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Rockford IceHogs vs Reading Royals

Created - January 21, 2024 at 11:07

1 2 3 OT1 T
Rockford IceHogs 0 2 1 1 4
Reading Royals 1 1 1 0 3
1 2 3 OT1 T
Rockford IceHogs 2 7 7 3 19
Reading Royals 5 9 9 1 24

1st period
1. Reading Royals , Milan Lucic 4 (Jake Dotchin 1, Pontus Holmberg 1) at 6:48 (PP)
Nikolai Knyzhov (CHI) for Interference (Minor) at 6:15
Garnet Hathaway (LAK) for Tripping (Minor) at 18:17
2nd period
2. Reading Royals , Austin Czarnik 3 (Milan Lucic 2, Scott Wilson 3) at 12:28
3. Rockford IceHogs , Blake Coleman 4 (Austin Watson 5) at 18:05
4. Rockford IceHogs , Blake Coleman 5 (Nikolai Knyzhov 3) at 18:18
Garnet Hathaway (LAK) for High sticking (Minor) at 0:27
Corban Knight (LAK) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 1:10
Garnet Hathaway (LAK) for Roughing (Minor) at 13:10
Jake Dotchin (LAK) for Interference (Minor) at 19:50
3rd period
5. Rockford IceHogs , Blake Coleman 6 (Nikolai Knyzhov 4) at 0:08 (PP)
6. Reading Royals , Michael Frolik 1 (Austin Czarnik 3, Damon Severson 2) at 1:32
Garnet Hathaway (LAK) for Tripping (Minor) at 2:54
Ilya Lyubushkin (LAK) for Fighting (Major) at 7:35
Evgeny Svechnikov (CHI) for Fighting (Major) at 7:35
Blake Coleman (CHI) for Interference (Minor) at 12:41
Overtime #1
7. Rockford IceHogs , Kevin Rooney 5 (Blake Coleman 8, Nikolai Knyzhov 5) at 1:54
No Penalty
Goalie Stats
Anton Khudobin (CHI), 21 saves from 24 shots - (0.875), W, 3-0-0, 61:54 minutes
Felix Sandstrom (LAK), 15 saves from 19 shots - (0.789), OTL, 0-2-1, 61:54 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Blake Coleman (CHI)
2 - Nikolai Knyzhov (CHI)
3 - Kevin Rooney (CHI)
Referees : Kevin Pollock and Reid Anderson
Linesman : Pierre Racicot and James Tobias
Game Note
Blake Coleman has scored a Hat Trick!
Ilya Lyubushkin beats up Evgeny Svechnikov at 7:35 of 3rd period
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1379 (68.95%) -- Ticket Income $57,918
Level 2 -- Attendance: 696 (69.60%) -- Ticket Income $12,528
Total Attendance: 2075 (69.17%)
Total Ticket Income: $70,446
Total Income: $70,446

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Rockford IceHogs 4194689231 / 6 (17%)162%
Reading Royals 324431017261 / 2 (50%)138%

Rockford IceHogs
Andrew AgozzinoLW0000012014:030:0000:230100% 200
Austin WatsonRW0110031025:365:0301:20078% 901
Blake ColemanC3141225024:055:0310:22050% 2210
Brad HuntD000-1000111:270:0000:3300% 000
Brandon DuhaimeRW0000030113:000:0100:0000% 001
Dakota MermisD0001012025:295:4211:4100% 000
Evgeny SvechnikovLW0000531018:283:5301:0400% 001
Jacob MacDonaldD000-1000010:540:0000:0000% 000
Joel KivirantaRW000001008:520:0100:4400% 000
Jordan WealRW0000022019:333:5300:0000% 001
Kale ClagueD000000005:390:0000:0000% 000
Kevin RooneyLW1011023123:125:0300:1100% 001
Michael CarconeLW0000002114:300:0100:000100% 210
Nick MerkleyC0000030319:303:5300:50058% 1201
Nikolai KnyzhovD0332210125:015:4200:5800% 001
Parker WotherspoonD000000005:390:0000:0000% 000
TJ BrodieD0000001019:093:1501:0100% 000
Urho VaakanainenD0000010019:003:1501:0100% 000
Reading Royals
Andreas EnglundD0000011113:340:0000:1800% 000
Austin CzarnikC1120004017:101:1004:25033% 1800
Ben SmithLW0000031016:041:1801:0900% 000
Brandon KozunC0000000010:170:0000:00057% 700
Colton SceviourLW000000000:230:0000:0000% 000
Corban KnightC0000203016:201:2201:57033% 920
Damon SeversonD0110012121:161:1304:1900% 010
Garnet HathawayRW0000811015:580:0400:0200% 000
Ilya LyubushkinD000-1531219:121:1304:1910% 010
Jake DotchinD0110223025:581:1904:2000% 001
Jean-Sebastien DeaC0000000015:030:0000:0200% 600
Julian MelchioriD0000000214:450:3100:0000% 010
Keegan KolesarRW0000042011:530:0000:0000% 000
Michael FrolikLW1010011015:500:0001:4500% 110
Milan LucicLW112-1013020:591:1010:1600% 010
Pontus HolmbergRW011-1000018:351:1004:560100% 300
Radko GudasD0000061427:070:4804:3800% 001
Scott WilsonRW0110031014:581:2202:05067% 300

Rockford IceHogs

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Kevin RooneyBlake ColemanAustin Watson1224039%18:43
2Evgeny SvechnikovNick MerkleyJordan Weal1223034%16:16
3Michael CarconeAndrew AgozzinoBrandon Duhaime1222020%9:44
4Andrew AgozzinoAustin WatsonJoel Kiviranta122108%3:48
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis1224036%17:14
2Urho VaakanainenTJ Brodie1223030%14:44
3Jacob MacDonaldBrad Hunt1222022%10:54
4Kale ClagueParker Wotherspoon1221012%5:39
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Kevin RooneyBlake ColemanAustin Watson1226057%5:04
2Evgeny SvechnikovNick MerkleyJordan Weal1224043%3:53
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis1226064%5:42
2Urho VaakanainenTJ Brodie1224036%3:15
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin WatsonBlake Coleman1226093%2:21
2Kevin RooneyEvgeny Svechnikov122407%0:11
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis1226060%1:31
2Urho VaakanainenTJ Brodie1224040%1:01
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin Watson122600%0:00 Nikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis122600%0:00
2Blake Coleman122400%0:00 Urho VaakanainenTJ Brodie122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin WatsonBlake Coleman122600%0:00
2Kevin RooneyEvgeny Svechnikov122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis122600%0:00
2Urho VaakanainenTJ Brodie122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Kevin RooneyBlake ColemanAustin WatsonNikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Kevin RooneyBlake ColemanAustin WatsonNikolai KnyzhovDakota Mermis
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime, Joel KivirantaMichael Carcone, Brandon DuhaimeJoel Kiviranta
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt, Kale ClagueJacob MacDonald, Brad HuntKale Clague
Penalty Shots
Austin Watson, Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal
Anton Khudobin, Spencer Martin
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Austin Watson, Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal, Michael Carcone, Andrew Agozzino, Brandon Duhaime, Joel Kiviranta, Nick Merkley
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis, Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie, Jacob MacDonald
Joel Kellman (Healthy), Alex Vlasic (Fractured Metatarsal (Right Foot) Injury), Sonny Milano (Healthy), Maxime Lajoie (Healthy), Arttu Ruotsalainen (Healthy) Lucas Johansen (Healthy)

Reading Royals

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ben SmithCorban KnightPontus Holmberg0322527%13:12
2Milan LucicAustin CzarnikScott Wilson0322527%13:19
3Michael FrolikJean-Sebastien DeaGarnet Hathaway0322524%11:52
4Milan LucicBrandon KozunKeegan Kolesar0322521%10:08
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jake DotchinRadko Gudas0324540%19:31
2Ilya LyubushkinDamon Severson0323532%15:44
3Julian MelchioriAndreas Englund0322025%12:20
4Andreas EnglundRadko Gudas03202%0:56
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ben SmithCorban KnightScott Wilson0056054%1:22
2Milan LucicAustin CzarnikPontus Holmberg0054046%1:10
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jake DotchinRadko Gudas0236052%1:19
2Ilya LyubushkinDamon Severson0234048%1:13
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin CzarnikPontus Holmberg0416073%5:36
2Scott WilsonCorban Knight0414027%2:05
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jake DotchinRadko Gudas0506053%4:06
2Ilya LyubushkinDamon Severson0504047%3:35
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Pontus Holmberg0506079%1:00 Jake DotchinRadko Gudas0506042%0:32
2Milan Lucic0504021%0:16 Ilya LyubushkinDamon Severson0504058%0:44
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin CzarnikPontus Holmberg032600%0:00
2Scott WilsonCorban Knight032400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jake DotchinRadko Gudas032600%0:00
2Ilya LyubushkinDamon Severson032400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Milan LucicCorban KnightPontus HolmbergJake DotchinRadko Gudas
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Milan LucicCorban KnightPontus HolmbergJake DotchinRadko Gudas
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Garnet Hathaway, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael FrolikGarnet Hathaway, Jean-Sebastien DeaMichael Frolik
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Julian Melchiori, Radko Gudas, Andreas EnglundJulian Melchiori, Radko GudasAndreas Englund
Penalty Shots
Ben Smith, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson, Corban Knight, Keegan Kolesar
Felix Sandstrom, Marcus Hogberg
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson, Corban Knight, Keegan Kolesar, Austin Czarnik, Garnet Hathaway, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Ben Smith
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas, Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson, Julian Melchiori
Julius Honka (Healthy), John Gilmour (Healthy), Joel Hanley (Fractured Bone in Left Hand Injury), Wayne Simmonds (Healthy), Sasha Chmelevski (Healthy) Antoine Bibeau (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Corban Knight wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone.
0:04 of 1st period - Nikolai Knyzhov is hit by Ben Smith and loses puck.
0:29 of 1st period - Icing by Corban Knight.
0:30 of 1st period - Michael Carcone wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Reading Royals zone.
0:35 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Michael Carcone.
0:35 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:37 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Andrew Agozzino.
0:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound.
0:38 of 1st period - Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Reading Royals zone.
1:43 of 1st period - Jacob MacDonald is hit by Ben Smith and loses puck.
3:08 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Keegan Kolesar.
3:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
3:20 of 1st period - Damon Severson is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck.
3:59 of 1st period - Austin Watson is hit by Garnet Hathaway.
4:41 of 1st period - Nick Merkley is hit by Keegan Kolesar.
5:07 of 1st period - Blake Coleman is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck.
6:04 of 1st period - Damon Severson is hit by Kevin Rooney and loses puck.
6:15 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Nikolai Knyzhov for Interference.
6:16 of 1st period - Corban Knight wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Rockford IceHogs zone.
6:41 of 1st period - Pontus Holmberg is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck.
6:48 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jake Dotchin.
6:48 of 1st period - Deflect By Milan Lucic.
6:48 of 1st period - Goal by Milan Lucic - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Reading Royals : 1.
6:49 of 1st period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone.
7:14 of 1st period - Kevin Rooney is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck.
7:25 of 1st period - Snap shot by Austin Watson.
7:25 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:37 of 1st period - Slapshot by Brandon Duhaime.
7:37 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:58 of 1st period - Snap shot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
7:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:00 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
8:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
8:02 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jordan Weal.
8:02 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Julian Melchiori.
8:04 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
8:04 of 1st period - Shot Hit the Post.
8:06 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
8:06 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Julian Melchiori.
8:18 of 1st period - Ben Smith is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck.
8:47 of 1st period - Corban Knight is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck.
9:19 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Pontus Holmberg.
9:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:40 of 1st period - Andrew Agozzino is hit by Ilya Lyubushkin and loses puck.
10:09 of 1st period - Blake Coleman is hit by Michael Frolik.
11:02 of 1st period - Off-side.
11:03 of 1st period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone.
11:14 of 1st period - Snap shot by Garnet Hathaway.
11:14 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Nick Merkley.
11:30 of 1st period - Pontus Holmberg is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck.
11:47 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Austin Czarnik.
11:47 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
11:49 of 1st period - Slapshot by Milan Lucic.
11:49 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
11:51 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Milan Lucic.
11:51 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Michael Carcone.
12:32 of 1st period - Dakota Mermis is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck.
13:41 of 1st period - Michael Carcone is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck.
14:28 of 1st period - Off-side.
14:29 of 1st period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Corban Knight in neutral zone.
15:13 of 1st period - Andreas Englund is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck.
17:06 of 1st period - Michael Carcone is hit by Scott Wilson and loses puck.
17:34 of 1st period - Snap shot by Corban Knight.
17:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
17:35 of 1st period - Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone.
18:02 of 1st period - Radko Gudas is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck.
18:07 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jordan Weal.
18:07 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas.
18:09 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jordan Weal.
18:09 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas.
18:11 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
18:11 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:17 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for Tripping.
18:18 of 1st period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone.
18:59 of 1st period - Snap shot by Evgeny Svechnikov.
18:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:01 of 1st period - Slapshot by Nick Merkley.
19:01 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:19 of 1st period - Pontus Holmberg is hit by Blake Coleman and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals.
Shots for this period are 2 for Rockford IceHogs vs 5 for Reading Royals.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone.
0:08 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Blake Coleman.
0:08 of 2nd period - Deflect By Jake Dotchin.
0:08 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas.
0:08 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
0:09 of 2nd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone.
0:17 of 2nd period - Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice.
0:27 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for High sticking.
0:28 of 2nd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone.
0:28 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Austin Watson.
0:28 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:30 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Kevin Rooney.
0:30 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:10 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Corban Knight for Cross-checking.
1:11 of 2nd period - Pontus Holmberg wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone.
1:27 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Dakota Mermis.
1:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
2:01 of 2nd period - Radko Gudas is hit by Urho Vaakanainen and loses puck.
2:27 of 2nd period - Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice.
2:46 of 2nd period - Kevin Rooney is hit by Ilya Lyubushkin and loses puck.
3:10 of 2nd period - Penalty to Corban Knight is over, Corban Knight is back on ice.
4:41 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Corban Knight.
4:41 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
5:17 of 2nd period - Jordan Weal is hit by Ben Smith and loses puck.
5:30 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jean-Sebastien Dea.
5:30 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Merkley.
5:42 of 2nd period - Milan Lucic is hit by Nikolai Knyzhov and loses puck.
6:21 of 2nd period - Urho Vaakanainen is hit by Scott Wilson and loses puck.
6:59 of 2nd period - Brad Hunt is hit by Andreas Englund and loses puck.
7:34 of 2nd period - Brad Hunt is hit by Jake Dotchin and loses puck.
8:18 of 2nd period - Damon Severson is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck.
9:47 of 2nd period - Icing by Pontus Holmberg.
9:48 of 2nd period - Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Reading Royals zone.
10:13 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Corban Knight.
10:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
10:14 of 2nd period - Corban Knight wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Rockford IceHogs zone.
10:15 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Jake Dotchin.
10:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
10:25 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Corban Knight.
10:25 of 2nd period - Deflect By Ben Smith.
10:25 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:25 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
10:26 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone.
10:35 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Jordan Weal.
10:35 of 2nd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
10:37 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jordan Weal.
10:37 of 2nd period - Deflect By Evgeny Svechnikov.
10:37 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:37 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
10:38 of 2nd period - Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone.
10:56 of 2nd period - Nikolai Knyzhov is hit by Jake Dotchin and loses puck.
11:15 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Michael Frolik.
11:15 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Merkley.
11:17 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Radko Gudas.
11:17 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
11:18 of 2nd period - Scott Wilson wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Rockford IceHogs zone.
11:33 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Austin Czarnik.
11:33 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
11:45 of 2nd period - Urho Vaakanainen is hit by Damon Severson and loses puck.
11:52 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Michael Frolik.
11:52 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brad Hunt.
11:54 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Garnet Hathaway.
11:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
11:55 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone.
12:22 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Jordan Weal.
12:22 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:28 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Milan Lucic.
12:28 of 2nd period - Deflect By Austin Czarnik.
12:28 of 2nd period - Goal by Austin Czarnik - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Reading Royals : 2.
12:29 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Brandon Kozun in neutral zone.
12:34 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Blake Coleman.
12:34 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas.
12:55 of 2nd period - Jean-Sebastien Dea is hit by Jordan Weal and loses puck.
13:10 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for Roughing.
13:11 of 2nd period - Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone.
15:10 of 2nd period - Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice.
15:34 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Damon Severson.
15:34 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
15:35 of 2nd period - Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone.
15:35 of 2nd period - Andrew Agozzino is hit by Milan Lucic.
15:41 of 2nd period - Slapshot by TJ Brodie.
15:41 of 2nd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
15:43 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brandon Duhaime.
15:43 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:45 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Urho Vaakanainen.
15:45 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:32 of 2nd period - Blake Coleman is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck.
16:47 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley is hit by Keegan Kolesar and loses puck.
17:18 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Michael Frolik.
17:18 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brandon Duhaime.
18:03 of 2nd period - Icing by Garnet Hathaway.
18:04 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Michael Frolik in Reading Royals zone.
18:05 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Blake Coleman.
18:05 of 2nd period - Goal by Blake Coleman - Rockford IceHogs : 1 - Reading Royals : 2.
18:06 of 2nd period - Scott Wilson wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone.
18:06 of 2nd period - Scott Wilson is hit by Kevin Rooney.
18:10 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Jake Dotchin.
18:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
18:11 of 2nd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Scott Wilson in Rockford IceHogs zone.
18:18 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Blake Coleman.
18:18 of 2nd period - Goal by Blake Coleman - Rockford IceHogs : 2 - Reading Royals : 2.
18:19 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone.
18:54 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Blake Coleman.
18:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound.
18:55 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Brandon Kozun in Reading Royals zone.
18:58 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jordan Weal.
18:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound.
18:59 of 2nd period - Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Reading Royals zone.
19:31 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Urho Vaakanainen.
19:31 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Ilya Lyubushkin.
19:50 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Jake Dotchin for Interference.
19:51 of 2nd period - Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone.
Goals for this period are 2 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals.
Shots for this period are 7 for Rockford IceHogs vs 9 for Reading Royals.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone.
0:06 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nikolai Knyzhov.
0:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Andreas Englund.
0:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Blake Coleman.
0:08 of 3rd period - Goal by Blake Coleman - Rockford IceHogs : 3 - Reading Royals : 2.
0:09 of 3rd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone.
0:17 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Austin Czarnik.
0:17 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
0:19 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Radko Gudas.
0:19 of 3rd period - Deflect By Milan Lucic.
0:19 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nikolai Knyzhov.
0:19 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
0:20 of 3rd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone.
0:47 of 3rd period - Blake Coleman is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck.
0:56 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Pontus Holmberg.
0:56 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:58 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Ben Smith.
0:58 of 3rd period - Deflect By Dakota Mermis.
0:58 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:58 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
0:59 of 3rd period - Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone.
1:04 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Scott Wilson.
1:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
1:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Milan Lucic.
1:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound.
1:07 of 3rd period - Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone.
1:32 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Michael Frolik.
1:32 of 3rd period - Goal by Michael Frolik - Rockford IceHogs : 3 - Reading Royals : 3.
1:33 of 3rd period - Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone.
1:36 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Jake Dotchin.
1:36 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:38 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Radko Gudas.
1:38 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:00 of 3rd period - Jake Dotchin is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck.
2:28 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Michael Carcone.
2:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
2:30 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Brandon Duhaime.
2:30 of 3rd period - Deflect By Michael Carcone.
2:30 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:30 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
2:31 of 3rd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Reading Royals zone.
2:36 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Kevin Rooney.
2:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
2:54 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for Tripping.
2:55 of 3rd period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone.
4:38 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Ilya Lyubushkin.
4:38 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
4:54 of 3rd period - Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice.
5:56 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Ben Smith.
5:56 of 3rd period - Deflect By Garnet Hathaway.
5:56 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:56 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
5:57 of 3rd period - Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone.
6:22 of 3rd period - Milan Lucic is hit by Blake Coleman and loses puck.
6:33 of 3rd period - Brad Hunt is hit by Keegan Kolesar and loses puck.
7:04 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Keegan Kolesar.
7:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
7:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Julian Melchiori.
7:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Kevin Rooney.
7:24 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Brad Hunt.
7:24 of 3rd period - Deflect By Blake Coleman.
7:24 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:24 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
7:25 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Reading Royals zone.
7:35 of 3rd period - Ilya Lyubushkin beats up Evgeny Svechnikov.
7:35 of 3rd period - Penalty to Ilya Lyubushkin for Fighting.
7:35 of 3rd period - Penalty to Evgeny Svechnikov for Fighting.
7:36 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Reading Royals zone.
8:10 of 3rd period - Radko Gudas is hit by Joel Kiviranta and loses puck.
8:25 of 3rd period - Austin Watson is hit by Scott Wilson.
8:39 of 3rd period - Michael Frolik is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck.
8:54 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Blake Coleman.
8:54 of 3rd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
9:21 of 3rd period - Icing by Jacob MacDonald.
9:22 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone.
9:53 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Michael Carcone.
9:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
9:55 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dakota Mermis.
9:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound.
9:56 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone.
10:25 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Corban Knight.
10:25 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:27 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Pontus Holmberg.
10:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:29 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Damon Severson.
10:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
10:33 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Ben Smith.
10:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
10:50 of 3rd period - Garnet Hathaway is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck.
11:05 of 3rd period - Joel Kiviranta is hit by Keegan Kolesar and loses puck.
11:14 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Brandon Kozun.
11:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:16 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Julian Melchiori.
11:16 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:41 of 3rd period - Jake Dotchin is hit by Jordan Weal.
11:53 of 3rd period - Radko Gudas is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck.
12:19 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Andreas Englund.
12:19 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
12:41 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Blake Coleman for Interference.
12:42 of 3rd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone.
13:49 of 3rd period - Jake Dotchin is hit by Nick Merkley.
14:41 of 3rd period - Penalty to Blake Coleman is over, Blake Coleman is back on ice.
14:46 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Blake Coleman.
14:46 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Damon Severson.
14:54 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Blake Coleman.
14:54 of 3rd period - Deflect By Andrew Agozzino.
14:54 of 3rd period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
15:00 of 3rd period - Nikolai Knyzhov is hit by Ilya Lyubushkin and loses puck.
16:46 of 3rd period - Ilya Lyubushkin is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck.
18:44 of 3rd period - Icing by Kale Clague.
18:45 of 3rd period - Michael Carcone wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals.
Shots for this period are 7 for Rockford IceHogs vs 9 for Reading Royals.

Overtime #1

0:01 of 1st overtime period - Pontus Holmberg wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone.
0:08 of 1st overtime period - Slapshot by Jake Dotchin.
0:08 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound.
0:37 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Austin Watson.
0:37 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
1:40 of 1st overtime period - Icing by Jake Dotchin.
1:41 of 1st overtime period - Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Reading Royals zone.
1:44 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Kevin Rooney.
1:44 of 1st overtime period - Deflect By Blake Coleman.
1:44 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:44 of 1st overtime period - Puck is out of play.
1:45 of 1st overtime period - Pontus Holmberg wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone.
1:50 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Kevin Rooney.
1:50 of 1st overtime period - Shot Blocked by Ilya Lyubushkin.
1:52 of 1st overtime period - Slapshot by Kevin Rooney.
1:52 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound.
1:54 of 1st overtime period - Wrist shot by Kevin Rooney.
1:54 of 1st overtime period - Goal by Kevin Rooney - Rockford IceHogs : 4 - Reading Royals : 3.
Goals for this period are 1 for Rockford IceHogs vs 0 for Reading Royals.
Shots for this period are 3 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Corban Knight wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Puck retreived by Nikolai Knyzhov. Nikolai Knyzhov is hit by Ben Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pontus Holmberg for Reading Royals. Pass by Pontus Holmberg intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman moves puck in neutral zone. Blake Coleman moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Jake Dotchin stole the puck from Blake Coleman. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. Puck retreived by Corban Knight. Icing by Corban Knight. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Andrew Agozzino is ejected from face-off, Michael Carcone takes his place. Michael Carcone wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone. Wrist shot by Michael Carcone. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Austin Czarnik moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals.

Time : 1. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Ilya Lyubushkin in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Austin Watson stole the puck from Michael Frolik. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Ilya Lyubushkin in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Damon Severson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen. Pass by Urho Vaakanainen intercepted by Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Blake Coleman. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Puck retreived by Jacob MacDonald. Jacob MacDonald is hit by Ben Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Carcone for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Garnet Hathaway. Pass to Michael Frolik in Rockford IceHogs zone.

Time : 2. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Julian Melchiori. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Nick Merkley moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Milan Lucic in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Watson moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Ben Smith in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Michael Frolik. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom.

Time : 3. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Wrist shot by Keegan Kolesar. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Keegan Kolesar for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kale Clague. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Damon Severson is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ilya Lyubushkin for Reading Royals. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Ben Smith in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Milan Lucic moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by TJ Brodie. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Austin Watson is hit by Garnet Hathaway.

Time : 4. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Pontus Holmberg intercepted by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Michael Frolik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Brandon Kozun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley is hit by Keegan Kolesar. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Keegan Kolesar in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 5. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Puck retreived by Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Milan Lucic in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Kale Clague. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Keegan Kolesar in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Jordan Weal moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Carcone in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Joel Kiviranta in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joel Kiviranta, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Brandon Kozun moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin.

Time : 6. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Damon Severson is hit by Kevin Rooney and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ilya Lyubushkin for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Minor Penalty to Nikolai Knyzhov for Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Blake Coleman are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brad Hunt, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Corban Knight wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Brad Hunt. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brad Hunt. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Corban Knight moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Scott Wilson. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Brad Hunt. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Kevin Rooney, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Pontus Holmberg is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Dotchin for Reading Royals. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Jake Dotchin moves puck in neutral zone. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Jake Dotchin. Deflect By Milan Lucic. Goal by Milan Lucic - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Reading Royals : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Jordan Weal moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone.

Time : 7. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Dakota Mermis in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Garnet Hathaway for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Watson in Reading Royals zone. Snap shot by Austin Watson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Michael Carcone. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Slapshot by Brandon Duhaime. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jean-Sebastien Dea for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in Reading Royals zone. Snap shot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 8. Wrist shot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Jordan Weal. Shot Blocked by Julian Melchiori. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Blocked by Julian Melchiori. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Puck retreived by Ben Smith. Ben Smith is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Andreas Englund. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Pass to Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Milan Lucic moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Corban Knight. Corban Knight is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Carcone. Michael Carcone moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Radko Gudas stole the puck from Michael Carcone. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brandon Duhaime.

Time : 9. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Garnet Hathaway, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Puck retreived by Blake Coleman. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass to Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Pontus Holmberg moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Wrist shot by Pontus Holmberg. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Damon Severson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino is hit by Ilya Lyubushkin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Garnet Hathaway for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Pontus Holmberg.

Time : 10. Pass by Pontus Holmberg intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman is hit by Michael Frolik. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Garnet Hathaway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Joel Kiviranta in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Nick Merkley stole the puck from Corban Knight. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Andreas Englund. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Michael Carcone are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Brandon Kozun intercepted by Kale Clague. Pass by Kale Clague intercepted by Keegan Kolesar in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Corban Knight moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley.

Time : 11. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Garnet Hathaway in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Garnet Hathaway moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Garnet Hathaway. Shot Blocked by Nick Merkley. Free Puck Retrieved by Garnet Hathaway for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Ben Smith in neutral zone. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Austin Watson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Pontus Holmberg is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Smith for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Scott Wilson. Scott Wilson moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Wrist shot by Austin Czarnik. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Milan Lucic. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Wrist shot by Milan Lucic. Shot Blocked by Michael Carcone. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Czarnik for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 12. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Nick Merkley moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Nick Merkley loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Puck retreived by Dakota Mermis. Dakota Mermis is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pontus Holmberg for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Milan Lucic. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Blake Coleman. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 13. Puck retreived by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Garnet Hathaway in neutral zone. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Jean-Sebastien Dea intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Garnet Hathaway. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Jordan Weal. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass to Scott Wilson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass to Scott Wilson. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Garnet Hathaway, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Garnet Hathaway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway. Puck retreived by Michael Carcone. Michael Carcone is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brad Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Puck retreived by Kale Clague. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Nick Merkley. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Blake Coleman, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Corban Knight in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Ben Smith in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Corban Knight. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Puck retreived by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik. Michael Frolik moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 15. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Andreas Englund. Andreas Englund is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Brandon Kozun. Pass by Brandon Kozun intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Andreas Englund. Pass by Andreas Englund intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Andreas Englund. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Andreas Englund. Pass by Andreas Englund intercepted by Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Blake Coleman. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Jordan Weal in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Milan Lucic moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Jordan Weal stole the puck from Milan Lucic. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Radko Gudas moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Pontus Holmberg intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Garnet Hathaway, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Garnet Hathaway moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom.

Time : 17. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Puck retreived by Michael Carcone. Michael Carcone is hit by Scott Wilson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Ben Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Puck retreived by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Ben Smith. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight. Snap shot by Corban Knight. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Jake Dotchin moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Radko Gudas is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal. Snap shot by Jordan Weal. Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Jordan Weal. Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Damon Severson. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Pontus Holmberg in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Snap shot by Evgeny Svechnikov. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 19. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Pass to Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Pontus Holmberg is hit by Blake Coleman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Czarnik for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. Damon Severson moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Evgeny Svechnikov stole the puck from Damon Severson. Pass to Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Michael Frolik. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals. Shots for this period are 2 for Rockford IceHogs vs 5 for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals.

2nd period

PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman is ejected from face-off, Austin Watson takes his place. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Blake Coleman. Slapshot by Blake Coleman. Deflect By Jake Dotchin. Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas. Puck is out of play. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Radko Gudas. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice. Pass by Pontus Holmberg intercepted by Dakota Mermis in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Radko Gudas in Reading Royals zone. Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for High sticking. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Wrist shot by Austin Watson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Kevin Rooney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Corban Knight. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Jordan Weal in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Scott Wilson. Minor Penalty to Corban Knight for Cross-checking. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pontus Holmberg wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Damon Severson. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Kevin Rooney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Dakota Mermis. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #2 - Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Radko Gudas is hit by Urho Vaakanainen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #2 - Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Jordan Weal. Jordan Weal moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass to Michael Frolik. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Michael Frolik moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney is hit by Ilya Lyubushkin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Czarnik for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ben Smith. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals.

Time : 3. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Penalty to Corban Knight is over, Corban Knight is back on ice. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to TJ Brodie in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Andreas Englund. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Ben Smith in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Ben Smith moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Corban Knight. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brad Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joel Kiviranta, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Puck retreived by Scott Wilson. Pass by Scott Wilson intercepted by Michael Carcone in neutral zone.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Michael Carcone in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Julian Melchiori in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Julian Melchiori intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Keegan Kolesar moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight. Wrist shot by Corban Knight. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Corban Knight for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Joel Kiviranta in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joel Kiviranta, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass to Jake Dotchin.

Time : 5. Pass to Brandon Kozun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Puck retreived by Jordan Weal. Jordan Weal is hit by Ben Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Smith for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Wrist shot by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Shot Blocked by Nick Merkley. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Frolik for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Michael Carcone. Michael Carcone moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Milan Lucic is hit by Nikolai Knyzhov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Radko Gudas moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Puck retreived by Blake Coleman. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Jake Dotchin.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brad Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Joel Kiviranta. Joel Kiviranta moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joel Kiviranta, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Garnet Hathaway, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Evgeny Svechnikov, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Puck retreived by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Joel Kiviranta intercepted by Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Puck retreived by Urho Vaakanainen. Urho Vaakanainen is hit by Scott Wilson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Czarnik for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Puck retreived by Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Damon Severson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Andreas Englund in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Andreas Englund intercepted by Blake Coleman. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Andreas Englund. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Brandon Kozun moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Puck retreived by Brad Hunt. Brad Hunt is hit by Andreas Englund and loses puck.

Time : 7. Free Puck Retrieved by Julian Melchiori for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Blake Coleman, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Brad Hunt. Pass by Brad Hunt intercepted by Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Puck retreived by Brad Hunt. Brad Hunt is hit by Jake Dotchin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea.

Time : 8. Pass to Radko Gudas in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Joel Kiviranta. Pass by Joel Kiviranta intercepted by Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kiviranta. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Damon Severson is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Urho Vaakanainen for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Kevin Rooney, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Andreas Englund. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Garnet Hathaway, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Scott Wilson intercepted by Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Blake Coleman, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea.

Time : 9. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Brandon Kozun in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - TJ Brodie, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Brandon Kozun moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Ben Smith. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nick Merkley, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Joel Kiviranta in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Icing by Pontus Holmberg. Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Scott Wilson intercepted by Jacob MacDonald in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Andrew Agozzino.

Time : 10. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Corban Knight. Wrist shot by Corban Knight. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Corban Knight wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Slapshot by Jake Dotchin. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Corban Knight for Reading Royals. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight. Slapshot by Corban Knight. Deflect By Ben Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Nick Merkley moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Snap shot by Jordan Weal. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Jordan Weal. Deflect By Evgeny Svechnikov. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Milan Lucic in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Nikolai Knyzhov is hit by Jake Dotchin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 11. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Jake Dotchin moves puck in neutral zone. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Michael Frolik. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Michael Frolik. Snap shot by Michael Frolik. Shot Blocked by Nick Merkley. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Radko Gudas. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik is ejected from face-off, Scott Wilson takes his place. Scott Wilson wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Pass to Scott Wilson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Snap shot by Austin Czarnik. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Urho Vaakanainen. Urho Vaakanainen is hit by Damon Severson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Michael Frolik. Snap shot by Michael Frolik. Shot Blocked by Brad Hunt. Free Puck Retrieved by Garnet Hathaway for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Garnet Hathaway. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Joel Kiviranta. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone.

Time : 12. Pass to Ben Smith in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Jordan Weal moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Snap shot by Jordan Weal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Dotchin for Reading Royals. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Pass to Milan Lucic in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Milan Lucic. Deflect By Austin Czarnik. Goal by Austin Czarnik - Rockford IceHogs : 0 - Reading Royals : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman is ejected from face-off, Austin Watson takes his place. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Brandon Kozun in neutral zone. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Slapshot by Blake Coleman. Shot Blocked by Radko Gudas. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Milan Lucic. Pass to Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Brandon Kozun intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Jean-Sebastien Dea is hit by Jordan Weal and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jordan Weal.

Time : 13. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for Roughing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Jake Dotchin in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Damon Severson in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Puck retreived by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Evgeny Svechnikov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis.

Time : 15. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Scott Wilson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Damon Severson moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Damon Severson. Slapshot by Damon Severson. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Brandon Kozun in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to TJ Brodie. Andrew Agozzino is hit by Milan Lucic. TJ Brodie moves puck in neutral zone. TJ Brodie moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Slapshot by TJ Brodie. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Brandon Duhaime. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Urho Vaakanainen for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Urho Vaakanainen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Carcone for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Jordan Weal. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 16. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Michael Frolik. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Brad Hunt. Pass to Joel Kiviranta in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Julian Melchiori intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Andreas Englund. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Puck retreived by Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brad Hunt for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Brandon Kozun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley is hit by Keegan Kolesar and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Urho Vaakanainen for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Pass by Keegan Kolesar intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen. Pass to TJ Brodie.

Time : 17. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Michael Carcone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Michael Frolik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Wrist shot by Michael Frolik. Shot Blocked by Brandon Duhaime. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jean-Sebastien Dea intercepted by Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Garnet Hathaway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight. Brandon Duhaime stole the puck from Corban Knight. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Corban Knight. Pass to Ben Smith. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Nick Merkley. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley.

Time : 18. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Icing by Garnet Hathaway. Jean-Sebastien Dea is ejected from face-off, Michael Frolik takes his place. Blake Coleman is ejected from face-off, Austin Watson takes his place. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Michael Frolik in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Blake Coleman. Goal by Blake Coleman - Rockford IceHogs : 1 - Reading Royals : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik is ejected from face-off, Scott Wilson takes his place. Scott Wilson wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Scott Wilson is hit by Kevin Rooney. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Jake Dotchin. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Austin Czarnik is ejected from face-off, Scott Wilson takes his place. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Scott Wilson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Blake Coleman moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Wrist shot by Blake Coleman. Goal by Blake Coleman - Rockford IceHogs : 2 - Reading Royals : 2. Blake Coleman is ejected from face-off, Austin Watson takes his place. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Jake Dotchin in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Radko Gudas. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Scott Wilson moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Blake Coleman moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Wrist shot by Blake Coleman. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Brandon Kozun in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Wrist shot by Jordan Weal. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound. Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin.

Time : 19. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Milan Lucic. Pass to Brandon Kozun in neutral zone. Brandon Kozun moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Brandon Kozun intercepted by Jordan Weal. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. TJ Brodie moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Urho Vaakanainen moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Slapshot by Urho Vaakanainen. Shot Blocked by Ilya Lyubushkin. Free Puck Retrieved by Ilya Lyubushkin for Reading Royals. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Frolik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Blake Coleman moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Pontus Holmberg. Minor Penalty to Jake Dotchin for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Andreas Englund, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals. Shots for this period are 7 for Rockford IceHogs vs 9 for Reading Royals.

3rd period

PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Andreas Englund, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Wrist shot by Nikolai Knyzhov. Shot Blocked by Andreas Englund. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman for Rockford IceHogs. Snap shot by Blake Coleman. Goal by Blake Coleman - Rockford IceHogs : 3 - Reading Royals : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Wrist shot by Austin Czarnik. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Snap shot by Radko Gudas. Deflect By Milan Lucic. Shot Blocked by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck is out of play. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Radko Gudas in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman is hit by Radko Gudas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Corban Knight for Reading Royals. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Snap shot by Pontus Holmberg. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Smith for Reading Royals. Wrist shot by Ben Smith. Deflect By Dakota Mermis. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Scott Wilson.

Time : 1. Snap shot by Scott Wilson. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Milan Lucic. Stopped by Anton Khudobin without a rebound. Austin Czarnik wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Milan Lucic. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Nick Merkley. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. TJ Brodie moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Backhand shot by Michael Frolik. Goal by Michael Frolik - Rockford IceHogs : 3 - Reading Royals : 3. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Jake Dotchin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Radko Gudas for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Radko Gudas. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Kozun for Reading Royals. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Milan Lucic. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley.

Time : 2. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Jake Dotchin is hit by Evgeny Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Garnet Hathaway for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Damon Severson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Puck retreived by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Damon Severson in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Carcone in Reading Royals zone. Snap shot by Michael Carcone. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Brandon Duhaime. Deflect By Michael Carcone. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Snap shot by Kevin Rooney. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Austin Watson. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Minor Penalty to Garnet Hathaway for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Austin Watson.

Time : 3. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Radko Gudas. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Dakota Mermis moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Jake Dotchin. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Scott Wilson. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Scott Wilson. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Blake Coleman. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Puck retreived by Dakota Mermis.

Time : 4. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck retreived by Corban Knight. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Jordan Weal. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Pontus Holmberg intercepted by TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ben Smith. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Ilya Lyubushkin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Snap shot by Ilya Lyubushkin. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Evgeny Svechnikov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Ben Smith are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty to Garnet Hathaway is over, Garnet Hathaway is back on ice. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Ben Smith. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone.

Time : 5. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Brandon Duhaime. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Radko Gudas in neutral zone. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Garnet Hathaway. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Ben Smith. Wrist shot by Ben Smith. Deflect By Garnet Hathaway. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Brandon Kozun wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Milan Lucic.

Time : 6. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Pass by Keegan Kolesar intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Pass by Keegan Kolesar intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Milan Lucic is hit by Blake Coleman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Julian Melchiori. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Puck retreived by Brad Hunt. Brad Hunt is hit by Keegan Kolesar and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Keegan Kolesar for Reading Royals. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Andreas Englund. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass by Brandon Kozun intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Julian Melchiori in neutral zone. Pass to Milan Lucic in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Kozun.

Time : 7. Pass to Keegan Kolesar. Wrist shot by Keegan Kolesar. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Julian Melchiori for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Julian Melchiori. Shot Blocked by Kevin Rooney. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Pass by Brandon Kozun intercepted by Brad Hunt. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Brad Hunt. Brad Hunt moves puck in neutral zone. Brad Hunt moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Slapshot by Brad Hunt. Deflect By Blake Coleman. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Garnet Hathaway. Pass by Garnet Hathaway intercepted by Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Weal in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Damon Severson. Ilya Lyubushkin beats up Evgeny Svechnikov. Penalty to Ilya Lyubushkin for Fighting. Penalty to Evgeny Svechnikov for Fighting. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Julian Melchiori, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Michael Frolik. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Garnet Hathaway. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Radko Gudas, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Radko Gudas in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Radko Gudas is hit by Joel Kiviranta and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Austin Watson is hit by Scott Wilson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Damon Severson in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by TJ Brodie in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by TJ Brodie intercepted by Andreas Englund in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Andreas Englund. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Puck retreived by Michael Frolik. Michael Frolik is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Garnet Hathaway for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Brandon Duhaime, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Michael Frolik moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Slapshot by Blake Coleman. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Corban Knight for Reading Royals. Pass to Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin.

Time : 9. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Brandon Duhaime, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Urho Vaakanainen moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Scott Wilson in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Julian Melchiori, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Icing by Jacob MacDonald. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Brad Hunt. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Nick Merkley moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Damon Severson. Pass to Julian Melchiori. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Jean-Sebastien Dea moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass by Jean-Sebastien Dea intercepted by Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Blake Coleman. Blake Coleman moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Kevin Rooney in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Carcone in Reading Royals zone. Slapshot by Michael Carcone. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Dakota Mermis. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Austin Czarnik in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Radko Gudas.

Time : 10. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Czarnik in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Julian Melchiori, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Ben Smith. Pass to Corban Knight. Slapshot by Corban Knight. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pontus Holmberg for Reading Royals. Snap shot by Pontus Holmberg. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Damon Severson for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Damon Severson. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Damon Severson for Reading Royals. Pass to Ben Smith. Snap shot by Ben Smith. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Damon Severson for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Nikolai Knyzhov intercepted by Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Michael Frolik in neutral zone. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Blake Coleman. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Puck retreived by Garnet Hathaway. Garnet Hathaway is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Blake Coleman intercepted by Damon Severson. Pass by Damon Severson intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Time : 11. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Michael Frolik. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Puck retreived by Joel Kiviranta. Joel Kiviranta is hit by Keegan Kolesar and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Milan Lucic for Reading Royals. Pass by Milan Lucic intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen. Pass by Urho Vaakanainen intercepted by Keegan Kolesar. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Snap shot by Brandon Kozun. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Julian Melchiori for Reading Royals. Slapshot by Julian Melchiori. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Damon Severson for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Brandon Duhaime, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen. Urho Vaakanainen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Joel Kiviranta, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Jake Dotchin is hit by Jordan Weal. Pass to Scott Wilson. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Andreas Englund, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Parker Wotherspoon. Pass to Jordan Weal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jordan Weal. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. Radko Gudas is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kiviranta for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom.

Time : 12. Pass to Andreas Englund. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Czarnik moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Pass to Brad Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brad Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Andrew Agozzino, Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass to Andreas Englund in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Andreas Englund moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Andreas Englund. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Brandon Duhaime moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Andrew Agozzino, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brandon Kozun, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Blake Coleman, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Andreas Englund in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Andrew Agozzino, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Andreas Englund moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Kozun. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Brandon Kozun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald. Minor Penalty to Blake Coleman for Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. Puck retreived by Damon Severson. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Smith in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Corban Knight.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikolai Knyzhov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck retreived by Milan Lucic. Pass to Damon Severson. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Austin Czarnik moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Milan Lucic. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Scott Wilson. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by TJ Brodie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Andrew Agozzino are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Jake Dotchin is hit by Nick Merkley. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Puck retreived by Radko Gudas. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Radko Gudas intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Corban Knight. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals.

Time : 14. Pass by Corban Knight intercepted by Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Julian Melchiori are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Dakota Mermis, Andrew Agozzino are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to TJ Brodie. TJ Brodie moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by TJ Brodie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Czarnik. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Garnet Hathaway, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Evgeny Svechnikov, Andrew Agozzino are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Penalty to Blake Coleman is over, Blake Coleman is back on ice. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Wrist shot by Blake Coleman. Shot Blocked by Damon Severson. Free Puck Retrieved by Ilya Lyubushkin for Reading Royals. Pass by Ilya Lyubushkin intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Blake Coleman. Snap shot by Blake Coleman. Deflect By Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Frolik for Reading Royals. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin.

Time : 15. Puck retreived by Nikolai Knyzhov. Nikolai Knyzhov is hit by Ilya Lyubushkin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ilya Lyubushkin for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Julian Melchiori in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Frolik, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jordan Weal intercepted by Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jacob MacDonald intercepted by Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Ben Smith, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Michael Carcone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Jean-Sebastien Dea in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Brandon Duhaime, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Jean-Sebastien Dea intercepted by Brandon Duhaime in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Michael Carcone moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Ben Smith, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Michael Frolik intercepted by Kale Clague. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brandon Duhaime, Joel Kiviranta, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Julian Melchiori. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Julian Melchiori. Julian Melchiori moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals.

Time : 16. Free Puck Retrieved by Parker Wotherspoon. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Michael Frolik, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Watson. Austin Watson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Coleman for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Michael Carcone, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brad Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Brandon Duhaime, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to TJ Brodie. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Pass to Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brandon Duhaime, Joel Kiviranta, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Radko Gudas moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Brandon Duhaime. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Keegan Kolesar in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Michael Frolik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Keegan Kolesar. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Colton Sceviour, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Brodie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Joel Kiviranta, Andrew Agozzino, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Milan Lucic, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Andrew Agozzino. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Ilya Lyubushkin is hit by Brandon Duhaime and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Corban Knight for Reading Royals. Pass to Damon Severson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Damon Severson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to TJ Brodie.

Time : 17. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Kevin Rooney in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob MacDonald, Brad Hunt are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Jacob MacDonald. Jacob MacDonald moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Jean-Sebastien Dea. Pass to Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Michael Carcone are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Michael Frolik moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Michael Frolik. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Colton Sceviour, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgeny Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Andrew Agozzino, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Evgeny Svechnikov intercepted by Jake Dotchin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Jake Dotchin. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Andrew Agozzino, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Jacob MacDonald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Jacob MacDonald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Radko Gudas moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brandon Kozun, Colton Sceviour, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brad Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Michael Carcone are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Blake Coleman moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Blake Coleman, Andrew Agozzino, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Ben Smith, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals.

Time : 18. Pass by Jake Dotchin intercepted by Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Andrew Agozzino, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brandon Duhaime, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Scott Wilson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Michael Frolik, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Radko Gudas in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Blake Coleman, Andrew Agozzino, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Kale Clague, Parker Wotherspoon are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Pontus Holmberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Michael Frolik, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Andrew Agozzino, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Corban Knight, Colton Sceviour, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Nick Merkley moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Joel Kiviranta, Andrew Agozzino, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Colton Sceviour. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Joel Kiviranta, Andrew Agozzino, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Milan Lucic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Ben Smith, Keegan Kolesar are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Kale Clague. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Michael Carcone, Evgeny Svechnikov, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Urho Vaakanainen, TJ Brodie are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Icing by Kale Clague. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ilya Lyubushkin, Damon Severson are on ice for Reading Royals. Michael Carcone wins face-off versus Jean-Sebastien Dea in Rockford IceHogs zone. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen. Pass to Brandon Duhaime in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Scott Wilson are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Michael Carcone in Reading Royals zone. Pass by Michael Carcone intercepted by Damon Severson. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Duhaime. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Brandon Duhaime intercepted by Ben Smith.

Time : 19. Pass by Ben Smith intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Ben Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Ben Smith. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ben Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Garnet Hathaway, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Michael Carcone are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass by Urho Vaakanainen intercepted by Ilya Lyubushkin. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Ilya Lyubushkin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Garnet Hathaway, Ben Smith, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Julian Melchiori, Andreas Englund are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Urho Vaakanainen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Urho Vaakanainen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Carcone, Kevin Rooney, Brandon Duhaime are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nikolai Knyzhov, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Pontus Holmberg. Pass to Julian Melchiori in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Brandon Duhaime, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Kevin Rooney stole the puck from Julian Melchiori. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Brandon Duhaime, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Julian Melchiori. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Jean-Sebastien Dea, Michael Frolik are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Coleman, Michael Carcone, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Michael Frolik, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Brandon Duhaime, Kevin Rooney, Joel Kiviranta are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Michael Carcone moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Joel Kiviranta, Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Garnet Hathaway. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Czarnik, Milan Lucic, Pontus Holmberg are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jake Dotchin, Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Jean-Sebastien Dea are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kiviranta. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Brandon Duhaime, Joel Kiviranta, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Corban Knight, Ben Smith, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass by Joel Kiviranta intercepted by Garnet Hathaway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Garnet Hathaway.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals. Shots for this period are 7 for Rockford IceHogs vs 9 for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jean-Sebastien Dea, Milan Lucic, Garnet Hathaway are on ice for Reading Royals. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Kevin Rooney, Austin Watson are on ice for Rockford IceHogs.

Overtime #1

Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Nikolai Knyzhov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Jake Dotchin are on ice for Reading Royals. Pontus Holmberg wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Dotchin. Jake Dotchin moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Slapshot by Jake Dotchin. Stopped by Anton Khudobin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Nikolai Knyzhov moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Kevin Rooney. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Austin Watson, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Milan Lucic. Pass to Pontus Holmberg in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Pontus Holmberg. Puck retreived by Nikolai Knyzhov. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Dakota Mermis are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Dakota Mermis moves puck in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Austin Watson. Snap shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Scott Wilson for Reading Royals. Pass to Corban Knight in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Corban Knight. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Radko Gudas are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov. Pass to Austin Watson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Keegan Kolesar, Austin Czarnik are on ice for Reading Royals. Austin Watson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Austin Watson. Puck retreived by Austin Czarnik. Pass by Austin Czarnik intercepted by Blake Coleman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Blake Coleman. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Jordan Weal, Michael Carcone are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Keegan Kolesar. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Pass to Milan Lucic in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Radko Gudas in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Radko Gudas. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Jordan Weal. Pass to Michael Carcone in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Michael Carcone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Austin Watson, Evgeny Svechnikov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Nikolai Knyzhov are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Corban Knight. Pass to Scott Wilson in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Jordan Weal, Michael Carcone are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Scott Wilson. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Keegan Kolesar, Austin Czarnik are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Weal. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Austin Watson, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Nikolai Knyzhov. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck retreived by Felix Sandstrom. Pass to Radko Gudas. Pass to Austin Czarnik in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Evgeny Svechnikov, Jordan Weal are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Austin Czarnik moves puck in Rockford IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in Rockford IceHogs zone by Austin Czarnik. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Scott Wilson, Corban Knight are on ice for Reading Royals. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Jake Dotchin are on ice for Reading Royals. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Khudobin. Pass to Nikolai Knyzhov. Pass to Evgeny Svechnikov in neutral zone. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Blake Coleman, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Rockford IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Reading Royals zone by Evgeny Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Jake Dotchin. Defense Custom Overtime Lineup - Ilya Lyubushkin are on ice for Reading Royals. Icing by Jake Dotchin. Blake Coleman wins face-off versus Corban Knight in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Snap shot by Kevin Rooney. Deflect By Blake Coleman. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Forward Custom Overtime Lineup - Pontus Holmberg, Milan Lucic are on ice for Reading Royals. Pontus Holmberg wins face-off versus Blake Coleman in Reading Royals zone. Pass to Ilya Lyubushkin. Nikolai Knyzhov stole the puck from Ilya Lyubushkin. Pass to Blake Coleman. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Snap shot by Kevin Rooney. Shot Blocked by Ilya Lyubushkin. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Rockford IceHogs. Slapshot by Kevin Rooney. Stopped by Felix Sandstrom with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Rockford IceHogs. Wrist shot by Kevin Rooney. Goal by Kevin Rooney - Rockford IceHogs : 4 - Reading Royals : 3. End of Overtime Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Rockford IceHogs vs 0 for Reading Royals. Shots for this period are 3 for Rockford IceHogs vs 1 for Reading Royals.