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Grand Rapids Griffins vs Bridgeport Islanders

Created - Monday, June 12, 2023 at 10:39

1 2 3 T
Grand Rapids Griffins 2 2 0 4
Bridgeport Islanders 1 0 1 2
1 2 3 T
Grand Rapids Griffins 13 9 7 29
Bridgeport Islanders 14 6 10 30

1st period
1. Bridgeport Islanders , Rasmus Sandin 12 (Adam Boqvist 53, Tyson Jost 43) at 16:33 (PP)
2. Grand Rapids Griffins , Jack Roslovic 18 (Sebastian Aho 49) at 16:39
3. Grand Rapids Griffins , Blake Comeau 8 (K'Andre Miller 28, Mark Olver 38) at 18:43
Anton Slepyshev (NYI) for Roughing (Minor) at 2:21
K'Andre Miller (DET) for Slashing (Minor) at 12:34
Filip Hronek (DET) for Tripping (Minor) at 16:30
2nd period
4. Grand Rapids Griffins , Aaron Palushaj 15 (Mark Olver 39) at 1:50
5. Grand Rapids Griffins , Radim Zohorna 5 (Blake Lizotte 9, Victor Bartley 6) at 5:22
Dryden Hunt (NYI) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 11:14
Drake Batherson (DET) for Roughing (Minor) at 14:48
3rd period
6. Bridgeport Islanders , Matt Martin 20 (Timothy Liljegren 26, Greg McKegg 16) at 11:26 (SH)
Seth Helgeson (NYI) for Hooking (Minor) at 9:30
Anton Slepyshev (NYI) for Fighting (Major) at 13:17
Blake Comeau (DET) for Fighting (Major) at 13:17
Goalie Stats
Carter Hart (DET), 28 saves from 30 shots - (0.933), W, 30-12-8, 60:00 minutes
Pavel Francouz (NYI), 11 saves from 11 shots - (1.000), 34:38 minutes
Nico Daws (NYI), 14 saves from 18 shots - (0.778), L, 21-17-6, 25:22 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Mark Olver (DET)
2 - Aaron Palushaj (DET)
3 - Jack Roslovic (DET)
Referees : Graham Skilliter and Furman South
Linesman : Jesse Marquis and Pierre Racicot
Game Note
Pavel Francouz enters game at 5:22 of 2nd period
Anton Slepyshev and Blake Comeau fight to a draw at 13:17 of 3rd period
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1947 (86.53%) -- Ticket Income $97,350
Level 2 -- Attendance: 1079 (86.32%) -- Ticket Income $26,975
Total Attendance: 3026 (86.46%)
Total Ticket Income: $124,325
Total Income: $124,325

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Grand Rapids Griffins 42954511210 / 3 (0%)147%
Bridgeport Islanders 230461111201 / 3 (33%)053%

Grand Rapids Griffins
Aaron PalushajLW1011014017:212:4400:3500% 110
Austin WagnerRW000000219:580:0000:3600% 000
Blake ComeauRW1011512015:152:4400:0000% 100
Blake LizotteRW0111012012:250:0002:1410% 001
Brendan GaunceC0001010111:370:0002:10033% 600
Darren RaddyshD0001000014:550:0002:1500% 000
David RundbladD0000002021:202:3601:4600% 001
Drake BathersonLW0001241021:263:1310:0000% 041
Filip HronekD0000212118:502:3600:0000% 000
Jack RoslovicC1011001121:033:1300:03048% 3100
K'Andre MillerD0112221125:333:2101:0200% 000
Mark OlverC0221053016:282:4410:00060% 1000
Moritz SeiderD0002032024:343:2100:4400% 001
Radim ZohornaLW101100108:550:0000:0000% 000
Sebastian AhoRW0111001021:023:1300:00033% 320
Steven FogartyRW0000001010:020:0001:1200% 000
Victor BartleyD0111003015:000:0002:1500% 001
Vladislav KamenevC0000021010:110:0001:12067% 301
Bridgeport Islanders
Adam BoqvistD011-1015227:282:4103:0700% 010
Anton SlepyshevLW000-2702016:331:3201:3800% 000
Brett RitchieRW000001004:270:0000:0000% 000
Dryden HuntLW0000231115:100:0001:200100% 101
Greg McKeggC0111014114:580:0000:55143% 710
Isac LundestromC000-2021021:371:3203:09154% 1320
Lance BoumaRW000-2041115:521:3200:0000% 010
Marian StudenicRW0000002112:550:0000:0000% 100
Matt IrwinD000-1000014:340:0000:4500% 000
Matt LuffRW000000005:140:0000:0000% 100
Matt MartinLW/RW101-1013121:542:2901:4310% 000
Owen TippettRW000-2012020:072:2900:00050% 400
Rasmus SandinD101-1013024:112:4113:0700% 001
Scott MayfieldD000-1000213:270:0000:0000% 002
Seth HelgesonD000-2210018:071:2001:5900% 001
Timothy LiljegrenD011-1002118:491:2002:5010% 001
Tyson JostC011-2044024:572:2913:09057% 2811
Victor MeteD000100013:390:0000:0600% 000

Grand Rapids Griffins

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Drake BathersonJack RoslovicSebastian Aho0054036%18:07
2Aaron PalushajMark OlverBlake Comeau0143031%15:44
3Radim ZohornaBrendan GaunceBlake Lizotte0501616%8:07
4Austin WagnerVladislav KamenevSteven Fogarty0501416%8:04
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Moritz SeiderK'Andre Miller0324041%20:24
2Filip HronekDavid Rundblad0323534%17:10
3Victor BartleyDarren Raddysh0412525%12:28
4Filip HronekDavid Rundblad03200%0:00
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Drake BathersonJack RoslovicSebastian Aho0056054%3:13
2Aaron PalushajMark OlverBlake Comeau0054046%2:44
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Moritz SeiderK'Andre Miller0056056%3:21
2Filip HronekDavid Rundblad0054044%2:36
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brendan GaunceBlake Lizotte0506070%2:49
2Vladislav KamenevSteven Fogarty0504030%1:12
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Victor BartleyDarren Raddysh0506056%2:15
2David RundbladK'Andre Miller0504044%1:46
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brendan Gaunce050600%0:00 Victor BartleyDarren Raddysh140600%0:00
2Vladislav Kamenev050400%0:00 David RundbladK'Andre Miller140400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jack RoslovicSebastian Aho014600%0:00
2Mark OlverDrake Batherson014400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Moritz SeiderK'Andre Miller032600%0:00
2Filip HronekDavid Rundblad041400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Drake BathersonMark OlverSebastian AhoMoritz SeiderFilip Hronek
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Radim ZohornaBrendan GaunceBlake LizotteMoritz SeiderK'Andre Miller
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Blake Lizotte, Austin Wagner, Brendan GaunceAaron Palushaj, Sebastian AhoAustin Wagner
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
David Rundblad, Darren Raddysh, Victor BartleyVictor Bartley, Moritz SeiderFilip Hronek
Penalty Shots
Sebastian Aho, Drake Batherson, Jack Roslovic, Aaron Palushaj, Filip Hronek
Carter Hart, Tobias Stephan
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho, Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau, Blake Lizotte, Austin Wagner, Brendan Gaunce, Vladislav Kamenev
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller, Filip Hronek, David Rundblad, Victor Bartley
Carson Soucy (Healthy), Clark Bishop (Healthy), Mattias Ekholm (Healthy), Joel Hanley (Healthy), Tyler Graovac (Healthy) Mason Appleton (Healthy), James Sheppard (Healthy), David Desharnais (Healthy), Mark Katic (Healthy), Alex Stalock (Healthy) Josef Korenar (Healthy), JET GREAVES (Healthy)

Bridgeport Islanders

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt MartinTyson JostOwen Tippett1224036%18:09
2Anton SlepyshevIsac LundestromLance Bouma1223031%15:28
3Dryden HuntGreg McKeggMarian Studenic1222026%12:55
4Isac LundestromTyson JostBrett Ritchie122107%3:30
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam BoqvistRasmus Sandin1224037%18:23
2Timothy LiljegrenSeth Helgeson1223029%14:39
3Scott MayfieldMatt Irwin1222027%13:27
4Victor MeteAdam Boqvist122107%3:33
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt MartinTyson JostOwen Tippett1226062%2:29
2Anton SlepyshevIsac LundestromLance Bouma1224038%1:32
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam BoqvistRasmus Sandin1226067%2:41
2Timothy LiljegrenSeth Helgeson1224033%1:20
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Tyson JostIsac Lundestrom1226076%4:32
2Matt MartinAnton Slepyshev1224024%1:25
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam BoqvistRasmus Sandin1226052%3:07
2Timothy LiljegrenSeth Helgeson1224048%2:50
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Tyson Jost122600%0:00 Adam BoqvistRasmus Sandin122600%0:00
2Isac Lundestrom122400%0:00 Timothy LiljegrenSeth Helgeson122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Tyson JostIsac Lundestrom122600%0:00
2Matt MartinAnton Slepyshev122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam BoqvistRasmus Sandin122600%0:00
2Timothy LiljegrenSeth Helgeson122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Matt MartinTyson JostOwen TippettAdam BoqvistRasmus Sandin
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Matt MartinTyson JostOwen TippettAdam BoqvistRasmus Sandin
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Matt Luff, Greg McKegg, Dryden HuntMatt Luff, Greg McKeggDryden Hunt
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin, Victor MeteScott Mayfield, Matt IrwinVictor Mete
Penalty Shots
Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Matt Martin, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett
Nico Daws, Pavel Francouz
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Matt Martin, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett, Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Lance Bouma, Marian Studenic, Brett Ritchie
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson, Scott Mayfield
Dmytro Timashov (Healthy), Edward Pasquale (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone.
0:01 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic is hit by Rasmus Sandin.
0:04 of 1st period - Off-side.
0:05 of 1st period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
0:19 of 1st period - Off-side.
0:20 of 1st period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone.
1:27 of 1st period - Icing by Owen Tippett.
1:28 of 1st period - Greg McKegg wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
1:58 of 1st period - Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin.
1:58 of 1st period - Deflect By Lance Bouma.
1:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:58 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
1:59 of 1st period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
2:21 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Anton Slepyshev for Roughing.
2:22 of 1st period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
2:22 of 1st period - Tyson Jost is hit by Drake Batherson.
2:28 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic is hit by Tyson Jost and loses puck.
2:33 of 1st period - Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin.
2:33 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:35 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Tyson Jost.
2:35 of 1st period - Deflect By Isac Lundestrom.
2:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
2:36 of 1st period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
3:15 of 1st period - Snap shot by Mark Olver.
3:15 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
4:21 of 1st period - Penalty to Anton Slepyshev is over, Anton Slepyshev is back on ice.
4:57 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Moritz Seider.
4:57 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
4:59 of 1st period - Snap shot by Vladislav Kamenev.
4:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:05 of 1st period - Brett Ritchie is hit by Vladislav Kamenev and loses puck.
7:33 of 1st period - Marian Studenic is hit by Drake Batherson and loses puck.
8:38 of 1st period - Owen Tippett is hit by Drake Batherson and loses puck.
8:55 of 1st period - Dryden Hunt is hit by Brendan Gaunce and loses puck.
9:15 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Mark Olver.
9:15 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
9:16 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Matt Luff in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
9:47 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Anton Slepyshev.
9:47 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
9:48 of 1st period - Mark Olver wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
10:35 of 1st period - Snap shot by Dryden Hunt.
10:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
10:37 of 1st period - Snap shot by Tyson Jost.
10:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
10:38 of 1st period - Owen Tippett wins face-off versus Vladislav Kamenev in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
10:41 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Matt Martin.
10:41 of 1st period - Deflect By Owen Tippett.
10:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
10:42 of 1st period - Owen Tippett wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
11:14 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Aaron Palushaj.
11:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
11:16 of 1st period - Snap shot by Blake Comeau.
11:16 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:18 of 1st period - Slapshot by K'Andre Miller.
11:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
11:19 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
11:20 of 1st period - Snap shot by Drake Batherson.
11:20 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Lance Bouma.
11:30 of 1st period - Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin.
11:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
11:32 of 1st period - Snap shot by Anton Slepyshev.
11:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
11:50 of 1st period - Snap shot by Greg McKegg.
11:50 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
11:52 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Marian Studenic.
11:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
12:34 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to K'Andre Miller for Slashing.
12:35 of 1st period - Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
12:43 of 1st period - Snap shot by Blake Lizotte.
12:43 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
12:44 of 1st period - Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
13:28 of 1st period - Slapshot by Adam Boqvist.
13:28 of 1st period - Deflect By Tyson Jost.
13:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
13:29 of 1st period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
13:56 of 1st period - Darren Raddysh is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck.
14:34 of 1st period - Penalty to K'Andre Miller is over, K'Andre Miller is back on ice.
14:46 of 1st period - Seth Helgeson is hit by Vladislav Kamenev and loses puck.
14:53 of 1st period - Snap shot by Austin Wagner.
14:53 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
14:54 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
15:09 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Sebastian Aho.
15:09 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:11 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jack Roslovic.
15:11 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Greg McKegg.
16:05 of 1st period - Snap shot by Greg McKegg.
16:05 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:11 of 1st period - Snap shot by Moritz Seider.
16:11 of 1st period - Deflect By Steven Fogarty.
16:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
16:30 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Filip Hronek for Tripping.
16:31 of 1st period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
16:33 of 1st period - Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin.
16:33 of 1st period - Goal by Rasmus Sandin - Grand Rapids Griffins : 0 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
16:34 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone.
16:39 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jack Roslovic.
16:39 of 1st period - Goal by Jack Roslovic - Grand Rapids Griffins : 1 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
16:40 of 1st period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
17:10 of 1st period - Blake Comeau is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck.
17:34 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mark Olver.
17:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
17:36 of 1st period - Slapshot by Filip Hronek.
17:36 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
17:37 of 1st period - Greg McKegg wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
18:04 of 1st period - Blake Lizotte is hit by Owen Tippett and loses puck.
18:11 of 1st period - Slapshot by Moritz Seider.
18:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound.
18:12 of 1st period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
18:13 of 1st period - Slapshot by Drake Batherson.
18:13 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:25 of 1st period - Snap shot by Adam Boqvist.
18:25 of 1st period - Deflect By Sebastian Aho.
18:25 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
18:27 of 1st period - Snap shot by Matt Martin.
18:27 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
18:28 of 1st period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
18:43 of 1st period - Backhand shot by K'Andre Miller.
18:43 of 1st period - Deflect By Blake Comeau.
18:43 of 1st period - Goal by Blake Comeau - Grand Rapids Griffins : 2 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
18:44 of 1st period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
18:47 of 1st period - Drake Batherson is hit by Tyson Jost and loses puck.
19:41 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Lance Bouma.
19:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
19:42 of 1st period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
Goals for this period are 2 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 13 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 14 for Bridgeport Islanders.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone.
0:08 of 2nd period - Drake Batherson is hit by Tyson Jost and loses puck.
1:14 of 2nd period - Slapshot by David Rundblad.
1:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
1:16 of 2nd period - Slapshot by David Rundblad.
1:16 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Matt Martin.
1:48 of 2nd period - Icing by Lance Bouma.
1:49 of 2nd period - Mark Olver wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
1:50 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Aaron Palushaj.
1:50 of 2nd period - Goal by Aaron Palushaj - Grand Rapids Griffins : 3 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
1:51 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
2:18 of 2nd period - Aaron Palushaj is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck.
2:33 of 2nd period - Anton Slepyshev is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck.
3:52 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Blake Comeau.
3:52 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
4:46 of 2nd period - Steven Fogarty is hit by Tyson Jost.
5:20 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Blake Lizotte.
5:20 of 2nd period - Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound.
5:22 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Radim Zohorna.
5:22 of 2nd period - Goal by Radim Zohorna - Grand Rapids Griffins : 4 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1.
5:22 of 2nd period - Pavel Francouz enters game.
5:23 of 2nd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone.
6:00 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Aaron Palushaj.
6:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound.
6:02 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Blake Comeau.
6:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:22 of 2nd period - Moritz Seider is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck.
10:00 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Austin Wagner.
10:00 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Scott Mayfield.
10:14 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost is hit by Drake Batherson and loses puck.
10:27 of 2nd period - Dryden Hunt is hit by Mark Olver.
10:43 of 2nd period - Moritz Seider is hit by Isac Lundestrom and loses puck.
11:01 of 2nd period - Adam Boqvist is hit by Blake Lizotte and loses puck.
11:08 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Radim Zohorna.
11:08 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:10 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce.
11:10 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Marian Studenic.
11:12 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Victor Bartley.
11:12 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:14 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Dryden Hunt for Cross-checking.
11:15 of 2nd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
11:16 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Drake Batherson.
11:16 of 2nd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
11:17 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
11:17 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost is hit by K'Andre Miller.
12:27 of 2nd period - Filip Hronek is hit by Adam Boqvist.
13:08 of 2nd period - Seth Helgeson is hit by K'Andre Miller and loses puck.
13:14 of 2nd period - Penalty to Dryden Hunt is over, Dryden Hunt is back on ice.
13:31 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Vladislav Kamenev.
13:31 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Scott Mayfield.
13:33 of 2nd period - Slapshot by K'Andre Miller.
13:33 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:35 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Moritz Seider.
13:35 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:20 of 2nd period - Icing by Greg McKegg.
14:21 of 2nd period - Greg McKegg wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
14:26 of 2nd period - Radim Zohorna is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck.
14:43 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Owen Tippett.
14:43 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:48 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Drake Batherson for Roughing.
14:49 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
16:48 of 2nd period - Penalty to Drake Batherson is over, Drake Batherson is back on ice.
17:05 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Greg McKegg.
17:05 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by K'Andre Miller.
17:07 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Greg McKegg.
17:07 of 2nd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
17:33 of 2nd period - Scott Mayfield is hit by Blake Comeau and loses puck.
17:44 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Sebastian Aho.
17:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:32 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Filip Hronek.
18:32 of 2nd period - Deflect By Vladislav Kamenev.
18:32 of 2nd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
18:33 of 2nd period - Vladislav Kamenev wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
18:34 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Filip Hronek.
18:34 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Adam Boqvist.
18:40 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Filip Hronek.
18:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
18:41 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
18:50 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Rasmus Sandin.
18:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
18:52 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Adam Boqvist.
18:52 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:54 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Matt Martin.
18:54 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jack Roslovic.
18:56 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Adam Boqvist.
18:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
19:22 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Adam Boqvist.
19:22 of 2nd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
19:23 of 2nd period - Dryden Hunt wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
19:30 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Greg McKegg.
19:30 of 2nd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
19:31 of 2nd period - Mark Olver wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
19:36 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Timothy Liljegren.
19:36 of 2nd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
19:37 of 2nd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
Goals for this period are 2 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 0 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 9 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 6 for Bridgeport Islanders.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
0:46 of 3rd period - Icing by Lance Bouma.
0:47 of 3rd period - Mark Olver wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
0:55 of 3rd period - Off-side.
0:56 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
1:05 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyson Jost.
1:05 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
1:06 of 3rd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Owen Tippett in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
1:37 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Mark Olver.
1:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:39 of 3rd period - Slapshot by David Rundblad.
1:39 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound.
1:41 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Aaron Palushaj.
1:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:59 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Lance Bouma.
1:59 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Austin Wagner.
2:23 of 3rd period - Blake Lizotte is hit by Greg McKegg and loses puck.
2:30 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Greg McKegg.
2:30 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:12 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Aaron Palushaj.
3:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound.
3:34 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Blake Lizotte.
3:34 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Victor Mete.
3:58 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Sebastian Aho.
3:58 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
3:59 of 3rd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
4:03 of 3rd period - Off-side.
4:04 of 3rd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Marian Studenic in neutral zone.
5:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Lance Bouma.
5:08 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brendan Gaunce.
5:39 of 3rd period - David Rundblad is hit by Isac Lundestrom and loses puck.
5:57 of 3rd period - Timothy Liljegren is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck.
6:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Aaron Palushaj.
6:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Timothy Liljegren.
6:08 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Victor Bartley.
6:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
6:09 of 3rd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
6:46 of 3rd period - Seth Helgeson is hit by Filip Hronek and loses puck.
7:05 of 3rd period - Matt Martin is hit by Moritz Seider.
7:11 of 3rd period - Matt Irwin is hit by Moritz Seider and loses puck.
7:28 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Victor Bartley.
7:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
7:29 of 3rd period - Vladislav Kamenev wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
7:30 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Austin Wagner.
7:30 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:32 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Darren Raddysh.
7:32 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Dryden Hunt.
7:34 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Vladislav Kamenev.
7:34 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Adam Boqvist.
7:36 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Victor Bartley.
7:36 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:38 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Austin Wagner.
7:38 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound.
7:40 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Victor Bartley.
7:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound.
7:41 of 3rd period - Mark Olver wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
7:57 of 3rd period - Icing by Rasmus Sandin.
7:58 of 3rd period - Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Owen Tippett in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
8:30 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Owen Tippett.
8:30 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
8:32 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Owen Tippett.
8:32 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:34 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Matt Martin.
8:34 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:36 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyson Jost.
8:36 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:38 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Adam Boqvist.
8:38 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:40 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Matt Martin.
8:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
8:50 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Adam Boqvist.
8:50 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
8:51 of 3rd period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
9:30 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Seth Helgeson for Hooking.
9:31 of 3rd period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone.
9:31 of 3rd period - Isac Lundestrom is hit by Moritz Seider.
10:02 of 3rd period - Adam Boqvist is hit by Aaron Palushaj.
10:44 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Timothy Liljegren.
10:44 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
11:24 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Adam Boqvist.
11:24 of 3rd period - Deflect By Greg McKegg.
11:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
11:26 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Timothy Liljegren.
11:26 of 3rd period - Deflect By Matt Martin.
11:26 of 3rd period - Goal by Matt Martin - Grand Rapids Griffins : 4 - Bridgeport Islanders : 2.
11:27 of 3rd period - Mark Olver wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone.
11:30 of 3rd period - Penalty to Seth Helgeson is over, Seth Helgeson is back on ice.
11:39 of 3rd period - Off-side.
11:40 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
12:06 of 3rd period - Mark Olver is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck.
12:29 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Adam Boqvist.
12:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound.
12:33 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Marian Studenic.
12:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
12:34 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
13:10 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Anton Slepyshev.
13:10 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:12 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Isac Lundestrom.
13:12 of 3rd period - Deflect By Lance Bouma.
13:12 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Filip Hronek.
13:12 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
13:13 of 3rd period - Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Blake Comeau in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
13:13 of 3rd period - Adam Boqvist is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck.
13:17 of 3rd period - Anton Slepyshev and Blake Comeau fight to a draw.
13:17 of 3rd period - Penalty to Anton Slepyshev for Fighting.
13:17 of 3rd period - Penalty to Blake Comeau for Fighting.
13:18 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone.
13:45 of 3rd period - Lance Bouma is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck.
14:10 of 3rd period - Vladislav Kamenev is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck.
14:33 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyson Jost.
14:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound.
14:34 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.
14:47 of 3rd period - David Rundblad is hit by Brett Ritchie and loses puck.
16:57 of 3rd period - Aaron Palushaj is hit by Matt Martin and loses puck.
18:06 of 3rd period - Brendan Gaunce is hit by Seth Helgeson and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders.
Shots for this period are 7 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 10 for Bridgeport Islanders.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Jack Roslovic is hit by Rasmus Sandin. Off-side. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Mark Olver is ejected from face-off, Aaron Palushaj takes his place. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Filip Hronek. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Seth Helgeson in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Anton Slepyshev. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Marian Studenic. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Greg McKegg moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Blake Lizotte stole the puck from Greg McKegg. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Filip Hronek moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Owen Tippett. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Icing by Owen Tippett. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Greg McKegg wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Marian Studenic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by K'Andre Miller. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin. Deflect By Lance Bouma. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 2. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Mark Olver moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver. Mark Olver loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Olver for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Minor Penalty to Anton Slepyshev for Roughing. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Tyson Jost is hit by Drake Batherson. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Puck retreived by Jack Roslovic. Jack Roslovic is hit by Tyson Jost and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isac Lundestrom for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyson Jost for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Tyson Jost. Deflect By Isac Lundestrom. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Martin, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho.

Time : 3. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Mark Olver in neutral zone. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mark Olver. Snap shot by Mark Olver. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Martin, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Matt Martin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.

Time : 4. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Martin, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Free Puck Retrieved by Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by K'Andre Miller. Penalty to Anton Slepyshev is over, Anton Slepyshev is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Moritz Seider. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Isac Lundestrom moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Matt Luff, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Victor Bartley. Pass to Vladislav Kamenev in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Moritz Seider. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Moritz Seider. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Wrist shot by Moritz Seider. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vladislav Kamenev for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Snap shot by Vladislav Kamenev. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 5. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass to Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Tyson Jost. Tyson Jost moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Lance Bouma. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Dryden Hunt. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Vladislav Kamenev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Mark Olver moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Jack Roslovic.

Time : 6. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Scott Mayfield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass to Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Filip Hronek moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Matt Martin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Radim Zohorna. Pass to Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Drake Batherson moves puck in neutral zone. Dryden Hunt stole the puck from Drake Batherson. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.

Time : 7. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Puck retreived by Brett Ritchie. Brett Ritchie is hit by Vladislav Kamenev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isac Lundestrom for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Fogarty. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Steven Fogarty intercepted by Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Victor Bartley moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Marian Studenic. Pass by Marian Studenic intercepted by Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Darren Raddysh. Puck retreived by Marian Studenic. Marian Studenic is hit by Drake Batherson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Marian Studenic. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Scott Mayfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Scott Mayfield. Puck retreived by Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Moritz Seider. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Rasmus Sandin.

Time : 8. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Austin Wagner in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Victor Bartley. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Owen Tippett. Owen Tippett is hit by Drake Batherson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Owen Tippett. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek. Filip Hronek moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt is hit by Brendan Gaunce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dryden Hunt for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Hronek. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Matt Luff, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mark Olver. Backhand shot by Mark Olver. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Matt Luff in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Seth Helgeson stole the puck from Sebastian Aho. Pass by Seth Helgeson intercepted by K'Andre Miller in neutral zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Anton Slepyshev moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Wrist shot by Anton Slepyshev. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Mark Olver wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mark Olver.

Time : 10. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Dryden Hunt in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Greg McKegg. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Dryden Hunt moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Snap shot by Dryden Hunt. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyson Jost for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Tyson Jost. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Owen Tippett takes his place. Owen Tippett wins face-off versus Vladislav Kamenev in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Matt Martin. Wrist shot by Matt Martin. Deflect By Owen Tippett. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Owen Tippett takes his place. Owen Tippett wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Drake Batherson. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Tyson Jost. Pass to Matt Martin in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Pass to Owen Tippett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Moritz Seider in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Matt Martin in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Moritz Seider. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Puck retreived by Owen Tippett. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Blake Comeau. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Wrist shot by Aaron Palushaj. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Snap shot by Blake Comeau. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by K'Andre Miller. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Snap shot by Drake Batherson. Shot Blocked by Lance Bouma. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Slepyshev for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Anton Slepyshev. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Isac Lundestrom for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Lance Bouma. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Greg McKegg in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Greg McKegg. Snap shot by Greg McKegg. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Marian Studenic for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Marian Studenic. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Marian Studenic for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg.

Time : 12. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Blake Comeau intercepted by Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Owen Tippett. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Isac Lundestrom moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by K'Andre Miller. Minor Penalty to K'Andre Miller for Slashing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Snap shot by Blake Lizotte. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Matt Martin. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin.

Time : 13. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Brendan Gaunce. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Brendan Gaunce. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Owen Tippett moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Darren Raddysh. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Vladislav Kamenev, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Rundblad, Moritz Seider are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Owen Tippett. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Slapshot by Adam Boqvist. Deflect By Tyson Jost. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Brendan Gaunce. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Vladislav Kamenev, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Puck retreived by Darren Raddysh. Darren Raddysh is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Anton Slepyshev for Bridgeport Islanders.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Darren Raddysh. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Rundblad, Moritz Seider are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by David Rundblad. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Wagner, Aaron Palushaj are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Wagner. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Austin Wagner. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Vladislav Kamenev, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Steven Fogarty. Pass by Steven Fogarty intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Penalty to K'Andre Miller is over, K'Andre Miller is back on ice. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Matt Martin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Puck retreived by Moritz Seider. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Seth Helgeson is hit by Vladislav Kamenev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Fogarty for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Austin Wagner. Snap shot by Austin Wagner. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic.

Time : 15. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Wrist shot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Roslovic for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Jack Roslovic. Shot Blocked by Greg McKegg. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Roslovic for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Scott Mayfield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Isac Lundestrom moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Lance Bouma. Lance Bouma moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Moritz Seider stole the puck from Lance Bouma. Pass to K'Andre Miller. K'Andre Miller moves puck in neutral zone. K'Andre Miller moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Matt Martin. Matt Martin moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Tyson Jost moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Owen Tippett. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins.

Time : 16. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Austin Wagner in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Austin Wagner intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Greg McKegg in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Snap shot by Greg McKegg. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Moritz Seider. Deflect By Steven Fogarty. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vladislav Kamenev for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Jack Roslovic. Minor Penalty to Filip Hronek for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Slapshot by Rasmus Sandin. Goal by Rasmus Sandin - Grand Rapids Griffins : 0 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Jack Roslovic. Goal by Jack Roslovic - Grand Rapids Griffins : 1 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Rasmus Sandin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Rasmus Sandin stole the puck from Drake Batherson. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by David Rundblad.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Owen Tippett. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Puck retreived by Blake Comeau. Blake Comeau is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Filip Hronek moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Mark Olver in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Mark Olver in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Mark Olver. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Hronek for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Filip Hronek. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Greg McKegg wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Marian Studenic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Marian Studenic intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Drake Batherson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws.

Time : 18. Pass to Seth Helgeson. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Blake Lizotte is hit by Owen Tippett and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Moritz Seider for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Moritz Seider moves puck in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Moritz Seider. Stopped by Nico Daws without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic is ejected from face-off, Sebastian Aho takes his place. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Slapshot by Drake Batherson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Snap shot by Adam Boqvist. Deflect By Sebastian Aho. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Martin for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Matt Martin. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass to K'Andre Miller in neutral zone. K'Andre Miller moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Backhand shot by K'Andre Miller. Deflect By Blake Comeau. Goal by Blake Comeau - Grand Rapids Griffins : 2 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Drake Batherson. Drake Batherson is hit by Tyson Jost and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Filip Hronek moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson.

Time : 19. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Tyson Jost moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Vladislav Kamenev stole the puck from Tyson Jost. Pass to Filip Hronek. Filip Hronek moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Lance Bouma. Wrist shot by Lance Bouma. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Moritz Seider. Moritz Seider moves puck in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Isac Lundestrom. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Lance Bouma. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by K'Andre Miller in neutral zone. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Lance Bouma. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Puck retreived by Sebastian Aho.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 13 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 14 for Bridgeport Islanders.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass by Drake Batherson intercepted by Owen Tippett in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Puck retreived by Drake Batherson. Drake Batherson is hit by Tyson Jost and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Puck retreived by Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass to Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Blake Comeau moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Blake Comeau loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Olver for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Filip Hronek. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hronek in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Steven Fogarty. Pass to Filip Hronek. Pass to David Rundblad. Slapshot by David Rundblad. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by David Rundblad. Shot Blocked by Matt Martin. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Fogarty for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Steven Fogarty. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Owen Tippett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Drake Batherson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Puck retreived by Lance Bouma. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Icing by Lance Bouma. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Mark Olver wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Snap shot by Aaron Palushaj. Goal by Aaron Palushaj - Grand Rapids Griffins : 3 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Tyson Jost.

Time : 2. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Moritz Seider in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Aaron Palushaj. Aaron Palushaj is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isac Lundestrom for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Anton Slepyshev is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Bridgeport Islanders. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Comeau. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Marian Studenic. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Blake Lizotte moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Scott Mayfield. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Scott Mayfield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Vladislav Kamenev in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Vladislav Kamenev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Owen Tippett. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Blake Comeau in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Blake Comeau. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Greg McKegg for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Mark Olver in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mark Olver.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Matt Martin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Radim Zohorna. Pass by Radim Zohorna intercepted by Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Filip Hronek. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Drake Batherson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Nico Daws. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Puck retreived by Steven Fogarty. Steven Fogarty is hit by Tyson Jost. Pass by Steven Fogarty intercepted by Matt Martin in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Steven Fogarty in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Steven Fogarty moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Vladislav Kamenev. Pass to Austin Wagner. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Austin Wagner.

Time : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Marian Studenic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Victor Bartley. Victor Bartley moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Victor Bartley moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Wrist shot by Blake Lizotte. Stopped by Nico Daws with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Radim Zohorna for Grand Rapids Griffins. Snap shot by Radim Zohorna. Goal by Radim Zohorna - Grand Rapids Griffins : 4 - Bridgeport Islanders : 1. Pavel Francouz enters game. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Drake Batherson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Anton Slepyshev. Pass to Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Lance Bouma. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Seth Helgeson. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Seth Helgeson intercepted by David Rundblad. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Pass by Mark Olver intercepted by Rasmus Sandin in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in Bridgeport Islanders zone.

Time : 6. Wrist shot by Aaron Palushaj. Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Snap shot by Blake Comeau. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Puck retreived by Victor Bartley. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to Moritz Seider. Moritz Seider moves puck in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Moritz Seider is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev. Pass to Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Lance Bouma in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Sebastian Aho.

Time : 7. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass by Drake Batherson intercepted by Seth Helgeson. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Puck retreived by Moritz Seider. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Blake Comeau. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Pass by Mark Olver intercepted by Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Aaron Palushaj. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Isac Lundestrom moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Victor Bartley stole the puck from Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Anton Slepyshev intercepted by Steven Fogarty. Pass to Filip Hronek.

Time : 8. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Seth Helgeson. Pass by Seth Helgeson intercepted by Steven Fogarty in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to David Rundblad. David Rundblad moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Filip Hronek. Pass to Austin Wagner. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Austin Wagner. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Seth Helgeson. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Filip Hronek. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Jack Roslovic moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Filip Hronek moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Filip Hronek. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by K'Andre Miller in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Scott Mayfield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Puck retreived by Marian Studenic. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by K'Andre Miller. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Victor Bartley intercepted by Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matt Luff, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Comeau. Pass by Blake Comeau intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Olver. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Puck retreived by Lance Bouma. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Austin Wagner in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Austin Wagner moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone.

Time : 10. Wrist shot by Austin Wagner. Shot Blocked by Scott Mayfield. Free Puck Retrieved by Marian Studenic for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Wagner. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek. Filip Hronek moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Tyson Jost is hit by Drake Batherson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Scott Mayfield for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Scott Mayfield moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Scott Mayfield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Dryden Hunt is hit by Mark Olver. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matt Luff, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Blake Comeau intercepted by Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Brett Ritchie. Puck retreived by Moritz Seider. Moritz Seider is hit by Isac Lundestrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Brendan Gaunce moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Marian Studenic. Pass by Marian Studenic intercepted by Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Moritz Seider in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist is hit by Blake Lizotte and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Radim Zohorna. Backhand shot by Radim Zohorna. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Grand Rapids Griffins. Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce. Shot Blocked by Marian Studenic. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley for Grand Rapids Griffins. Snap shot by Victor Bartley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Bridgeport Islanders. Minor Penalty to Dryden Hunt for Cross-checking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Snap shot by Drake Batherson. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Tyson Jost is hit by K'Andre Miller. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Jack Roslovic moves puck in neutral zone. Jack Roslovic moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by K'Andre Miller in neutral zone. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Isac Lundestrom. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Comeau. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Olver in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Martin, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.

Time : 12. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to David Rundblad in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Anton Slepyshev intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Filip Hronek. Filip Hronek is hit by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Seth Helgeson. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Seth Helgeson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Matt Martin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Moritz Seider. Pass to Mark Olver in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Seth Helgeson is hit by K'Andre Miller and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty to Dryden Hunt is over, Dryden Hunt is back on ice. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Matt Martin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Matt Luff, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Vladislav Kamenev. Wrist shot by Vladislav Kamenev. Shot Blocked by Scott Mayfield. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by K'Andre Miller. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Moritz Seider for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Moritz Seider. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Victor Bartley intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Owen Tippett in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Victor Bartley. Pass by Victor Bartley intercepted by Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Lizotte.

Time : 14. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Vladislav Kamenev. Pass to Steven Fogarty. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Steven Fogarty moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Steven Fogarty. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Victor Mete. Pass by Victor Mete intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Vladislav Kamenev intercepted by Dryden Hunt. Pass to Greg McKegg. Icing by Greg McKegg. Greg McKegg wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Radim Zohorna. Radim Zohorna is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Victor Mete in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Owen Tippett. Snap shot by Owen Tippett. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Filip Hronek. Minor Penalty to Drake Batherson for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Rundblad, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Brendan Gaunce. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass to K'Andre Miller in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Vladislav Kamenev, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Puck retreived by Matt Martin. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Seth Helgeson. Seth Helgeson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Vladislav Kamenev. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Wagner, Aaron Palushaj are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Vladislav Kamenev. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Seth Helgeson. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 16. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Wagner. Pass by Austin Wagner intercepted by Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Darren Raddysh. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Vladislav Kamenev, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Vladislav Kamenev. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Aaron Palushaj are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - David Rundblad, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Vladislav Kamenev. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Wagner, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Aaron Palushaj are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Vladislav Kamenev, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Vladislav Kamenev. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Penalty to Drake Batherson is over, Drake Batherson is back on ice. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Marian Studenic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone.

Time : 17. Pass to Greg McKegg. Slapshot by Greg McKegg. Shot Blocked by K'Andre Miller. Free Puck Retrieved by Greg McKegg for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Greg McKegg. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Greg McKegg for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matt Luff, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to David Rundblad in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. David Rundblad moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Isac Lundestrom. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Puck retreived by Scott Mayfield. Scott Mayfield is hit by Blake Comeau and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Brett Ritchie. Pass by Brett Ritchie intercepted by Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Scott Mayfield for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass to Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Matt Irwin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Blake Lizotte.

Time : 18. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Scott Mayfield in neutral zone. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Victor Bartley. Victor Bartley moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, Victor Bartley are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Isac Lundestrom moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek. Backhand shot by Filip Hronek. Deflect By Vladislav Kamenev. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Vladislav Kamenev wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Filip Hronek. Slapshot by Filip Hronek. Shot Blocked by Adam Boqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Owen Tippett for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by Steven Fogarty in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hronek in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Slapshot by Filip Hronek. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Wrist shot by Rasmus Sandin. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Adam Boqvist. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Martin for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Matt Martin. Shot Blocked by Jack Roslovic. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Adam Boqvist. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Martin for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Tyson Jost.

Time : 19. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Slapshot by Adam Boqvist. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Greg McKegg is ejected from face-off, Dryden Hunt takes his place. Dryden Hunt wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Marian Studenic. Pass to Greg McKegg. Snap shot by Greg McKegg. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Mark Olver wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Seth Helgeson. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Wrist shot by Timothy Liljegren. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 0 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 9 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 6 for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Moritz Seider in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Moritz Seider in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Puck retreived by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass by Anton Slepyshev intercepted by Austin Wagner in neutral zone. Pass to Moritz Seider. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Austin Wagner. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Austin Wagner. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Lance Bouma. Icing by Lance Bouma. Mark Olver wins face-off versus Isac Lundestrom in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Lance Bouma. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Owen Tippett.

Time : 1. Pass to Adam Boqvist in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Snap shot by Tyson Jost. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Owen Tippett takes his place. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Owen Tippett in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Batherson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. David Rundblad stole the puck from Adam Boqvist. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Mark Olver. Snap shot by Mark Olver. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by David Rundblad. Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj for Grand Rapids Griffins. Wrist shot by Aaron Palushaj. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Blake Comeau intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by David Rundblad in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Lance Bouma. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Lance Bouma. Wrist shot by Lance Bouma. Shot Blocked by Austin Wagner.

Time : 2. Free Puck Retrieved by Lance Bouma for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by K'Andre Miller. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Isac Lundestrom intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Seth Helgeson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Blake Lizotte is hit by Greg McKegg and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dryden Hunt for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Greg McKegg. Wrist shot by Greg McKegg. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dryden Hunt for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Lance Bouma. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Drake Batherson intercepted by Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Matt Irwin.

Time : 3. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Mark Olver in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Slapshot by Aaron Palushaj. Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Isac Lundestrom for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Olver. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Mark Olver intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Moritz Seider in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Wrist shot by Blake Lizotte. Shot Blocked by Victor Mete. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Matt Martin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Radim Zohorna. Pass by Radim Zohorna intercepted by Marian Studenic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Marian Studenic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Seth Helgeson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Snap shot by Sebastian Aho. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Scott Mayfield stole the puck from Sebastian Aho.

Time : 4. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Off-side. Greg McKegg is ejected from face-off, Marian Studenic takes his place. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Marian Studenic in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Batherson. Drake Batherson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Pass to Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Mark Olver. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Aaron Palushaj moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Scott Mayfield stole the puck from Aaron Palushaj. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Mark Olver in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Puck retreived by Scott Mayfield. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Steven Fogarty in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Steven Fogarty intercepted by Scott Mayfield in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Radim Zohorna. Pass by Radim Zohorna intercepted by Scott Mayfield. Pass to Lance Bouma.

Time : 5. Lance Bouma moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Pass to Lance Bouma in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Snap shot by Lance Bouma. Shot Blocked by Brendan Gaunce. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Puck retreived by David Rundblad. David Rundblad is hit by Isac Lundestrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Fogarty. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Hronek for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins.

Time : 6. Pass to Mark Olver. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Aaron Palushaj. Shot Blocked by Timothy Liljegren. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Victor Bartley. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Marian Studenic. Pass by Marian Studenic intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Victor Mete. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass by Drake Batherson intercepted by Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Drake Batherson stole the puck from Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Puck retreived by Seth Helgeson. Seth Helgeson is hit by Filip Hronek and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins.

Time : 7. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Puck retreived by Matt Martin. Matt Martin is hit by Moritz Seider. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by K'Andre Miller. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by K'Andre Miller. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin is hit by Moritz Seider and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Scott Mayfield. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Scott Mayfield intercepted by Steven Fogarty in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Bartley. Victor Bartley moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Wrist shot by Victor Bartley. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Vladislav Kamenev wins face-off versus Greg McKegg in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Austin Wagner. Snap shot by Austin Wagner. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Darren Raddysh. Shot Blocked by Dryden Hunt. Free Puck Retrieved by Vladislav Kamenev for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Vladislav Kamenev. Shot Blocked by Adam Boqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Victor Bartley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Wagner for Grand Rapids Griffins. Wrist shot by Austin Wagner. Stopped by Pavel Francouz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley for Grand Rapids Griffins. Slapshot by Victor Bartley. Stopped by Pavel Francouz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Mark Olver wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Blake Comeau. Pass by Blake Comeau intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Icing by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Owen Tippett takes his place. Jack Roslovic wins face-off versus Owen Tippett in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho.

Time : 8. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Matt Martin. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Drake Batherson. Pass by Drake Batherson intercepted by Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Owen Tippett. Puck retreived by Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Owen Tippett. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Owen Tippett. Slapshot by Owen Tippett. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Owen Tippett for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Owen Tippett. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Martin for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Matt Martin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyson Jost for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Tyson Jost. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Bridgeport Islanders. Slapshot by Adam Boqvist. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Martin for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Matt Martin. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Filip Hronek. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Backhand shot by Adam Boqvist. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Mark Olver in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass by Anton Slepyshev intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Olver in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj.

Time : 9. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Lance Bouma in neutral zone. Lance Bouma loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Blake Comeau intercepted by Seth Helgeson in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Seth Helgeson intercepted by Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass to Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Greg McKegg in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass by Moritz Seider intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Seth Helgeson for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Isac Lundestrom takes his place. Jack Roslovic is ejected from face-off, Sebastian Aho takes his place. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Isac Lundestrom is hit by Moritz Seider. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Drake Batherson. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Blake Comeau in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist is hit by Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Martin, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Hronek. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Matt Martin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Roslovic. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to David Rundblad in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Martin, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Dryden Hunt, Anton Slepyshev are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Slapshot by Timothy Liljegren. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Moritz Seider for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Anton Slepyshev. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller. Pass to Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau.

Time : 11. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Pass by Anton Slepyshev intercepted by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Matt Martin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Victor Mete are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Slapshot by Adam Boqvist. Deflect By Greg McKegg. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Timothy Liljegren. Deflect By Matt Martin. Goal by Matt Martin - Grand Rapids Griffins : 4 - Bridgeport Islanders : 2. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Mark Olver wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Moritz Seider. Moritz Seider moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Penalty to Seth Helgeson is over, Seth Helgeson is back on ice. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Mark Olver. Pass by Mark Olver intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Moritz Seider in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Jack Roslovic moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho.

Time : 12. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Matt Martin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Mark Olver. Mark Olver is hit by Lance Bouma and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by K'Andre Miller for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Filip Hronek moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Pass to Blake Comeau. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Anton Slepyshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Slapshot by Adam Boqvist. Stopped by Carter Hart with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Marian Studenic for Bridgeport Islanders. Snap shot by Marian Studenic. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Owen Tippett. Pass by Owen Tippett intercepted by K'Andre Miller. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Tyson Jost stole the puck from Drake Batherson. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Sebastian Aho in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Drake Batherson moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Timothy Liljegren stole the puck from Drake Batherson. Pass to Seth Helgeson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Puck retreived by Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins.

Time : 13. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Anton Slepyshev in neutral zone. Pass to Seth Helgeson. Seth Helgeson moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Anton Slepyshev. Wrist shot by Anton Slepyshev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Isac Lundestrom for Bridgeport Islanders. Wrist shot by Isac Lundestrom. Deflect By Lance Bouma. Shot Blocked by Filip Hronek. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Mark Olver is ejected from face-off, Blake Comeau takes his place. Isac Lundestrom wins face-off versus Blake Comeau in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Comeau for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Victor Bartley in neutral zone. Anton Slepyshev and Blake Comeau fight to a draw. Penalty to Anton Slepyshev for Fighting. Penalty to Blake Comeau for Fighting. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Victor Bartley. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Victor Bartley. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Matt Martin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Luff, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Matt Martin intercepted by Mark Olver in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Mark Olver. Puck retreived by Lance Bouma. Lance Bouma is hit by Mark Olver and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Olver for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Mark Olver intercepted by Matt Luff. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Pass to Seth Helgeson. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Puck retreived by Vladislav Kamenev. Vladislav Kamenev is hit by Dryden Hunt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Greg McKegg for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Moritz Seider. Pass to Steven Fogarty. Pass by Steven Fogarty intercepted by Marian Studenic. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Marian Studenic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Owen Tippett in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Tyson Jost, Isac Lundestrom, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Tyson Jost in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Snap shot by Tyson Jost. Stopped by Carter Hart without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Jack Roslovic is ejected from face-off, Sebastian Aho takes his place. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Isac Lundestrom. Pass to Brett Ritchie. Pass by Brett Ritchie intercepted by David Rundblad. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Scott Mayfield. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Scott Mayfield. Puck retreived by David Rundblad. David Rundblad is hit by Brett Ritchie and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Hronek for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Jack Roslovic moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Brett Ritchie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Marian Studenic are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.

Time : 15. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Mark Olver. Pass by Mark Olver intercepted by Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Mark Olver. Pass to David Rundblad in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladislav Kamenev, Austin Wagner, Steven Fogarty are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Marian Studenic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Luff, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Marian Studenic intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Vladislav Kamenev. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Victor Bartley moves puck in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Pass by Victor Bartley intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Luff, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Grand Rapids Griffins zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho.

Time : 16. Sebastian Aho moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jack Roslovic. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Jack Roslovic. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Luff, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Austin Wagner. Pass to Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Aaron Palushaj moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Luff, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Wagner. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Austin Wagner intercepted by Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Blake Lizotte, Brendan Gaunce, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Moritz Seider. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Brendan Gaunce are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Victor Mete. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Aaron Palushaj. Aaron Palushaj is hit by Matt Martin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Grand Rapids Griffins.

Time : 17. Pass to Filip Hronek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Filip Hronek. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Martin, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Matt Martin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Martin. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Filip Hronek. Pass by Filip Hronek intercepted by Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Martin, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Drake Batherson, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Wagner. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Blake Lizotte, Drake Batherson, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Austin Wagner intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Martin, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Scott Mayfield in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Drake Batherson, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Scott Mayfield. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Dryden Hunt, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by David Rundblad. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by David Rundblad intercepted by Isac Lundestrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Isac Lundestrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Matt Martin, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Victor Bartley. Pass by Victor Bartley intercepted by Matt Luff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Matt Luff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Adam Boqvist, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Matt Martin, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Dryden Hunt, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Dryden Hunt in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Dryden Hunt.

Time : 18. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Adam Boqvist, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Seth Helgeson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Matt Martin, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce is hit by Seth Helgeson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Bartley for Grand Rapids Griffins. Victor Bartley moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Victor Bartley. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Drake Batherson, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Brett Ritchie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Matt Luff, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Blake Lizotte are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyson Jost, Anton Slepyshev, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Boqvist, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to K'Andre Miller. Pass by K'Andre Miller intercepted by Brett Ritchie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jack Roslovic, Drake Batherson, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Brett Ritchie. Puck retreived by Jack Roslovic. Pass by Jack Roslovic intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Matt Luff are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Blake Comeau. Pass to Jack Roslovic in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jack Roslovic, Radim Zohorna, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyson Jost, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass to Blake Comeau in Bridgeport Islanders zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Olver, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Isac Lundestrom, Anton Slepyshev, Matt Luff are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Radim Zohorna, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Moritz Seider, K'Andre Miller are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Pass by Aaron Palushaj intercepted by Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Jack Roslovic. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Drake Batherson, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart.

Time : 19. Pass to Drake Batherson. Pass to Moritz Seider in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Aaron Palushaj, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Moritz Seider. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Radim Zohorna, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Dryden Hunt, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Wagner, Aaron Palushaj, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Austin Wagner in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Radim Zohorna, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Austin Wagner. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Austin Wagner, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Victor Bartley, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Dryden Hunt. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Drake Batherson, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Matt Martin, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Anton Slepyshev, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Free Puck Retrieved by Carter Hart. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Drake Batherson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Blake Lizotte, Austin Wagner are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Matt Martin, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Drake Batherson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Aaron Palushaj, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Mete, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by Aaron Palushaj in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Aaron Palushaj. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jack Roslovic, Austin Wagner, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Lance Bouma. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matt Luff, Dryden Hunt, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Seth Helgeson are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Lance Bouma intercepted by Blake Comeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Blake Comeau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vladislav Kamenev, Aaron Palushaj, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Dryden Hunt. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Tyson Jost, Matt Martin, Lance Bouma are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Pass by Dryden Hunt intercepted by Vladislav Kamenev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Islanders zone by Vladislav Kamenev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vladislav Kamenev, Radim Zohorna, Blake Comeau are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Hronek, David Rundblad are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck retreived by Pavel Francouz. Pass to Matt Martin. Pass to Seth Helgeson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Anton Slepyshev, Brett Ritchie are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Radim Zohorna, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Grand Rapids Griffins. Puck is dumped in Grand Rapids Griffins zone by Seth Helgeson.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 1 for Bridgeport Islanders. Shots for this period are 7 for Grand Rapids Griffins vs 10 for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Greg McKegg, Dryden Hunt, Owen Tippett are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Scott Mayfield, Matt Irwin are on ice for Bridgeport Islanders.