |
Nikita Nesterov from Carolina Hurricanes is back from Right Foot Injury. |
Boo Nieves from Iowa Heartlanders is back from Exhaustion. |
Kyle Connor from St Louis Blues is back from Exhaustion. |
Curtis Lazar from Anaheim Mighty Ducks is back from Exhaustion. |
Phil Di Giuseppe from St Louis Blues is back from Exhaustion. |
Isaac Ratcliffe from Greenville Swamp Rabbits is back from Exhaustion. |
Cam Talbot from Norfolk Admirals is back from Exhaustion. |
Adam Gaudette from Edmonton Oilers is back from Broken Right Index Finger Injury. |
Mark Jankowski from St Louis Blues is back from Torso Injury. |
Maxim Mamin from Anaheim Mighty Ducks is back from Exhaustion. |
Saku Maenalanen from Greenville Swamp Rabbits is back from Exhaustion. |
Nicklas Backstrom from Springfield Thunderbirds is back from Exhaustion. |
Malcolm Subban from Utica Comets is back from Exhaustion. |
Haydn Fleury from Philadelphia Flyers is back from Sprained Right Knee Injury. |
Remi Elie from Amarillo Gorillas is back from Exhaustion. |
 |  |  | $1,106,662 (Money). |
 |  |  | $66,600 (Money). |